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ALAC Participants: Gareth Shearman, Carlos Aguiree, Mohamed El Bashir, Dave Kissoondoyal, Alan Greenberg, Sylvia Herlein, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Sébastien Bachollet, Adam Peake
Liaisons: Ron Sherwood
Guests: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Evan Leibovitch, Olivier Crépin-Leblond
Apologies: Wolf Ludwig, Sandra Hoferichter, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Fouad Bajwa, Hawa Diakite, Beau Brendler
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White

I. Standing Agenda Items - Part 1 (3 min)

1. Adoption of the Agenda – Call for Any Other Business or Other amendments (2 mins)

2. Roll Call Apologies from Members, if any (1 min)
Items for Decision

3. Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support - Update (10 mins) Carlos and Evan
Does the ALAC wish to adopt the Draft Final Report of the JAS WG?

For Reference:
Draft Final Report JAS WG v 2 22

ADDENDA: Final Milestone Report Joint SO/AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group

Motion to Renew JAS Charter
Carlos: The documents needed for this discussion were sent on the 11 November and are in the Adobe Connect Room. In addition, there were amendments sent to me by the GNSO, which I forwarded this morning. Now, I’ll give a summary and milestones of the work. Our work is based on the Board’s Resolution #20 in Nairobi. First, we created our charter and identified five criteria required of applicants. Of these, one is who should receive support. The main criteria, we decided, are need, community-based applications, and local entrepreneurs in markets in which certain constraints exist. Another is who should not receive support. And a third is what kind of support to offer. The types of support, we decided, should include cost reduction, sponsorship, logistical, technical, and exemptions to certain rules (for example, the registry-registrar functions). Next steps include establishing WG criteria for financial need, defining mechanisms, establishing relationships with donors and donor agencies, and creating mechanisms for coordinating assistance.

Motion to Renew JAS Charter
Alan: On the GNSO front, this matter went to the council, some amendments were discussed, then it was tabled until the next meeting (because one member request the delay, which is usually agreed to). So next it will be considered in Cartagena.

Cheryl: There is a spelling error in the motion that needs to be corrected. In Section 1.a., line 3, sentence 2, the word “argumented” should be made “augmented.”

>> AI: Heidi to correct typo (“argumented” should be made “augmented”) in Motion to Renew JAS Charter, Section 1.a., line 3, sentence 2.

Carlos made the motion to new JAS Charter. Adam seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed.

>> AI: Staff to communicate to GNSO the ALAC’s passage of the Motion to Renew JAS Charter in time for GNSO Cartagena meeting.

4. Review of At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule for Authors and Deadlines (20-25 mins) Carlton and Cheryl
Cick here for all currently open public consultations.

a.. Update on drafting of statements
i. Public Participation Committee Webinar Information (closed 3 November)- Carlton to prepare comment
ii. Summary of the Impact of Root Zone Scaling (closed 5 November) - Carlton to follow up with Technical Issues WG
iii. Delegation Rate Scenarios for New gTLDs (closed 5 November) - Carlton to follow up with Technical Issues WG

Carlton was not on the line to discuss the above.

Cheryl: Carlton will need to brief us on the drafting of these three (above) statements. Heidi, please follow up with Carlton.

>> AI: Heidi to request that Carlton send briefing on three PAD statements being drafted: Public Participation Committee Webinar Information, Summary of the Impact of Root Zone Scaling, and Delegation Rate Scenarios for New gTLDs.

b. The ALAC Executive Committee has suggested that the ALAC submit statements for the following currently open public comments
i. ATRT Draft Proposed Recommendations (ends 3 December)

