Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Technology Task Force Call on Monday, 07 August 2017 at 15:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Hi all
Glenn McKnight:muted
Glenn McKnight:Happy haoliday Gordon
Gordon Chillcott:You too, Glenn.
Glenn McKnight:thanks
judith Hellerstein:Hi All
Gordon Chillcott:It's a "bank holiday".
Gordon Chillcott:It has different names, depending on where in Canada you are.
Ricardo Holmquist:Good day everyone
Sarah Kiden:Hi everyone
Glenn McKnight:Can we post the actual proposal to the chat on the Policy Tracking proposal as submitted to the FBSC
Glenn McKnight:It ties back to the ATLAS 2 recommendations
Glenn McKnight:its the second item in the agenda
Ricardo Holmquist:
Ricardo Holmquist:this one
Heidi Ullrich:Hi, All. Welcome!
Ricardo Holmquist:page 7 of the presentation is the link for the full proposal
Glenn McKnight:This idea goes back to the ATLAS 2 recommendations
Mahdi Taghizadeh:Hi everybody!
Alfredo Calderron:Hello to all!
Glenn McKnight:@alfredo do you use RawShorts for short presentations?
Glenn McKnight:We need to provide to the newbies why this was this a relevant proposal
Glenn McKnight:history etc
Glenn McKnight:muted again
Glenn McKnight:yes Laura
Glenn McKnight:She was to connect to us for feedback
Heidi Ullrich:@All, this work is also connected to a FY18 Additional Budget Request that was approved as within the core budget. Laura is the staff lead. See: Improve the tracking of ALAC’s Advice to the ICANN Board and ALAC Responses to ICANN Public Comments
judith Hellerstein:yes. WE mentioned that before you joined the call. Here is the link,
judith Hellerstein:Glenn you are next
Sarah Kiden:There's an echo from Glenn's line
judith Hellerstein:Glenn you are echooing
Mahdi Taghizadeh:Echo from you too.
Mahdi Taghizadeh:This is a pgeneral roblem.
Mahdi Taghizadeh:*general
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Im in the office and now on Adobe Connect
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:hello all
Mahdi Taghizadeh:Hey Dev!
judith Hellerstein:Glenn can you make sure your phone is muted as well
Sarah Kiden:Hi Dev
Yesim Nazlar:Please mute your mic when not speaking
Glenn McKnight:off speakers and mic
Glenn McKnight:on Adigo
judith Hellerstein:what about your computer
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:the ehco is on the phone bridge as no adobe connect mics appear to be live
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:indeed
Mahdi Taghizadeh:I'm on Listen Only mode.
Glenn McKnight:i still hear a echo
Alfredo Calderron:Sorry, hard to follow with headsets.
judith Hellerstein:yes I do too
Sarah Kiden:Very hard to follow
Yesim Nazlar:we've muted everyone on the phone bridge but there is still an echo - PLEASE MUTE YOUR MICS
Mahdi Taghizadeh:I hear an echo and a background noise too.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:hmm unless its coming from Laura
Ricardo Holmquist:me too
Yesim Nazlar:Laura is ony on phone bridge
judith Hellerstein:Dev you are next
judith Hellerstein:if you are listening in on the phone than turn off the speakers on the computer
Mahdi Taghizadeh:We have no echo from Dev!
judith Hellerstein:Finally no echo
Yesim Nazlar:please mute your speakers and your mics!
judith Hellerstein:Olivier you are next
Glenn McKnight:Excellent points Dev
Glenn McKnight:this is fantastic stuff
Glenn McKnight:You can tell that Dev is an engineer:)
Glenn McKnight:We need an informatic graphic on this process
judith Hellerstein:confluence is really bad with mobile users
Mahdi Taghizadeh:Yes
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes we hear you olivier
judith Hellerstein:Dev you are next
Laura Bengford:One thing that will be important is to find a common taxonomy across the AC/SO's. We have At-Large and GAC websites using a normalized taxonomy roughly based on the topics that public comment uses. Maybe this is something we can start working on while the other pieces are progressing?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:That would be welcome, Chris re: followup call
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Laura - indeed re: common taxonomy - and look to common taxonomy with other AC/SOs which is doable
Glenn McKnight:Its natural that each community has it's own process
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:
Laura Bengford:That is what we are looking to automating in the next months
Yesim Nazlar:@All: Please state your names before speaking
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Indeed, re: less of staff taking time to "cut and paste
Chris Gift:Agreed
Glenn McKnight:The document management was another ATLAS 2 recommendation
Glenn McKnight:you need scope of project to the MANAGEMENT System or it becomes pretty broad
Glenn McKnight:we tried to discuss this a few times with staff
Chris Gift:@glenn, yes very much agreed. It can get out of hand quickly
judith Hellerstein:Yes I agree. tohave a more regular tracking of this issue
Glenn McKnight:We need to start modest first and add modules
Chris Gift:@Dev Liane Champagne is the product mgr responsible for the Action Request Registry
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:thanks for the explanation Chris
Glenn McKnight:Is she the librarian we were promised?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:librarian / Chief Knowledge Officer. We have one now, don't we?
Glenn McKnight:what is their deliverable?
judith Hellerstein:I am not sure we ever got one?
Glenn McKnight:Dev the Stakeholder tool reports over 1000 fellows vs the less than 600 in the Felllows survey. Huge difference. Only 198 identified as ATLARGE in the survey responses despite 50% of self identified as part of the community
judith Hellerstein:At Large is also guilty of this as well
Chris Gift:We did hire a librarian and he helped with taxonomy among other things.
Chris Gift:Unfortunately, he resigned last December. He got a better offer and moved over NATO.
Glenn McKnight:who is this person, job description etc
Chris Gift:We have not back filled the position
Glenn McKnight:ok
Chris Gift:as we're waiting to understand what is going to happen with the document management system/proejct
judith Hellerstein:That will be great
Glenn McKnight:yes i remember
Lutz Donnerhacke:Many thanks to the interpreters, even if there seems nobody to listen to ... this time.
Laura Bengford:Thank you everyone!
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Mahdi Taghizadeh:Thank you.
Glenn McKnight:bye all
Ricardo Holmquist:good day everyone
Gordon Chillcott:Thanks and bye for now.
Mahdi Taghizadeh:bye
Sarah Kiden:Thank you
Sarah Kiden:Bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:thanks everyone - take care all