SSAC Advisory on DNS "Search List" Processing (R-3A)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase | |||||||
| SSAC Advisory on DNS "Search List" Processing (R-3A) | SAC064 | Phase 3 | Evaluate & Consider
In the context of mitigating name collisions, ICANN should consider the following steps to address search list processing behavior.
a. Commission additional research studies to further understand the cause of invalid queries to the root zone and the significance of search list processing as a contributor to those queries.
Further implementation of this item is deferred as of 23 September 2019 pending external activity.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Closed | Phase Change | This Advice Item is now Closed |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | ICANN sent a letter ( to the SSAC regarding this Advice item. |
| Phase 3 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 3: Deferred |
| Phase 3 | Dependencies | ICANN org will take up further action once the NCAP's work on analyzing the causes of queries for non-existent TLDs to the root is complete. |
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | ICANN org will draft a preliminary evaluation in which a feasibility assessment is conducted and the item is brought before the Board for implementation consideration. The preliminary evaluation for the advice item will be completed by 8 December 2022. |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | SSAC confirmed the revised Understanding. |
| Phase 2 | Board Understanding | ICANN org understands that it should wait for the results of NCAP Study 2 before considering research to further understand the cause of invalid queries to the root zone and the significance of search list processing as a contributor to those queries. |
| Phase 2 | Phase Update | Updated Understanding sent to SSAC for review. |
Phase 2 | AP Feedback | While NCAP study 2 as currently designed does seek to understand “the cause of invalid queries to the root zone,” it does not explicitly call out the question of “the significance of search list processing as a contributor to those queries.” Nonetheless, given the proximity to name collisions, the NCAP Admin Committee will incorporate the question of “the significance of search list processing as a contributor to those queries” in the scope of study 2. | |
| Phase 2 | Phase Update | Clarifying question sent to the SSAC for review. |
| Phase 2 | Clarifying Question | Our understanding is that ICANN org should make the determination on whether or not to commission additional studies to further understand the cause of invalid queries to the root zone and the significance of search list processing as a contributor to those queries. The org believes that NCAP Study 2, which is researching the cause of name collisions, will accomplish the intent of R3A, and requests that SSAC either confirm its agreement with this statement or explain why it does not believe that R3A will be covered by NCAP Study 2 as currently designed. |
| Phase 2 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 2: Understand |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | SAC064 Recommendation 3 will be parsed into two separate Action Requests: Recommendation 3A and Recommendation 3B. |
| Phase 4 | AP Feedback | The SSAC would prefer this item remain open and in Phase 4 | Deferred throughout NCAP. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | OCTO ICANN org proposes closing this item because it will be addressed as part of NCAP, rather than leaving it lingering and deferred for a long period. |
30 | Phase 4 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 4: Deferred |
30 | Phase 4 | Phase UpdateDependencies | Notification: Further implementation of this item is deferred as of 23 September 2019 pending external activity. ICANN org will take up further action once the NCAP's work on analyzing the causes of queries for non-existent TLDs to the root is complete. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | Per September Board Status Update Meeting - Moved to "Phase 4 | Deferred" pending completion of NCAP work. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 4: Implement |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | The ICANN organization understands that SAC064 R-3 means that the SSAC recommends that in the context of mitigating name collisions, ICANN should consider the following steps to address search list processing behavior: a. ICANN should consider whether to commission additional studies to further understand the cause of invalid queries to the root zone and the significance of search list processing as a contributor to those queries. b. ICANN should communicate to system administrators that search list behaviors currently implemented in some operating systems will cause collision with names delegated as new gTLDs from the 2012 application round for the New gTLD Program. On 24 June 2017, the ICANN Board accepted this advice and directed the ICANN organization to implement per the ICANN organization's recommendation ( |
| Phase 3 | Board Update | Resolved (2017.06.24.19), the Board adopts the SSAC recommendations outlined in the document titled "Implementation Recommendations for SSAC Advice Documents SAC062, SAC063, SAC064, SAC065, SAC070, and SAC073 (08 June 2017) [PDF, 433 KB]", and directs the CEO to implement the advice as described in the document. SAC064 Recommendation 3a proposed solution: There are two parts to the advice and a separate recommendation is provided for addressing each: a) The issue of analyzing the causes of queries for non-existent TLDs to the root has been referred to the Office of the CTO (OCTO) Research team for further study and to determine the appropriate next steps with the suggested study. The Communications department and OCTO would need to work together to develop a plan. Costs associated with the technical portion of this plan would need to be developed by OCTO. Additional resources may be needed to facilitate this project. See full resolution at |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | ICANN received SSAC's approval of understanding and is in the process of evaluating the advice. Our understanding of SAC064 R-3 is that the SSAC recommends that in the context of mitigating name collisions, ICANN should consider the following steps to address search list processing behavior: a. ICANN should consider whether to commission additional studies to further understand the cause of invalid queries to the root zone and the significance of search list processing as a contributor to those queries. b. ICANN should communicate to system administrators that search list behaviors currently implemented in some operating systems will cause collision with names delegated as new gTLDs from the 2012 application round for the New gTLD Program. |
| Phase 3 | Phase Change | Now in Phase 3: Evaluate & Consider |
| Phase 2 | Board Update | Board consideration of the advice is still required. Status provided in 19 October 2016 letter from ICANN Board Chair to SSAC Chair ( There is outstanding work on this advice item, and it will be addressed through the BAR pilot process. |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | SSAC confirmed the understanding. |
| Phase 2 | Board Understanding | Our understanding of SAC064 R-3 is that the SSAC recommends that in the context of mitigating name collisions, ICANN should consider the following steps to address search list processing behavior: a. ICANN should consider whether to commission additional studies to further understand the cause of invalid queries to the root zone and the significance of search list processing as a contributor to those queries. b. ICANN should communicate to system administrators that search list behaviors currently implemented in some operating systems will cause collision with names delegated as new gTLDs from the 2012 application round for the New gTLD Program. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | SSAC published SAC064: SSAC Advisory on DNS "Search List" Processing: |