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31st International ICANN Meeting - New Delhi, India

ICANN New Delhi Meeting ALAC Report


New Delhi Documents

For all documents relevant to the community for the New Delhi Meeting

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ALAC Task List for Delhi Meeting

New Delhi Travel Information

The place to find information about all aspects of your stay in New Delhi. Updated as more information becomes available.


Meetings Schedule - At-Large Community

Sunday, 10 February

10 February 2008 0900-1830 - ALAC "OneDay"/First Session

Monday, 11 February

11 February 2008 0900 - 1100 - APRALO General Assembly, First Session
Cocktails and Hors d'Oeuvres with ALAC, Regional Secretariats, and the ccNSO Council 18:00 - 19:30 - Vazir Lounge

Tuesday, 12th February - Constituency Day

12 February 2008 08:30 - 10:30 - At-Large Regional Secretariats
12 February 2008 BO 10:30 - 12:50 - At-Large Community with ICANN Board Members + NomCom Chair
12 February 2008 13:30 - 15:30 - APRALO General Assembly, Second Session
16:30 - 17:30 ALAC Session with NCUC Summary Minutes 12 February 2008 NC

Wednesday, 13th February

There are several excellent workshops throughout the day which are of interest to the community so it is proposed to leave this day free.

Cocktails and Hors d'Oeuvres with ALAC, Regional Secretariats, and the GNSO Council - 18:30 - 19:30

Thursday, 14th February

14 February 2008 SIG 12:45 - 13:00 - APRALO MoU Signing Ceremony

At-Large Advisory Committee Main Meeting (2 parts)

14 February 2008 SU 16:00 - 17:00 - At-Large Summit Planning
14 February 2008 - 1700 - 1900 - ALAC, Secretariats, and RALOs Joint Session


Additional Meetings, Date of Session Currently Unscheduled

None currently known



If APRALO doesn't need a second session, perhaps the Tuesday slot could be used for an outreach meeting.


Selected main meeting sessions that may be of interest to At-Large Community members

You may also wish to refer to the main ICANN Meeting Schedule.
