Nathalie Peregrine: (10/5/2015 13:02) Dear all, welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce call on the 5th October 2015
Nathalie Peregrine: (13:03) Agenda page:
Nathalie Peregrine: (16:16) Would it be possible for TTF members to be part of the Onboarding program for new ALSes and assist recently accredited ALSes with the communication tools used in At-Large Being a mentor might prove to be the work some TTF members like to be involved in?
Nathalie Peregrine: (16:17) correct
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:19) how to use the wiki ; adobe connect
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:20) highlight show and tell aspect of TTF
Nathalie Peregrine: (16:21) Carlton Samuels has joined the call
Carlton Samuels: (16:21) Morning all
Nathalie Peregrine: (16:21) Exactly
Carlton Samuels: (16:28) There is ALWAYS value to constant messaging on technology tools for communication, engagement and interaction. We know some tools are better than others. And, some tools, like the translation ones, are not fit to purpose. So from the technology perspective the task is to constantly scan for better tools, ones that are more fit to purpose.
Carlton Samuels: (16:28) That is a full time job. And in my opinion, ICANN needs to have more skin in this half of the game
Carlton Samuels: (16:30) @Dev: +1!!!
Carlton Samuels: (16:30) That needs to be on the record!!!
Carlton Samuels: (16:32) @Glenn: +1. Thanks for that. The response from ICANN for all the good work is less than desirable. Think about your captioning project!!!
Carlton Samuels: (16:34) @Glenn: +1. Case in point, the ATLAS II. The prevailing narrative is for the At-Large/ALAC to implement them
Carlton Samuels: (16:35) What you DO NOT see is ICANN central in the game
Carlton Samuels: (16:36) @OCL: But the policy development action and the tools to support are not mutually exclusive!
Carlton Samuels: (16:36) They are joined at the navel!!
Carlton Samuels: (16:45) @OCL: Re approach to solution, I totally agree. All I'm saying is we have done the work, at least as I see it. I understand the major distractions. But we cannot make progress without ICANN cental engagement.
Carlton Samuels: (16:46) The translation/captioning issues are well aired and well-known. What we don't ahve to date is much traction inside to solution
Carlton Samuels: (16:53) Thanks all. Thank you Dev
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