Nathalie Peregrine: (9/21/2015 15:25) Dear all, Welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce call on the 21st September 2015
Nathalie Peregrine: (15:42) Agenda page:
Glenn McKnight: (15:57) Hi all
Glenn McKnight: (15:58) Morning I sent you pics from the weedend
Glenn McKnight: (15:58) weekend
Ali AlMeshal: (15:58) Hi all
Gordon Chillcott: (15:59) @Glenn, I kind of preferred the first version ;)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:59) Hello everyone
Gordon Chillcott: (15:59) I hear you, Dev
Gianina Pensky: (16:00) Hello good morning
Kevon Swift: (16:01) Good morning everyone!
Josh Baulch: (16:02) Hello!
Alfredo Calderon: (16:04) Good morning to all!
Glenn McKnight: (16:05) Hi Alfredo. can you please look at the Event calendar I created in Google
Glenn McKnight: (16:05) Voice level dropped
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:05) Sigh, looks like I dropped
Glenn McKnight: (16:07) We met a couple of times with Aswin on the Knowledge Management System. It hasn't advanced
Glenn McKnight: (16:07) speak up
Glenn McKnight: (16:07) Kevin please speak up
Terri Agnew: (16:08) Welcome Jahangir Hossain
Ali AlMeshal: (16:08) sound please
Glenn McKnight: (16:08) Added a speaker
Gianina Pensky: (16:09)
Terri Agnew: (16:09) Welcome Siranush Vardanyan
Siranush Vardanyan: (16:09) sorry for joining late, hello all
Jahangir Hossain: (16:09) Thanks Terri and hello everyone
Gianina Pensky: (16:09)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:13)
Terri Agnew: (16:13) Welcome Beran Gillen and Judith Hellerstein
Beran Gillen: (16:14) hello everyone sorry am late
Glenn McKnight: (16:15) The policy process by the RIR is really good. I will be at ARIN in Montreal next month
Glenn McKnight: (16:16) Leah of ISOC SF, Jason of ISOC Barbados as well
Glenn McKnight: (16:16) nothing shared
Terri Agnew: (16:17) Welcome Seun Ojedeji
Glenn McKnight: (16:18) sure can
Seun Ojedeji: (16:18) Thanks
judith hellerstein: (16:19) what are thephone numbers to callin.
judith hellerstein: (16:19) my bluettoth is not connecting well
Glenn McKnight: (16:20) lots of gremlins today
Glenn McKnight: (16:20) Yes
Glenn McKnight: (16:20) clapping
Josh Baulch: (16:20)
Terri Agnew: (16:21) Hi Judith phone number are listed here:
judith hellerstein: (16:21) thanks. i moved to another area which is better
Glenn McKnight: (16:23) Question to Jana on participation rate
Glenn McKnight: (16:24) Policy sheppard is a nice idea
Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat): (16:25) is it a live website people can look at? if so, what is the URL?
Seun Ojedeji: (16:27) @Tracy here:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:27)
Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat): (16:28) thank you
Glenn McKnight: (16:31) thanks
Glenn McKnight: (16:31) muted
Ariel Liang: (16:36) I like it too re policy shepherd
Glenn McKnight: (16:36) Is there a description of the role and responsibilities of the Policy Sheppard
Glenn McKnight: (16:36) link?
Nathalie Peregrine: (16:36) Lance Hinds has joined the call
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:39)
Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat): (16:41) has LACNIC done it's own web development, or did ICANN do it for you?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:45) shows the policy with two versions
Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat): (16:47) are you using proprietary code or a licensed product?
Glenn McKnight: (16:48) Dev we are looking at 10 minutes to the top of the hour
Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat): (16:48) thanks, no audio - 1am here!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:48) Tracey ; I can ask the questions
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:48) @Tracey - ok, I was about to suggest you can also speak
Carlton Samuels: (16:49) Howdy all
Carlton Samuels: (16:50) Just ask is the platform available and on what terms?
lance Hinds: (16:50) was it done via Open Source?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:50) ok, will ask
Tracey Hind (GAC Secretariat): (16:50) so could other SO's an AC's re use your code?
Carlton Samuels: (16:52) Access?
Glenn McKnight: (16:56) Can you provide a direct link to the app store so we can add it to the TTF Newsletter?
Glenn McKnight: (16:56) ok
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:56) Some of the notes we've collected on ATLAS II Rec 26 on Policy Management Process System :
judith hellerstein: (16:58) will it sync with ical
judith hellerstein: (16:59) so like the we. version of the web schedule
judith hellerstein: (16:59) sorry like the desktop version of the schedule
Ariel Liang: (17:01) cool photo josh
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:01) Can the profile settings use the profile info on the ICANN's website ?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:02) Understood.
Carlton Samuels: (17:02) Instead of emails on the phone why not use beacons?
Carlton Samuels: (17:03) Its available in iOS and Andriod now!
judith hellerstein: (17:03) i think josh said beacons were too expensive
Carlton Samuels: (17:03) Too expensi...
judith hellerstein: (17:04) ask him this question.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:04) the notifications/announcements to specific groups (eg ALAC/At-Large) would be good
Carlton Samuels: (17:05) See, that's the problem. I think it is the At-Large's responsibility to develop and advise a full requirements specs. And not pass it to IT but to the policy support organisation. Then let's see what they produce. We're doing too much free work that is not valorized!!
