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2023-08-10 AFRALO General Assembly Organizing COmmittee call 

  •  @Silvia Vivanco to update OC on status of Action Items next week via email.
  •  Draft rapporteur reports: OC to review/finalise especially when not written in native language (check the English). Once completed, staff (?) to transfer Google doc into PDF.
  •  Draft AFRALO GA Report: OC to provide final input/edits by Monday 14 August.
  •  @Silvia Vivanco@Heidi Ullrich to contribute to the report by Monday 14 August


  •  @Seun Ojedeji to update survey with an additional field: Participation: in person or remote
  •  Once approved, survey to be sent to AF GA mailing list for onsite participants
  •  @At-Large Staff to collect list of remote participants from zoom to complete survey
    • Survey completion day TBC (5 working days?)
  •  @Gisella Gruber to provide the French translation of the survey

*Note* - survey only to be sent once cleared by legal.

No further calls required at this stage.

2023-08-03 AFRALO General Assembly Organizing Committee Call

  •  Members of the AFRALO GA OC to review and comment on the draft AFRALO GA Summary Report. 
  •  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong , the AFRALO Secretary, to finalize the AFRALO GA Summary Report by 14 August.
  •   Bram Fudzulani to incorporate the At-Large Campaign in the AFRALO FY24 Outreach and Engagement Plan
  •  Heidi Ullrich to update the notes on the At-Large Campaign in the AFRALO GA notes.
  •  seun.ojedeji  to reach out to dave.kissoondoyal re status of AFRNIC statement and to confirm he has followed up with Afrinic staff. 
  •  Heidi Ullrich to send the AFRINIC statement to Legal asking for an expedited response. 
  •  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to reach out to the Rapporteurs to complete their reports. 
  •  Feedback: 
    • Organization was of high standard
    • Stipends to be received prior to departure for the GA. 
    • Request GA participants to be able to stay for the entire ICANN meeting or other event if future GAs are held in conjunction with another meeting. 
    • Extend GA to three days
    • To allow more members to showcase their activities and to lead sessions.
  •  remmy.nweke to include issue of translation of newsletter on next newsletter meeting. 
  •  seun.ojedeji to create a post GA survey form by 8 August and share with the OC. 
  •  Claudia Ruiz to schedule an AFRALO GA OC Debrief call next Thursday, 10 August at 18:00 UTC to review reports, etc. 




  •   seun.ojedeji noted that any last travelers need to be completed tomorrow. 
  •  seun.ojedeji noted that all members of the AFRALO GA OC members, ALAC members and the NomCom Delegates should get travel slots if they are not current ALS representatives.
  •  seun.ojedeji, aziz.hilali and bukola.fawole and raymondselorm.mamattah are the members of the AFRALO GA Program Committee. aziz.hilali will be the lead of the Program Committee. 
  •  The AFRALO GA OC to determine if other GA committees are required. 
  •  Claudia Ruiz to submit the final travel list to Travel Support on Friday, 31 March. 
  •  Claudia Ruiz to note OC members early arrival (arrival early on the 23rd of July) and later departures (departure on 27 July)
  •  Heidi Ullrich to send the final AFRALO GA travel list and the Action Items to the AFRALO GA members. 
  •  Claudia Ruiz to create a mailing list for the AFRALO GA Travelers with the suggested name of "AFRALOGA2023". Claudia Ruiz to confirm name of the mailing list on the AFRALO GA Skype chat.
  •  Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next AFRALO GA call on 13 April at 18:00 UTC.


  •  Michelle DeSmyter to set up the next call for Thursday, 02 March 18:00 UTC with FR interpretation
  •  seun.ojedeji and all members of the OC to review the survey and made edits directly into it adding FR version
  •   seun.ojedeji  and OC to focus the Agenda of the next call on finalizing and approving the survey. Target to send survey is March 10 to be open till March 20.
  •  seun.ojedeji and OC to determine what subcommittees are needed. 
  •  seun.ojedeji and all to continue working on the theme and objectives of the GA.

2023-02-15 AFRALO GA Organizing Committee Call