Sub-group Members: Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christopher Wilkinson, Erich Schweighofer, Kavouss Arasteh, Sebastien Bachollet, Steve DelBianco, Sivasubramanian MMuthusamy, Tom Dale. (10)
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Lars Hoffman, Tristana Webster, Yvette Guigneaux.
Apologies: Herb Waye, Seun Ojedeji, Olga Cavalli, Matthew Shears, Giovanni Seppia, Farzaneh Badii, David McAuley., Rosalía Morales
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
0. Call Administration (2- 5 min CLO)
1. Review of any AI's from call #11 on October 20th see https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/mJDDAw8wcIBg[community.icann.org] (5 min CLO)
2. Update on any Sub Team Activities since our last call (5 min SDB/FB)
(including relevant parts of chat):
1. Review of any AI's from call #11 on October 20th see https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/mJDDAw8wcIBg[community.icann.org] (5 min CLO)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Farzaneh Badi excuse. No one on audio only. Any changes to agenda (none and no other AOB).
2. Update on any Sub Team Activities since our last call (5 min SDB/FB)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Action items since last call. Call for volunteers for the two teams - methodology to review survey results. Giovani Sepia has accepted to participate. Also ask Thomas Rickert for volunteers from RSSAC and SSAC. Proposed approach should be reviewed at the mid-December meeting. Second recommendation is to move this group from a track 2 to a track 1 timeline. We will confirm this to the co-chairs on the plenary. Second drafting team to look at reframing of the existing report material and ongoing reporting - still looking for more volunteers.
Steve DelBianco: Repackaging of the progress report to the plenary in Hyderabad. Looks at how to present conclusions and recommendations. Any conclusions included are simply place holders which can be revised based on my expectations. (review of document).
Alan Greenberg: question on global public interest.
Kavous Arasteh: several issues are being discussed simultaneously. IRP applicable to SOAC?
Steve DelBianco: These words have been with us since the beginning. We cannot say what Applicable means until we get to the third track.
Kavous Arasteh: Concept of mutual accountability is only conceptual need to turn it into something practical.
Avri Doria: question about internal accoutability notion. How does this internal responsibility include outreach etc.
Steve DelBianco: We are waiting on each SOAC to answer the survey on this to see what is being done.
Avri Doria: If they are internally responsible how can they be held responsible for outreach?
Steve DelBianco: There are some questions on this. This will be highly specific to each SOAC.
Avri Doria: still a pending question regarding this type of accountability which would have to be more than just internal.
Sebastien Bachollet: We should balance the question of mutual accountability - we need to be accountable to our neighbors. We need to have this discussion. Internal vs External can be a complex issue for some SOACs.
Steve DelBianco: (discussion of ccNSO vs gNSO).
Avri Doria: the same linguistic problem that this group has with mutual accountability came up in staff accountability discussions. also felt that the word accountability was too
Kavous Arasteh: who is accountable to who and break down per SOAC. Hierarchy of accountability is important to understand.
Steve DelBianco: This is covered in the questions we have sent to the SOACs.
Kavous Arasteh: On Accountability roundtable need to consider recent email exchange. How do we implement this.
Steve DelBianco [CSG - GNSO]: Kavouss -- MAR is as-described by the email where our expert (Willie Currie) introduced the concept
Avri Doria: i favor a transparent process for MAR
Avri Doria: i think giving this up would be a loss
Christopher Wilkinson: (muffled audio) would be difficult to institutionalize/formalize this. Finally, we need to keep things simple. Overall agree with SDB.
Steve DelBianco [CSG - GNSO]: @Avri -- Sebastien seems to agree. I would encourage you two draft an alternative recommendation, please !
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: On MAR let us leave it as it is in the text now (SDB text recommending not to endorse implementation of MAR). Encourage people to join this drafting team and put in alternatives. Let us leave this as an open option until early in the new year. Separately is there a place for a separate document for implementing recommendations? Please think about this.
Steve DelBianco [CSG - GNSO]: regarding transparency, please note that one of our questions to each AC/SO is "Transparency mechanisms for your AC/SO deliberations, decisions, and elections"
Avri Doria: i think the recommendation should be bracketed.
Steve DelBianco [CSG - GNSO]: Avri -- in brackets, it says [preliminary recommendation]
3. CONTINUATION of Agenda from meeting #11
(folded into previous discussions)
4. Next Meeting and future Meeting schedule
- 17 November 1900
- 23 November 0500 (note this is a Wednesday meeting to allow for US thanksgiving)
- 1 December 1300 (back to Thursday meetings going forward)
- 8 December 1900
- 15 December 0500
- 22 December - no meeting
- 29 December - no meeting - no staff available
- 5 January - no meeting - difficult to get participants before the next Monday
- 12 January 1300
- 19 January 0500
- 26 January 1300
- 2 February 1900
- 9 February 0500
- 16 February 1300
- 23 February 1900
- 2 March 0500
- 9 March 1300
- 16 March 1900
- 23 March 0500
- 30 March 1300
5. AOB and recap of any AI's (5 min CLO)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No other business. Reminder that this group only has 12 meetings prior to ICANN 58 and there is much work to be done. Need participants to work on documents and positions.Adjourned.