Cheryl: The Improvements WT C has a very introductory draft of a suggested comment for the ALAC to submit.
WT A’s suggested comment can be found at In addition, Yrjö Länsipuro, one of the WT A co-chairs, offered the following suggestion (e-mailed to Seth and which Seth pasted into the AC Chat pod): Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 Subject: RE: WT A: Comment on ATRT. It is certainly OK with me that the comment re ATRT is presented in its present shape. - However, if Cheryl wants, she could also point out that so far, the ATRT recommendations don't appear to address point e) of the para 9.1. of the AOC (''assessing the policy development process to facilitate enhanced cross community deliberations and effective and timely policy development''). In light of what happened with Rec 6, improvements are clearly needed in this regard – including how the results of such deliberations are taken into account.Best,Yrjö

ii. Proposed Final New gTLD Applicant Guidebook (ends 10 December)
Cheryl: We’ll go ahead with this, provided no one on the ALAC is opposed to our repeating ourselves for the third time in three years.

iii. JAS WG Milestone Report and Accompanying Addenda| (ends 8 December)
Cheryl: We can add any additional resolutions later.

iv. Proposed Bylaws Amendments on Board Member Term Transitions(ends 8 December)
Cheryl: We’ll certainly be discussing this in Cartagena and putting in a public comment.

v. Review of IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process(ends 17 December)
Cheryl: We will ask James to speak to us about this in Cartagena.

vi. Interim Report of Geographic Regions Review Working Group (ends 30 January 2010)

Cheryl: There is much information the RALOs need to get to the ALSes on this. Workshops will be run in Cartagena. This will impact the ALAC structure and our budget, so it’s important that the RALOs and ALSes support our comment.

Cheryl: Are there any objections to adding these new comments to our PAD?
There were no objections.

Standing Agenda Items - Part II (8 min)

5. Review of the Action Items from the 26 October 2010 ALAC Meeting (5 mins)
a) Cheryl and ALAC ExCom will continue to communicate with the GNSO on the with regards to cross-constituency WG and the concerns regarding Board's reaction to JAS WG.
• Status: Still ongoing.

Cheryl: I encourage us to enter a comment in Cartagena to the ATRT.

b) Staff to follow up with the AFRALO representative on the ALS application from FORCAS.
• Status: Staff will get to this.

c) Carlton will follow up with the WG responsible for the ALAC response to the public consultations on Summary of the Impact of Root Zone Scaling and the Delegation Rate Scenarios for New gTLDs

• Status: Heidi will follow up on this with Carlton.

d) ExCom + Adam and a few others to draft a statement on the TLG Review.
• Status: Ongoing.

e) Staff to convene an ABSdt meeting to discuss the extension of the deadline of the Board Director Vote.
• Status: Done.

f) Staff will put a placeholder in the November meeting to discuss Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support report.
• Status: Done.

g) The ExCom will send a message to ICANN legal on the requirement to inform the Board of incoming members one month in advance
• Status: Done.

Heidi: The response from Legal was that this is not an issue we need to be concerned about.

h) Staff will work with Adam to schedule a meeting between the NomCom and ALAC.
• Status: Ongoing.

Heidi: The meeting with NomCom and discussion on At-Large selections is scheduled for Tuesday from 12 noon to 12:20 pm.

Cheryl: That doesn’t work. The meeting needs to be Friday.

>> AI: Heidi to move Cartagena meeting between NomCom and ALAC to Friday.

i) Staff will propose to the regional leaders to use the monthly RALO meetings to focus on the issues the regional representatives should prepare for at the Cartagena meeting.
• Status: Done.

Matthias: All the regions have confirmed that they will be doing this.

6. Review of Current ALS Applications (3 mins)

ALS Tracking document
a. Update on status of application of Binary Egypt: [(139) Binary Egypt.

Matthias: We have contacted Binary Egypt a number of times with no response.

Cheryl: That probably does not bode well for the type of ALS member it would be. If there is no other way of contacting them, then let’s just move to the regional-advice stage and vote on it in Cartagena. I assume the vote would be negative in the absence of their offering the needed information.

Alan: I propose we amend our ALS application procedure. We should add the provision that, if an applicant is unresponsive, the application can be deemed to have been withdrawn.

Cheryl: Would you like to start drafting such an amendment, Alan?

Alan: I’m happy to add it to my to-do list, with no guarantee that I’ll get to it.

