Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large Captioning Pilot to create criteria call on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 at 19:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/fB-vBQ
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all. Just to let you know that i am only in adobe space and can type if needed
judith hellerstein:Yes thanks. I know it is late
Seun Ojedeji:Hello everyone
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):hello
Siranush Vardanyan:yes, Judith
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:What about Joly McFie
Siranush Vardanyan:Siranush is here qs well:) but only in adobe space
Siranush Vardanyan:thats APRALO;))
Glenn McKnight:The captioning was also a recommendation by ATLAS 2
Glenn McKnight:It's important for those who don't speak English as a first language
Glenn McKnight:Any also the poor audio is also an issue, missing much or some speakers
Terri Agnew:Silvia Vivanco has joined thte audio
Seun Ojedeji:Do i get it that the pilot is only for 3 activities....is it 3 activities per RALO?
Siranush Vardanyan:from APRALO perspective would be trialing captioning of the webinars which will take place during piloting period
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Siranush Vardanyan:i mean the webinars which we hold in APRALO in partnership with APAC HUB
Glenn McKnight:It should be open to any calls
Glenn McKnight:The larger calls the better
Seun Ojedeji:+1 Glenn
Seun Ojedeji:i think openning it to a global Atlarge activity may be better, although we can start with something small though
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):I concur with Judith. so we might narrow down to a large-audience call (both Disability and multi-lingual) an outreach call (lingual needs), and a relevant workgroup (stakeholder working group
Siranush Vardanyan:+1Glenn. larger calls or webinars would be the best. RALO calls may not be useful at this stage but later could be exytended to RALO calls
Seun Ojedeji:Are there ALAC members that really require this?
Glenn McKnight:It is better to be beyond the Accessibility
Seun Ojedeji:I think ALSes may need it more
Siranush Vardanyan:that is why webinars would be the most useful as they are for ALSs
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):+1 glenn, though i think you mean disabled accessibility
Seun Ojedeji:So a webinar that brings in other ALSes may be useful
Siranush Vardanyan:yes, Seun
Glenn McKnight:Ken Hansen is very involved in Deaf issues. especially children and Open Hardware implants
Seun Ojedeji:+1 Siranush
Seun Ojedeji:hands up
Siranush Vardanyan:capacity building webinars are also fit here well enough
Siranush Vardanyan:yes
Siranush Vardanyan:+1Seun
Terri Agnew:Welcome Alfredo Calderon
Alfredo Calderon:Sorry for being late. Was in another meeting.
Silvia Vivanco:There should be some webinars in the upcoming months but not set yet correct
Siranush Vardanyan:there will be at least one in APRALO
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):+1 Seun. advertising it as part of the meeeting will help
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):Can we do the ICANN plenary?
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):we could do surveys of participants based on the ICANN plenary to determine who benefited from the captioning,
Silvia Vivanco:correct Siranush
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO should have 1 in November and possibly 1 in November
Silvia Vivanco:and LACRALO has a monthly webinar as well
Silvia Vivanco:under the Capacity Building
Siranush Vardanyan:during ICANN meeting the idea coupd be widely promoted that this piloting is coming and more people can be aware
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):+1
Silvia Vivanco:normally webinars have 15- 20 attendees
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):and its not interactive.
Mark Urban (ISOC_DSN):excellent, Silvia
Siranush Vardanyan:indeed, Silvia
Alfredo Calderon:And the response rate to online surveys is aprox. 15%. But if immediately after they have to answer a short survey it might work better.
Siranush Vardanyan:for sure one eigher in november or december
Silvia Vivanco:Yes, it would be very innovative to have an APRALO one with captions
Seun Ojedeji:+1 on manner of administering survey @Alfredo
Seun Ojedeji:and yes it should be short survey ;-)
Alfredo Calderon:English is not the native language is a big issue in uerto Rico.
