Duties and Metrics Drafting Team
Tuesday 04 September 2012 at 2000 UTC
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Notes taken by Silvia
1.- Roll call by GG
AG: Repeat of the last call.
Rules of Procedure template in the Sand Box what we expect the ROP go look like. The Sand box is the place where we will do the frafting before moving to the template.
I will apologize to Eduardo as pen holder, did not give him the opportunity to edit them.
Review Notes of July 24th meeting
1.Link in the chat for the page.
First comment on Sandbox: These are items we have decided on.
Items in red: 1) Timing of selection of EXCOM members. We have previously decided that the Chair should be selected prior to the AGM.
We have not decided on timing on the rest of the members of EXCOM.
HR: Would it make sense to wait until the members of the ALAC are formally appointed?
AG: The new members should be elected. The belief is that the actual selection, if there is contention, the other 4 officers should be done by the incoming ALAC should be done by incoming meeting or afterwards. The circumstances will dictate what will be used. T
HR: The ROP should be done after, after the new ALAC.
CLO: Agrees. It is hugely important to give the opportunity to decision making at the end of ICANN meeting, ICANN general meeting.
What is important is to get ride off having formally, Regional people have to say we are here, we will support you.
ED: Are we going to leave 'contention" there?
AG: The selection process, just happens by acclamation. I agree we should not use the word contention.
As in our current rules, people nominated have to have a reasonable expectation to be on the ALAC.
At this point we specify that one or two EXCOM members should be define as Chair. In the past we had issues to get people to participate because of workload issues. We should embody the concept that JJ proposed.
Title " EXCOM". There has been a fair amount of criticism. the term "management" or leadership to replace Executive. Does anyone have any alternatives?
We can come up with a name acceptable.
Holly: I prefer leadership, rather than management.
CLO: Agrees.
I was able very careful to talk in terms of leadership team. My preference would be in team rather than group. I am assuming that we will also have expectations going to other ALAC members.
AG" It would be good to have the names previous ti the meeting. Do we close nominations prior to the meeting?
Decision: Leadership team: We have a new name: ALT.
Officer will be replaced by "Leadership Team Member".
CLO: Encourage the use of ALT member. We should get rid off the officer.
capitalized "Member" 15 of the ALAC, and lower case when we are referring to any other member.
AG: IF we look at the term Officer it is a defined term. If the term member is used alone is ALAC member but may be used in conjunction with Leadership team.
Holly: It does not matter if it is defined now. My only point is that would then be a member of the ALAC.
AG: The terms are different if they are modified.
We'll go back and fix our definitions.
Officer needs to be defined.
Review of the last meeting
1) 16th August meeting
Definition: We had a very significant and productive discussion on what it meant to have a leadership role. What I put here. There are already works in place what have defined.
ALAC members: Leadership members who would want to represent "users"/or "interest of users" or need of the users. Should we use one expression or the other.
CLO: Interest of the users.
AG: Welcome further elaboration of the role.
Work Group: Ay of the various types of communal activities. When we talk about participation, we do not want to restrict it to one term or another.
Officers and Appointees: We need to go back and look at the SOI.
Productive discussion on ALAC Members: The same comment, we need to elaborate more on the Leadership role. If we have some suggestions we can discuss it in the next meeting.
AG: In general the ALAC selects what titles it uses the GNSO has a very formal process. Implicitly takes months to have a group working because of the process.
The ALAC Charters all these groups. The GNSO council is not GNSO. The ALAC is the ALAC.
The ALAC itself may need a set of "smart terms" to use, so we do not have so many terms.
The GNSO Council is equivalent to the ALAC. There are far in excess rules in the GNSO.
We have requirements for RALOs to bring things to the ALAC.
AG: Back to original document.
The document is a pdf.
AG: Whether the Chair should be serving 2 years before being a Chair. Only exception is that if its limited by the Ralo, infrequent situation.
Personal feeling: Challenging position in terms of time.
CLO: This came up out of the ALAC review. It is a hugely important role but we should ensure that the requirements able to attend meetings 7 -9 hrs straight in a day for ALAC for time to time, should be understood.
AG: Not a role of a person who has not explicitly work of employer, no person gainfully employed on another post can put the amount of time. required.
Sergio: Would like to say that he agrees on what to expect from ALAC Chairs. We should not be placing something discriminatory. For example, amount of hours Chair should work.
AG: History shows this is what Chair ends up spending. This is a reasonable expectation. And it narrows the number of people.
Obligations: Applies to all officers and appointees.
1) They shall accept....
Holly: I have read similar words throughout. We should say once what we do and forget it.
What is that officers do that is different from the core function of someone who is member of ALAC.
HR: Maybe we need to capture that, let's be clear on what is different.
CLO: If you are an ALAC member, you should be able to say your ALAC View, Personal View, and Regional View. But, when you are acting on behalf of the ALAC, you must keep this in mind
AG: We have appointed people to a senior body and have not been represented.
AG: Holly's intervention, the end implication is that there are some thing said in the officers and appointees section, which will be added into the section on the ALAC. We have an obligation to present the views of the ALAC and not our own. We have had representative who have put their own views forward and above the ALAC. We will need to refine the words, but these sections are there for reason.
HR: I am not sure how to word it but there will be situations where we will need the words "where possible" but I think we need to have some wiggle room. There will be issues where we need to use common sense.
CLO: I just wanted to make sure that we could start the use of a gender neutral term.
CLO: I apologize by Holly and I have had this conference