Harold Arcos <Internauta Venezuela>: (17:05) You can have the option of choosing between languages? To display in Castilian for members of LACRALO?
judith hellerstein: (17:06) does the app work with voice over
Carlton Samuels: (17:06) Good question Judith?
Harold Arcos <Internauta Venezuela>: (17:06) thanks Josh
Carlton Samuels: (17:06) !
judith hellerstein: (17:07) good we want to make sure the app is accessible to all
Carlton Samuels: (17:07) Why would you not have full scribing/voice support at this stage?
Glenn McKnight: (17:07) Mobile app used for Syrian Refugees
Glenn McKnight: (17:07)
Glenn McKnight: (17:07) Note that not everyone uses a Smart phone
Alfredo Calderon: (17:07) Accessibility is my biggest concern. But with voice over it can be resolved.
Carlton Samuels: (17:08) @Glenn: I will bet a right arm that less than 100th of 1% of persons attending or interested in an ICANN meeting would have a problem of device
Alfredo Calderon: (17:09) @Glenn, I agree with you. So, what is the purpose of the ICANN app?
Glenn McKnight: (17:09) Yes, the scope of project needs clarification
Glenn McKnight: (17:09) A small screen version of the website?
judith hellerstein: (17:10) will the app synch with the desktop version
Carlton Samuels: (17:10) @Alfredo. Yes to voice over but language choice is a must! Right now for example the Skype platform that supports LACRALO calls will broadcast Spanish. It limits interaction and accessibility for Englishg speakers
Seun Ojedeji: (17:10) Is there a desktop version @Judith?
judith hellerstein: (17:11) i mean if you have a schedule set in the desktop, it will populate your schedule on the apo with the data you created in the desktop
Glenn McKnight: (17:12) Does it have a quick poll feature?
Seun Ojedeji: (17:12) I tested the app at the last ICANN meeting and i think it was nice enough....although i did not use it much because Gapps provided me the most important feature i needed (calender Sync)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:12) So the message to a person ; does this mean that the app provides group chat messaging so for eg, a ALAC/At-Large member can post a message and others can respond ?
Carlton Samuels: (17:12) @Judith: So the question is whether the schedule is using an exportable format or not?
judith hellerstein: (17:13) no the question is , if i populate my schedule on the web using the desktop version, will this schedule also appear in the app.
Carlton Samuels: (17:14) Oh, as a web page or optimized for phone?
Carlton Samuels: (17:14) app
Harold Arcos <Internauta Venezuela>: (17:14) @Judith +1 about sync
Seun Ojedeji: (17:15) @Judith do you have the url to the web version because i don't think i know that one
Glenn McKnight: (17:15) Can it set alarms for your calendar?
Seun Ojedeji: (17:15) i know the one for meeting schedule but that does not have any mapping to an account so i won't expect you were referring to that one?
judith hellerstein: (17:15) so when you look at the "my schedule" in the app, you should see your schedule that you created using a desktop and web version
Carlton Samuels: (17:16) OK. Optimized for app
Glenn McKnight: (17:17) Looks good you dealt with the questions during the presentation
judith hellerstein: (17:17) can he clarify my question
Seun Ojedeji: (17:17) Does it sync with Gcalender?
judith hellerstein: (17:19) yes. that is my question. thanks. i create my schedule my choosung the sessions and downloading the ics file and good to hear that the mobile app will show that i have chosen this session
judith hellerstein: (17:20) i have to leave now. thanks so much for the info
Seun Ojedeji: (17:21) Have to leave as well
Seun Ojedeji: (17:21) thank
Seun Ojedeji: (17:21) thanks
Seun Ojedeji: (17:21) bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:21) Take care Seun, Judith
judith hellerstein: (17:21) thanks.
Gordon Chillcott: (17:22) Agree, Dev.
Glenn McKnight: (17:24) I understand you need a simple start
Glenn McKnight: (17:24) I understand you need a simple start
Siranush Vardanyan: (17:25) dears, sorry, need to leave now, thanks for informative presentations both by Josh and Gianina. And yes, echoing Dev, hope we will be able to test this apps in Dublin :) bye for now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (17:26) when will it be downloadable?
Josh Baulch: (17:26) Data will be uploaded oct 1, it is available now, but no data is in the application
Glenn McKnight: (17:27) ok
Siranush Vardanyan: (17:27) sounds good, Dev
Siranush Vardanyan: (17:27) bye all
Gordon Chillcott: (17:27) Thanks. Good meeting! Bye all.
Josh Baulch: (17:27) thank you!
Glenn McKnight: (17:27) bye all
Carlton Samuels: (17:27) Bye all
Alfredo Calderon: (17:28) Great session. Til next time.
Ariel Liang: (17:28) thanks all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:28) Thanks everyone
Ali AlMeshal 2: (17:28) bye
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