Objective and Scope of Work
During the meeting in Los Angeles in January 2017, several agreements were made about the governance of LACRALO. At that meeting it was proposed to revitalize the governance working group to address these issues. This working group would have as an objective, the preparation of legal tools to modify and clarify the existing ones to enable the functioning of LACRALO.For the reasons above this WG will have as a primary objective the study of the current rules and the preparation of a proposal of Operative Principles, Procedural Rules from these Operating Principles, to generate a document that will allow us to optimize the metrics of participation as well as documents to help the good performance and optimization of our work within LACRALO (example: way of presenting proposals and other necessary instruments that help the dynamics of group and individual work
Mail list: lacralo-governance@icann.org
Next Meeting: 02 March 24 April 2018
Last Meeting: 22 February 17 April 2018
Previous Calls 2017
Council of Elders/Consejo de Ancianos
Working Group documents:
Nuevo! Documento de Metricas ES- posted 08 Feb 2018
Modificaciones Liderazgo LACRALO/ Modifications to the leadership of LACRALO
Documento de metricas presentado por Alberto Soto - 12/07/2017
Reorganized LACRALO Operating Principles
Members |
Sergio Salinas Porto |
Vanda Scartezini |
Aida Noblia |
Diego Acosta Bastidas |
Anahi Menendez |
Enmanuel Alcantara |
Antonio Medina Gomez |
Maritza Aguero |
Harold Arcos |
Delma Rodriguez |
Jose Francisco Arce |
Humberto Carrasco |
Dev Anand Teelucksingh |
Hamzah Haji |
Carlos Vera |
Cristian Casas |
José Luis Barzallo |
Humberto Arthos |
Alfredo Velazco |
Jacqueline Morris |
Bartlett Morgan |
Cartlon Samuels |
Niram Beharry |
Ricardo Holmquist |
Alejandro Pisanty |
Sylvia Herlein Leite |
Alberto Soto |
Jason Hynds |
Lance Hinds |
Carlos Dionisio Aguirre |
Reference : Gobernanza - Governance WG (2014)
Documents of Interest:
a) Principios Operativos - Operating Principles 2006
c) Borrador Principios Operativos 2015 - Draft Operating Principles 2015
d) Borrador Metricas 2015 - Draft Metrics 2015