Staff to add Alan to joint BCEC/ABSdt mailing list and to send Alan minutes of last meeting.- COMPLETED
Staff to send minutes of BCEC/ABSdt call to all members for further comments.
Heidi to follow up with IT re Confluence editing user's guide. - IN PROGRESS
James to write draft of ALAC comment on Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group.
Staff to organize a Community call on the Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group. Steve Sheng is to be invited as Guest Speaker. - COMPLETED
Evan to be Chair AGAT WG.- COMPLETED
Carlton to lead on drafting of unionized JAS Charter.
Staff to send draft ALAC unionized JAS Charter to ALAC-Announce mailing list with a courtesy comment to the GNSO.
Olivier to check DSSA WG Charter regarding positions that the ALAC needs to fill (re. alternate Liaison). Will follow up with Chair of SSAC. - COMPLETED
Staff to send announcement of At-Large DSSA WG members and their roles to the DSSA WG support staff. - COMPLETED
Staff to send announcement to RALOs on ALAC decision to expand the ALAC Sub-Committee on Budget and Finance to one non-ALAC regional representative per region. - COMPLETED
Olivier to draft Preparation of At-Large Requests to ICANN's FY12 Budget working with the ExCom. The draft text is to be posted on the At-Large FY12 Budget Workspace. - COMPLETED