- On 27 May 2016 the ICANN Board adopted a set of new ICANN Bylaws, as revised on 26 May 2016, that aimed to reflect changes needed to implement the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal and such adoption is contingent on the proposed transition away of remaining United States Government oversight of ICANN.
- Per the motion adopted on 30 June 2016, the GNSO sought volunteers for a Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team to provide the GNSO Council with recommendations for any necessary updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures, or possibly the Bylaws as they relate to the GNSO, arising as a result of the revised ICANN Bylaws that were adopted in May 2016.
- In addition, the GNSO Council requested that the Drafting Team should determine what (if any) existing GNSO processes can be used to address any new or additional obligation, and if there are none, whether an existing process can be modified or if a new process needs to be created.
- Following the adoption by the GNSO Council of the revised GNSO Operating Procedures resulting from the Drafting Team’s recommendations, as well as the proposed modifications to the ICANN Bylaws adopted by the ICANN Board of Directors on 13 May 2018, staff sought guidance from the GNSO Council as to how to proceed with the next steps relating to proposed steps to be taken to ensure preparedness as well as facilitate the ability for the GNSO Council to act in relation to the new roles and responsibilities outlined in the post-transition Bylaws.
- At ICANN63 in October 2018 the GNSO Council agreed that a Call for Volunteers should be issued to reconstitute the Drafting Team to develop guidance and principles for the GNSO to complete a particular action(s) that fall within the GNSO’s existing processes and procedures, but where additional details and steps are deemed to be helpful, relating to participation of the GNSO within the Empowered Community.
- In January 2019, the Drafting Team was established to develop guidelines, including any recommendations for changes to GNSO Operating Procedures if applicable, that clarify additional details or steps related to a particular action to be completed by the GNSO that falls within its existing process or procedure. These guidelines are meant to help the GNSO effectively participate as a Decision Participant in the Empowered Community in accordance with the post-transition ICANN Bylaws.
- For consideration by the GNSO Council at its meetings on 24 October 2019 and 06 November 2019, the Drafting Team provided the following guidelines and motion templates to ensure preparedness as well as facilitate the ability for the GNSO Council to act in relation to the new roles and responsibilities outlined in the post-transition Bylaws:
Petition Process for Specific Actions & Rejection Action Community Forum
Nominating Committee Director Removal Process
SO/AC Director Removal Process
Board Recall Process
Independent Review Process (IRP) for Covered ICANN Actions & Community IRP
Section 18.12 Special IANA Function Reviews (IFRs) - Guideline for GNSO Internal Review Process
8. The guidelines and motion templates fall within the GNSO’s existing processes and procedures, and thus do not require any changes to the GNSO Operating Procedures or its Annexes.
- The GNSO Council adopts the guidelines and motion templates to ensure preparedness as well as facilitate the ability for the GNSO Council to act in relation to the new roles and responsibilities outlined in the post-transition ICANN Bylaws.
- The GNSO Council recognizes that as a consequence of the review by ICANN Legal, non-substantive technical updates or corrections may be provided for the guidelines and motion templates after adoption.
- The GNSO Council instructs ICANN staff to post the guidelines and motion templates on the GNSO’s website effective immediately upon adoption after the technical update has been completed.
- The GNSO Council requests that after an action of the GNSO as a Decisional Participant has been completed, the GNSO Council shall review the respective guidelines and motion templates relating to that action, or on an annual basis if no action is initiated for all guidelines and motions.