- Ariel Liang to proceed to order the promotional items which require order/booking and payment in advance. 1.
- 2. Silvia Vivanco to liase with Kelvin the number of students/performers in the troupe of Dikir Bakar and possibility to give away ICANN bags with some staff in it, including T-Shirts, some gifts (?), sweets
- 3. Silvia Vivanco to work on a ICANN certifcate of appreciation to hand to the students
- Gisella Gruber Gruber to send the catering budget details to Dot Asia. Having in mind we have DotAsia covering the whole catering, Gisella Gruber to move forward to order (Option 4) and work with DotAsia on financial documentation 4.
- Gisella Gruber to check with meeting staff on lanterns and dancers performance requirements (music, floor, dressing rooms, etc) 5.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr /Maureen, how much we need for this? if we know what we will do, let us know how much we need and start preparing. 6. Poster Tables -
7. holly.raiche to follow up with APNIC on possible contribution to the Showcase. As soon as we hear from APNIC and .AuDA about additional funding, we can start ordering the following items:
a) Lantern with APRALO logo for room decor - whenever Kelvin find out the final price
b) Traditional Design USB with APRALO Logo US$3.74/pax for 200 copies - total 748 USD (not sure if this includes the final price with shipping - Ariel, please, correct and check please, if it is 16 or 32 GB?)
- 8. Siranush Vardanyan to work with APRALO to review the needs for FY16 special requests
- Siranush Vardanyan to include FY16 as Agenda item for Singapore 9.
- 10. Maureen to investigate metrics for CROPP program