Terri Agnew: (8/8/2016 09:15) Welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce Call held on Monday, 08 August 2016 at 15:00 UTC
Terri Agnew: (09:15) agenda wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/9TnvBQ
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (09:43) Hello Terri
judith hellerstein: (09:57) HI All
Alfredo Calderon: (09:57) Hello to all from Puerto Rico.
Raitme Citterio: (09:58) hi @dev
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (09:58) Here's a Adobe Connect iOS guide : http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/products/adobeconnect/pdfs/mobile/acm20-gs-participants-smartphone.pdf
Raitme Citterio: (09:58) hi @alfredo
Raitme Citterio: (09:59) hello all
Glenn McKnight: (09:59) Here is pics and video of the Solar Shed for powering up the Mesh Technology
Alfredo Calderon: (09:59) Saludos a los que están en el canal en español.
Glenn McKnight: (10:00) muting my mic
Raitme Citterio: (10:00) yes
Glenn McKnight: (10:00) Nice to know that we have Spanish on our group
Glenn McKnight: (10:01) @Terry now say it in Spanish
Glenn McKnight: (10:02) We have Judith and Mark Urban on the call who have been big advocates on Accessibility issues Mark is the Chair of ISOC Special Needs
judith hellerstein: (10:02) Glad to see that we have 4 people on the spanish channel and a bunch of new people on this call
Raitme Citterio: (10:03) thanks @judith
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (10:03) This is really great
Terri Agnew: (10:03) Action Items ICANN 56: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/9qjxBQ
Ariel Liang: (10:03) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/9qjxBQ ICANN56 AIs
Ariel Liang: (10:04) website metrics is on the wiki of the At-Large website revamp taskforce: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/PzrvBQ
Ariel Liang: (10:04) *are
Terri Agnew: (10:06) Welcome Sebastien Bachollet
Sebastien: (10:06) Thanks Terri
Terri Agnew: (10:07) Welcome Carlton Samuels
Terri Agnew: (10:08) Consolidated Action items: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/06HxBQ
Carlton Samuels: (10:08) Howdy all. Hi Terri
judith hellerstein: (10:11) Did I miss the feedback relating to remote participation
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:12) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99665016/At-Large+Technology+Taskforce+Working+Group
judith hellerstein: (10:13) Can we improve on the mission and goals of the TTF so people can see that we are not only about technical issues, but also Technology issues
judith hellerstein: (10:15) Exactly but they get turned off by the technical details
Glenn McKnight: (10:17) yes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:17) I though it was looking essentially at technology issues. It is not a technical task force. There is a Technical Issues WG for this
Terri Agnew: (10:18) At-Large Technology Issues page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Dy-wBQ
Carlton Samuels: (10:19) @OCL: All in the word. Its like the VC at my university. Soon as the word 'technology' appears in print, it is sent to my office!
