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  1. Review agenda/SOIs
  2. Status of Consensus Call for revised implementation charter for recommendation 22 (closed 30 March)
  3. Status of actions items re: implementation charter for recommendations 1, 2, & 3
  4. Discussion of the implementation charter for recommendations 7 & 12
  5. Discussion of the implementation charter for recommendations 20 and 21
  6. Next Meeting: 26 April 1300 UTC
  7. AOB

Action Items & Updates: GNSO Review Working Group Meeting on Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 13:00 UTC

Implementation Charter for Recommendations 1, 2, & 3:

  1. Staff will research metrics related to the fellowship program and see if these might be referenced in the charter and included as an appendix. Staff will also look into the fellowship program consultation currently underway and include a reference in the charter text. (ongoing)
  2. Staff will research whether there are metrics associated with the CROP program, for example an evaluation of the pilot. (See attached report for FY 2017 and at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/7YxEB2qDyBg, FY16: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/mgS4AwN1-2Bg, FY15:,  FY14: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/SqRYAwEZvyBg)
  3. Staff will ask support staff from SG/Cs if there are additional metrics on participation that can be referenced and add this information to the charter. (ongoing)
  4. Staff will draft the determination reference existing efforts to collect metrics, noting that resources are stretched, and recommending that the GNSO leverage any metrics that already exist or are being gathered. Staff will circulate by email in advance of the next meeting. (TBD pending metrics gathering, above.)
  5. Staff will investigate the best way for the WG to provide input on the fellowship program. Should the WG provide input directly into the fellowship program consultation?  (See attached GNSO Council comments in the consultation.)

Implementation Charter for Recommendations 7 & 12 (see attached revised WG determination language)

  1. In addressing recommendation 12, staff will revise text to focus the content of the recommendation itself, which addresses real-time transcription. Information about other services should be provided as context. (Done.)
  2. Staff will adjust text regarding demand-based approach to live translation on Working Group calls to provide greater flexibility – drawing on feedback from WG members. (Done.)
  3. Staff will seek to circulate a revised version of this charter to the mailing list prior to the next call, incorporating feedback from members received on the call and over email. (Done.)


Rec 7 & 12 Working Group Determination 10 April 2018.pdf, GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 22 08 March 2018.pdf, CROPP Summary Report-FY17 (final).pdf, GNSO Council Comment - Fellowship Program at ICANN Community Consultation Processs final version[1].pdf





Attendees: Jennifer Wolfe, Kris Seeburn, Rafik Dammak, Sara Bockey, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Lori Schulman, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts

Apologies: None

ICANN staff: Julie Hedlund, Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Berry Cobb, Terri Agnew, Andrea Glandon
