Versions Compared


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Comment: Fix links.


2) Finalize updated Problem Statement (below)
    and also posted here: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/rACbAw6wCGBg

3) Continue review of example use cases: (below)
         19- Certification Authority (Geoff Noakes)
         02- Domain name maintenance - Transfer (Michele Neylon)
         03- Domain name maintenance - Deletions (Michele Neylon)
         04- Domain name maintenance - DNS Changes (Michele Neylon)
         05- Domain name maintenance - Renewal (Michele Neylon)
         20- Tech Issue Resolution Examples (Rob Golding)
        All posted here: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/JA6bAw8gCGBg
4) Confirm Next Meeting - Tuesday 30 August 16.00 UTC




AC Chat  


Dial out: Holly Raiche, Marika Konings


2) Finalize updated Problem Statement - to be posted here: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/rACbAw6wCGBg

  • The version to be discussed is RDS PDP WG Problem Statement - Clean 22 August - Ayden response to Chuck comments.pdf, posted at link above
  • Paragraph 1 - proposed edit is to go with language in redline from last week's call, proposed by drafting team
  • Paragraph 2 - proposed edit "The core problem will be to deal with the tension among the varied and competing views..." to eliminate redundant phrase and reframe how tension is to be handled. Alt verbs: resolve/manage/accommodate/mitigate or address, consider, recognize, deal with
  • Paragraph 2 - in sentence re: laws, replace "accounting for" with "respecting"
  • Paragraph 3 - concerns have been raised by addition of phrase "claim to" - as more WG members indicated they were opposed than in favor of this addition, it will be dropped from proposed edits.
  • Paragraph 3 - concerns raised about edit that replaces "registrants" with "parties be they registrants or other entities" - WG members expressed support for retaining registrants as a party with vested interest. Also noted that not all registrants desire anonymity/pseudonymity (e.g., some businesses). Should the sentence be split to acknowledge that registrant have an interest, separately from desire of some for anonymity. Or should discussion of anonymity be removed from the problem statement and debated in the PDP itself? Proposal to delete the sentence that begins "For example" and leave that example as well as many others possible requirement for WG deliberation? The WG chair breaks the tie by deleting the sentence that begins "For example"
  • Paragraph 3 - proposed edit to delete final sentence received both support and opposition on the call. The WG chair proposes deleting the final sentence as well.


19- Certification Authority (Geoff Noakes)

  • Posted at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/JA6bAw8gCGBg
  • Comments and Questions:
  • Is the main focus OV certs? No - DV cert validation can use highly-automated processes but most CAs do more to make sure it is really a legit person at the named organization (e.g., bank) that requested the cert.
  • Do some CAs bypass WHOIS when validating DV certs? (For example, demonstrating domain control) Yes some do, but others use WHOIS even for DV certs - and it is a requirement for OV certs. For example, domain name may be registered with stolen credit card and so registrant can demonstrate domain control, but still may be denied a DV cert by a CA that does more validation
  • About 200 CAs in the trust stores of most browsers now, level of validation does vary
  • Observation - this is a standard business practice, some comments suggest it should be done another way, but must also recognize that the impact of doing away with this as a legitimate use would have widespread impact - important for WG to understand how and why registration is being used in order to recommend RDS policy

20- Tech Issue Resolution Examples (Rob Golding)

02- Domain name maintenance - Transfer (Michele Neylon)

  • Posted at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/JA6bAw8gCGBg
  • Comments and Questions:
  • Note that primary actor could be Registrant -or- somebody acting for them
  • This use case is the result of extensive GNSO policy development and approved consensus policy around how to transfer domain names
  • Common issues are domain being locked, EPP key is invalid, or the domain is not 60 days old
  • Is there a difference when there is a proxy registration? Not really, as long as the email address is functional
  • Additional policy language that should also be taken into consideration: new consensus policy on inter-registrar transfer has dependency on WHOIS data - see summary of that doc provided by Greg Aaron
  • Note that EPP/auth code should NOT be published in the RDS  

03- Domain name maintenance - Deletions (Michele Neylon)

  • Posted at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/JA6bAw8gCGBg
  • Comments and Questions: none
  • Note: Greg Aaron will send a note up to the list regarding the transfer and deletion use cases.  The use cases do not mention a lot of relevant material from Consensus Policies, and so the use cases seem incomplete or miss a lot of scope.  Greg's note will reference the material. 

04- Domain name maintenance - DNS Changes (Michele Neylon)

  • Posted at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/JA6bAw8gCGBg
  • Comments and Questions:
  • Actually covers updating domain's nameservers (not DNS)
  • Note that registrars have requirements in their agreements with ICANN that require them to respond within certain time frames (compliance consideration)

05- Domain name maintenance - Renewal (Michele Neylon)