Silvia Vivanco:we would need to test the quiz questions and the AC in advance
Siranush Vardanyan:and we ask to fill in the survey right at the end of the webinar, though not many people fill in even in that case
Seun Ojedeji:+1 Silvia
Alfredo Calderon:Yes
Alfredo Calderon:Do not have a Mic
Seun Ojedeji:yeah
Silvia Vivanco:I am noting some ideas re criteria: interactive call- well attended event, enable non active EN speakers to get more engaged
Silvia Vivanco:notes
Terri Agnew:@Alfredo, let me know if a dial out is needed on telephone
Silvia Vivanco:noted
Seun Ojedeji:makes sense
Seun Ojedeji:about the webinars yes
Alfredo Calderon:I am driving, so it will be dificult.
Silvia Vivanco:yes he hear you well
Silvia Vivanco:just speak up
Siranush Vardanyan:agree with criterias mentioned by Silvia
Silvia Vivanco:I have summarized what I am hearing from all of you
Siranush Vardanyan:great summary, Silvia:)
Silvia Vivanco:Thanks Siranush
Silvia Vivanco:I will send my notes after this call so you can review and edit
Seun Ojedeji:SO the question of "...is there a request...." who are we asking that? the RALO leaders or the ALSes?
Seun Ojedeji:Or the working group chairs?
Siranush Vardanyan:tomorrow we have monthly call and Silvia and myself can share with our community and ask APAC HUB to consider this captioning during nov-dec period
Silvia Vivanco:so our Capacity Building webinars have an Evaluation survey - at the end
judith hellerstein:We will pass this on to all working groups, RALO Leaders, etc
Silvia Vivanco:ok so Gllenn is speaking about an Evaluation survey regarding the tool
Silvia Vivanco:Our Survey is about the content
Seun Ojedeji:Okay thats fine and when we get more than 3 requests, we need to determine how to scale the request. Are we also setting any request window?
Seun Ojedeji:I agree with Glenn idea on survey questions
Silvia Vivanco:I think a combined one works better
Seun Ojedeji:but not all webinars has survey right? but i think combined will be good
Silvia Vivanco:the Capacity Building (at least APRALO's and LACRALO ) have surveys
Silvia Vivanco:the shorter the better yes Glenn
Silvia Vivanco:5 questions now
Silvia Vivanco:and its hard to get people to complete the survey
Seun Ojedeji:+1 to 5(10 may require scrolling :-) ) and a yes or not kind-of survey will be good
Seun Ojedeji:not=no
Silvia Vivanco:usually the Chairs/ community member requests staff
Silvia Vivanco:by email
Silvia Vivanco:Staff and this WG makes the determination
Seun Ojedeji:I think sorry i nice enough ;-)
Seun Ojedeji:I think sorry is nice enough ;-)
Alfredo Calderon:A cutoff date must be included in the promotion.
Silvia Vivanco:correct Alfredo I think a deadline for X month
judith hellerstein:Go ahead
Silvia Vivanco:for example for November - Oct 10
Silvia Vivanco:(just an example)
Silvia Vivanco:because the calls need to be organized
Silvia Vivanco:and planned and staff will need to test the AC room
Silvia Vivanco:and make sure all works ok
Seun Ojedeji:Okay monthly call makes sense
Seun Ojedeji:We can start publicity before Dublin
Silvia Vivanco:yes Judith a message can be sent to the RALOs summarizing this project and next steps and start publicizing it
Seun Ojedeji:Yeah our publicity can start but we indicate the pilot will start from november so people are aware
Seun Ojedeji:+1 to Glen on some kind of print
Silvia Vivanco:sounds good
Seun Ojedeji:The business card-like print that was used for the AtLage PR looks good
Siranush Vardanyan:good call, Judith
Siranush Vardanyan:thank
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks and bye
Seun Ojedeji:Thanks Judith
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks Everyone!
Seun Ojedeji:Bye everyone
Silvia Vivanco:I will send you the AIs shortly
Silvia Vivanco:to all of you
Alfredo Calderon:OK! Bye to all! Great plans.