Terri Agnew: (4/13/2016 13:54) Dear all, welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce meeting on 18 April 2016 at 15:00 UTC
Terri Agnew: (13:54) meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MzbvBQ
judith Hellerstein: (4/18/2016 09:59) Hi All. Thanks to Glenn I got the time correct as I had not realized that the meeting time had shifted from 10-11
Glenn McKnight: (09:59) I can tell time Judith
Alfredo Calderon: (09:59) Hi to all!
Glenn McKnight: (09:59) I just was going to ping you
judith Hellerstein: (09:59) I am so used to having the time at 10 am I did not even lookto see it changed
judith Hellerstein: (10:01) Glenn if you are typing remember to mute your speakers
judith Hellerstein: (10:02) so we do not hear your typing
Glenn McKnight: (10:02) muted
Glenn McKnight: (10:02) Love it
Glenn McKnight: (10:02) only in English?
judith Hellerstein: (10:03) yes of course since we do not ahve funding for any other language
Terri Agnew: (10:03) Action items: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/06HxBQ
Alfredo Calderon: (10:03) sribe and web links not supported on iOS!
judith Hellerstein: (10:05) Yes Gunela also wanted to come but because of time zone issues she is unable
judith Hellerstein: (10:05) At the SSIG, I did a big outreach to the LACRALO group
Glenn McKnight: (10:05) Yes Gunela is great but timezones are a big problem
judith Hellerstein: (10:05) yes the other groups do not know they can join
Glenn McKnight: (10:06) NCUC extpressed intreres
Glenn McKnight: (10:06) expressed interest
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:06) thanks for the feedback, Alfredo - wonder if the Android Adobe coneect app shows the scribe pod
Glenn McKnight: (10:06) Our name might need to change from ATLARGE TTF
Glenn McKnight: (10:07) good point
Glenn McKnight: (10:09) Its not our issue it is Social Media
Ariel Liang: (10:09) Rec21: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/als2/pages/99321883/ATLAS+II+Recommendation+21 - but it has been discarded
Glenn McKnight: (10:10) 2015!
Glenn McKnight: (10:10) We use it for ISOC
Glenn McKnight: (10:10) its good
Glenn McKnight: (10:12) The SSIG had a hub from Barbados, no video and the questions were transferred by an attendee
Glenn McKnight: (10:12) Joly and Murray has done a hub
Glenn McKnight: (10:12) i haven't done one
Glenn McKnight: (10:12) yes
Glenn McKnight: (10:12) i have not did one
judith Hellerstein: (10:13) Great Idea
judith Hellerstein: (10:13) Joly is travelling today so that is why he could not come on the call
judith Hellerstein: (10:13) Yes Meet Echo is what the IETF uses
judith Hellerstein: (10:14) they recommend it highly
Terri Agnew: (10:14) At-Large Technology Issue: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Dy-wBQ
Glenn McKnight: (10:15) Is these issues ticketed?
Alfredo Calderon: (10:16) Therefore, when we look at other webconferencing solutions this must be a primary feature.
Terri Agnew: (10:19) Welcome Alan Greenberg
Alan Greenberg: (10:19) Not on audio, but wanted to take a look at captioning.
Glenn McKnight: (10:20) muted
Glenn McKnight: (10:22) ICANN has a ticketing system
Glenn McKnight: (10:24) PLEASE add it as an action item
Alan Greenberg: (10:27) I came in part way through the discussion on multiple languages. Is the AI on handling OTHER languages (which I thought was possible) or handling multiple languages?
Glenn McKnight: (10:28) We have seen this Adobe Maintenance when we travel
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:29) Accordiing to http://blogs.adobe.com/adobeconnect/2015/09/introducing-adobe-connect-9-5.html, "....you’ll be able to locally convert your Adobe Connect recordings (including recordings made prior to the 9.5 upgrade) to MP4 files. The workflow is similar to the offline FLV conversion that you may be familiar with, with one important exception. The new MP4 conversion process enables you to control the quality and size of the the output, choosing the best balance for your needs. The recording settings dialog features four helpful presets to set the quality from Mobile to Full HD. If you’re comfortable with video settings, you can turn on the ‘Advanced Options’ checkbox to manually set the resolution, bandwidth profile, quality, frames per second, and MP4 profile that will be used during the conversion process."
Terri Agnew: (10:29) Welcome Kolubahzizi Howard
judith Hellerstein: (10:29) Welcome Zizi
judith Hellerstein: (10:30) We now have people from almost all regions, just missing apralo
kolubahzizi@yahoo.com: (10:30) Thank you for the welcome Terri and Judith.