Glenn McKnight: (10:20) Hurray
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:20) LACRALO mailing list issues : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LACRALO/pages/109744694/discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues
Mark Urban (ISOC DSN) 2: (10:20) Maybe we need to reconsider the name: a more descriptive name such as "Collaboration tools and technologies taskforce"?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:22) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LACRALO/pages/109744694/discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues
Carlton Samuels: (10:22) @OCL: A sucker for punishment you are sah!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:23) Subject line: [lac-discuss-es] RES: Alerta de Noticias de la ICANN - Aviso de Prórroga del período que abarca la ICANN: ICANN FY13 Proyecto de Plan Operativo y Presupuesto
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:23) [lac-discuss-en] =? Utf-8? Q? RES = 3A_Alerta_de_Noticias_de_la_ICANN_? == Utf-8? Q?-_Aviso_de_Pr = C3 = C3 = ADodo_que_abarca_la_ B3rroga_del_per =? == Utf-8? Q? ICANN 3A_ICANN_FY13_Proyecto_de_Plan_Operativo_y_Presupu =? == utf-8? q? this? =
Carlton Samuels: (10:23) Cut an paste...ok
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:23) [lac-discuss-es] =? Iso-8859-1? Q? Invitación = F3n_a_la_reuni = F3n_/_LAC? == Iso-8859-1? Q? RALO_Costa_Rica_Eventos_rueda_de_prensa_Grupo_de_Tr? == Iso-8859-1? Q? Abajo_el_martes_06_de_marzo_2012_a_las_20 = 3A00_UTC? =
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:24) Subject line: [lac-discuss-en] =? Iso-8859-1? Q? = 3D = 3F_Iso-8859-1 = 3F_Q = 3F_Invitac? == Iso-8859-1? Q? I = F3n_ = 3D_F3n = 5FA = 5Fla = 5Freuni_ = 3D_F3n = 5F / = 5FLAC = 3F? == iso-8859-1? q? _ = 3D = 3D_Iso-8859-1 = 3F_Q = 3F_RALO = 5FCosta = 5FRica = 5FEv? == iso-8859-1? q ? ents = 5Frueda = 5Fde = 5Fprensa = 5FGrupo = 5Fde = 5FTr = 3F_? == iso-8859-1? q? = 3D = 3D_Iso-8859-1 = 3F_Q = 3F_Abajo = 5Fel 5Fmartes = 5F06 =? == iso-8859-1? q? = 5Fde = 5Fmarzo = 5F2012 = 5FA = 5Flas = 5F20_ = 3D_3A00 = 5FUTC? == iso-8859-1? q? = 3F_ = 3D? =
Carlton Samuels: (10:24) I can tell you Caribbean folks simply DO NOT even bother to open these
Carlton Samuels: (10:26) @Glenn +1
Carlton Samuels: (10:26) Beyond the call of duty!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:27) eXo : https://www.exoplatform.com/
Glenn McKnight: (10:27) Welcome Stuart Clarke
Carlton Samuels: (10:29) @OCL: Ah yes, I did see something on that Adoble/Flash issue
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:29) We can add the adobe Connect issues to the Technology Issues
Ariel Liang: (10:29) captioning pod cannot be seen via tablet
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:29) @Ariel - that too yes
Ariel Liang: (10:30) :)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:30) yes -- so we need to track all of this. Thanks Judith.
Errikos: (10:30) No LInux for sharing screen support :(
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:31) Judith went dark..everything went dark.
judith hellerstein: (10:31) This will be all changed when ICANN implements the new version of adobe connect in september/october
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:31) Had to restart.....a recurrent situation for me
Mark Urban (ISOC DSN) 2: (10:32) @Ariel +1 on that issue. we should consider getting an Adobe rep to brief us on the improvements that a hosted env will give us, and what updates are in the works. The challenge is that the "adobe hosted" solution is often well-documented, but the "non-adobe hosted" solution is less well-documented.
Terri Agnew: (10:32) @Carlton, I am sending you an email to AC plug in updates. lets see if that helps
Glenn McKnight: (10:32) Good idea Mark U
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:33) @Judith: "this will all be changed" is the promise. :-) I'll believe it when I see it hence we need to list the problems and in a future TTF call in October we'll be able to go through that list and tick the "fixed" boxes.... hopefully
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:33) @Terri: Many thanks. Much obliged
judith hellerstein: (10:33) Possibly we could get Josh and the adobe rep
Ariel Liang: (10:33) @Mark - good point re inviting Adobe rep. We will consult with Josh (ICANN IT) on that and probably do a collaborative presentation, etc.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:34) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/als2/pages/99321936/ATLAS+II+Recommendation+31
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:35) General Statement: I cannot emphasize furhter the work of this TF. Without good technology support the At-Large effor will die on the vine. Kudos to Dev, Judith, Glenn and OCLE especially for keeping time with these matters.
