GNSO Council Mailing List Archive
Useful resource to review comments and discussions of the Council related to WHOIS (and all other Council discussions).
Would like to draw attention to a statement attributed to the NTIA, a competent authority on IG matters in the ICANN sphere.
It is particularly timely given the up tick in discussions on matters pertaining to WHOIS accuracy. All security is based on trust......and accuracy of data collected is a matter of trust.
contributed by carlton samuels on
We will complete by 24th April, so your help supporting the construction industry At-Large participation in this key element of the new gTLD programe will be a real help.replica handbags
contributed by Guest User on Jul 2 10:38pm
Yup, but don't forget to share your efforts. We would love to see your contribution.
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contributed by Alex Aggie on Jul 3 2:24pm
Older Announcements WHOIS WG
Currently active: A WHOIS Working Group was chartered by the GNSO on 28th March 2007 and it will conclude work on or before 26th July. You can find out the current state of play on the mailing list (see above); further information can also be found at
If you wish to join the discussions, please review the archived information for potential WHOIS WG members at:
June 2007
The WHOIS working group is now working around the document attached to this list message: