GNSO Liaison Report November 2009
- Ajouté par ICANN_Default\, modifié par ICANN_Default\ le sept. 08, 2010
A significant part of GNSO focus leading up to Seoul was associated with the new GNSO structure which officially took effect on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at the one formal GNSO meeting in Seoul. New Bylaws and operating procedures have been put in place. In both cases, the changes were those necessary for the GNSO Council to function, and the process of completing these procedures (and potentially the Bylaws) continues. Minimal changes were made to the PDP procedures, to factor in the new Council voting structure. The major work of overhauling the entire PDP process is ongoing. The current target of the team developing the PDP procedures is to have a report ready for the end of April - a very aggressive schedule.
GNSO Liaison Report 13.01.09
- Ajouté par Alac Temp|display/%7Ealactemp\, modifié par Cheryl Landon-Orr|display/%7Echeryl.langdon-orr\ le mai 24, 2011 (afficher les modifications|pages/diffpages.action?pageId=11993348&originalId=15631202\)
The latest GNSO meeting was held on Thursday, January 8. The full agenda can be found at and the MP3 recording is at