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:35) Yes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:35) excellent
Glenn McKnight: (10:35) works
Glenn McKnight: (10:36) link
Raitme Citterio: (10:36) @dev i join to testing eXo
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:37) Everybody went dark TWICE in 10 mins
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:38) Thanks Raitme,
Glenn McKnight: (10:38) its fine
Raitme Citterio: (10:38) thanks @dev @ariel
Glenn McKnight: (10:38) Need a link and a link to a presentation
Glenn McKnight: (10:38) neat
Ariel Liang: (10:38) thanks for volunteering Raitme!
Carlton Samuels: (10:38) Had to restart 5X!
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:40) 6x~
Glenn McKnight: (10:40) @Olivier which ATLAS 2 recommendation does this tool apply to?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:40) @Carlton - are you using Chrome? Maybe you should...
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:40) Rec 31
Glenn McKnight: (10:40) I thought so
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:40) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/als2/pages/99321936/ATLAS+II+Recommendation+31
Glenn McKnight: (10:40) thanks
Glenn McKnight: (10:40) how much does this cost
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:40) @Dev: Yes, Chrome.
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:41) I enabled the add=on
Raitme Citterio: (10:41) @dev Kialo this interesting plataform to sharing comments
Glenn McKnight: (10:41) neat stuff
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:42) Question: Is the interface user-definable?
judith hellerstein: (10:43) if you were using firefox, I would say file a bug report as they do ge tlooked at
Glenn McKnight: (10:45) Finsihed reading an article on Children and long flights and the comment section is very interesting pitting parents vs non parents and i could see this tool being handy for newsaper polling and weighting the arguements
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:46) @OCL: All your questions drop out from the requirement for a user-definable interface.
Glenn McKnight: (10:51) @perhaps we should do a dry run in advance of these calls on the use of adobe for sound and use of the controls
Glenn McKnight: (10:52) I signed up but no response
judith hellerstein: (10:52) I have a hard stop in 8 mintues at 12 noon eastern
Carlton Samuels 2: (10:53) Can a user (group) decide how the menus are arranged, what items are on the menus etc.
Sebastien: (10:54) Any link between http://www.kialo.net/ and https://www.kialo.com/?
Glenn McKnight: (10:54) Can't find much details on the website
Glenn McKnight: (10:55) |It would be helpful to have a description and links to a summary on this product prior to a presentation which could cover many of the questiosn
Ariel Liang: (10:57) Thanks Errikos! It seems that Kialo is good for a group to form an initial position on some broader issue than wordsmithing, editing documents, etc.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:59) @Dev -- you said "Mark" -- but there are two Marks on the call (Urban & Segall) so please specify for the transcript
judith hellerstein: (10:59) yes and Mark is new to the TTF so he forgot to say this is mark urban for the transcript record
Raitme Citterio: (11:00) I have to retire, I'll be awaiting the conclusions via list.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (11:00) maybe the question/issue can be phrased like "Should At-Large say something on issue X out for public comment" and then persons says yes or no - but agree with Ariel - this is great for fleshing out principles
Raitme Citterio: (11:00) good bye
judith hellerstein: (11:00) sorry I got to go
Raitme Citterio: (11:01) thanks @all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (11:01) not for wordsmithing a statement
Mark Segall: (11:01) Sorry I have to go as well as I have another meeting to attend. Thank you all
Corinna Ace: (11:02) Sorry all, I need to drop off as well for another meeting. Thank you!
Mark Urban (ISOC DSN) 2: (11:02) Thanks, all Just wanted to comment. its still a tool worth consideration!
Errikos: (11:02) Thanks everyone :)
Errikos: (11:03) NO worries always looking for feedback :)
Carlton Samuels 2: (11:03) Thanks all
Errikos: (11:03) BYe bye
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:03) thanks!
Gordon Chillcott: (11:03) Thanks, bye for now.
Ariel Liang: (11:03) thanks all for attending, and thanks Errikos for the demo!