Ariel Liang: (10:31) @Alan - I believe the issue is to handle multiple languages in AC
Alfredo Calderon: (10:31) Welcome Kolubahzizi, from Puerto Rico.
judith Hellerstein: (10:32) @alan it is the idea that we can only have one audio channel in each adobe room
Ariel Liang: (10:32) LACRALO mailing List wiki workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LACRALO/pages/109744694/discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues
Terri Agnew: (10:32) LACRALO mailing list issues: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NpKKBg
judith Hellerstein: (10:33) That is why the other langauges have to be on hte phone via adigo
judith Hellerstein: (10:33) So the AI is to research and see how the UN and other similar groups do this.
judith Hellerstein: (10:34) Do they just use extra rooms and extra staff very difficult and time consuming
judith Hellerstein: (10:34) Hope that explains it to you
Glenn McKnight: (10:34) Segal
Alan Greenberg: (10:39) Need to drop off for another call.
judith Hellerstein: (10:39) OK hope I answered your question
Alfredo Calderon: (10:39) I use TitanPad
Terri Agnew: (10:39) Thank you for joining Alan
judith Hellerstein: (10:40) Joly uses something called etherpad
Ariel Liang: (10:41) we may be able to steal that hashtag #accessibilityrocks
Terri Agnew: (10:41) Welcome Sam Lanfranco
judith Hellerstein: (10:41) IEEE uses a graphical summary on paper that they then upload to their site for people to downlowd
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (10:42) http://www.nten.org/article/16ntc-the-big-crazy-awesome-list-of-community-content-and-resources/
Harold Arcos: (10:42) @Alfredo @Judith also can use Riseup, they have free Pad service
Alfredo Calderon: (10:42) Storify to agregate hashtags used on twitter or Facebook
Glenn McKnight: (10:44) the tools by IEEE is members only
Glenn McKnight: (10:45) someone else
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (10:47) "Selfie Town" - Seriously?
Glenn McKnight: (10:48) its not relevant as before
Glenn McKnight: (10:48) We use ZOOM with ISOC
judith Hellerstein: (10:48) meet echo
judith Hellerstein: (10:48) zoom is not accessible
Glenn McKnight: (10:49) DON't forget the CAPTION
Glenn McKnight: (10:49) poll
judith Hellerstein: (10:49) I have tested this with scribes and so it does not work for us
judith Hellerstein: (10:49) I already tested zoom with captions and it does not work
Alfredo Calderon: (10:50) Let's try Meet Echo!
Glenn McKnight: (10:51) echo
judith Hellerstein: (10:51) why not put out a call on the list
Terri Agnew: (10:52) Post ATLAS II Implementation –Technology Taskforce: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KoDrBQ
Glenn McKnight: (10:52) https://www.exoplatform.com/
judith Hellerstein: (10:53) Remember we need to leave 5 minutes to give out the survey for captioning
judith Hellerstein: (10:54) @terri @Silvia @nathalie I see we are recording this sessions and please make sure since we ahve captioning to save the Adobe Connect page on the wiki
Glenn McKnight: (10:54) ok
judith Hellerstein: (10:55) so others can get review it who missed it
Silvia Vivanco: (10:55) Terri can post the survey
Silvia Vivanco: (10:56) and she will send it by email
Glenn McKnight: (10:56) silvia was speaking
Glenn McKnight: (10:56) good idea
Glenn McKnight: (10:56) i would like to hear peoples comments
Glenn McKnight: (10:58) Hi Sam
Sam Lanfranco: (10:59) As an observer...not voting so don't take no vote as no vote
judith Hellerstein: (11:00) Glenn Said terri i using the wrong survey. We just wanted to see the captioning questions
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:00) If you are none of the above?
judith Hellerstein: (11:00) not the ones for the webinar
Ariel Liang: (11:01) @OCL - perhaps that option needs to be added next time
Glenn McKnight: (11:01) We have two surveys this is not the right one
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:01) this makes no sense, sorry
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (11:01) waste of time
judith Hellerstein: (11:01) this was not the survey that glenn deisgned
Alfredo Calderon: (11:02) Should a poll be made that is more appropriate for the activity done?
Silvia Vivanco: (11:03) Judith, this is the survey which you have provided to Staff and is posted on the captioning wiki page
Glenn McKnight: (11:03) It
judith Hellerstein: (11:03) exactly that is what glenn said he designed and posted on the wiki
Glenn McKnight: (11:05) The survey sent out will be the right one
Glenn McKnight: (11:05) Will reduce the questions to only the Captioning questions
judith Hellerstein: (11:06) @glenn will reduce it as he said
Glenn McKnight: (11:06) Thanks Silvia we will review and change the word from Webinar to today's session, It is misleading
Sam Lanfranco: (11:06) For survey questions CONTEXT is important and many questions across cultures need an explanation follow up. This cannot be done in the "Comments" window so there should be a complementary "follow up comments" period via an email path or a website.
Glenn McKnight: (11:06) @silvia lets go over each of the quetions before we send it out
Glenn McKnight: (11:07) Good feedback from all
Ariel Liang: (11:07) thanks all for attending!
Alfredo Calderon: (11:07) Have a great day all!
Nathalie Peregrine: (11:07) Thanks Dev, thanks all!
kolubahzizi@yahoo.com: (11:07) Have a good day.
Gordon Chillcott: (11:07) Thanks all.
Harold Arcos: (11:08) thanks