>> AI: ALAC to draft amendment to ALS application procedures allowing for an application to be deemed withdrawn if an applicant becomes non-responsive during the process. (Alan to begin drafting if time permits.)

b. Update on the status of the application from Forum des Cadres Scientifiques pour le Développement (FORCAS): 143 - FORCAS (Forum des Cadres Scientifiques pour le Développement) (2).pdf

Cheryl: We must, of course, make sure they know no funding is coming. We’re now waiting for regional advice.

7. Reports (5-10 minutes)
a. Liaison Reports
Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting, or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda

Board Liaison Report
GNSO Liaison Report
ccNSO Liaison Report
SSAC Liaison Report
IDN Liaison Report
dotMOBI Liaison Report

b. Sub-committees of the ALAC
Finance and Budget Sub-Committee

c. Working Group Reports
Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Officers of the At-Large Working Groups to submit monthly reports.There will be no discussion of Working Group reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any At-Large Working Group Officer who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.

Standing Working Groups

At-Large Engagement in ICANN: ( Main Wiki Page )
Future Structure, Accountability and Transparency of ICANN: ( Main Wiki Page )
New gTLDs: (Main Wiki Page)
Technical Issues: ( Main Wiki Page )
IDN Policy: ( List of IDN Liaison reports )
At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities: ( Main Wiki Page ) The discussion of an Aspirational Registrant Rights Charter was discussed during the 37th ICANN Meeting.
Whois Policy: ( Main Wiki Page )
Joint GNSO-ALAC Working Groups
Joint GNSO-ALAC RAA Related WG activities - click here for joint GNSO-ALAC RAA-related workspace. Update on Working Group A (Registrant Rights Charter)

ii. Update on Working Group B (Additional Amendments to the RAA)

Ad-Hoc Working Groups
At-Large Name Issues Taskforce: ( Main Wiki Page )

c. RALO Reports:Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Secretariats of the RALOs to submit monthly reports.
There will be no discussion of RALO reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only.AFRALO (AFRALO workspace)
APRALO (APRALO workspace)
EURALO (EURALO workspace)
NARALO: (NARALO Workspace)

Cheryl: Does anyone have any comment on any of these reports?
No comments were offered.

II. New Business
Items For Discussion

8. ICANN Meeting 39 in Cartagena - Agendas of At-Large Meeting (10 mins)
Click here for the draft At-Large Cartagena Meetings Schedule and Agendas
Does the ALAC have any comments or issues to be added to the agendas of the At-Large Meetings?

Heidi: The agendas for Cartagena are still being formalized. Regarding the FY12 Budget Development, there will be two meetings. In each, Kevin Wilson will be joined by new COO Akram Atallah and new controller Juan Ojeda. Also, the new travel rules will also be discussed in these meetings. Regarding the lunch with the Board, we are still waiting for confirmation.

Items for Information

9. ALAC Officer and Liaison Election 2010

Officer Election Schedule:
12 November 2010: Election Call is sent by ALAC Chair
26 November 2010: Deadline for Officer Nominations
28 November 2010 :Chair to post to the public ALAC list an “election summary” message
28 November – 10 December 2010: Nominations are discussed
3 December 2010: Deadline for Nominees to Accept their Nomination
5 December 2010: Start of AGM
10-11 December 2010: Election of ALAC Officers
13 December 2010: Election Results announced
13 December 2010: New ALAC Officers take their seats

Cheryl: Note, please, that ALAC officer election process is going on. Please be sure to hold all the dates in your calendars.

Liaison Election Schedule:
26 November 2010: Election Call is sent by ALAC Chair
6 December 2010: Deadline for Liaison Nomination
9 December 2010: Nominations are discussed
10 December 2010: Deadline for Nominees to Accept their Nomination
13-17 December 2010: Election of Liaisons
17 December 2010: Election Results Announced
17 December 2010: New ALAC Liaisons begin their roles.

For reference: Election Schedule 2010\

Cheryl: Note that the call for the liaison election will be going out shortly, on 26 Nov.

10. Update At-Large Improvements - Status of Work Teams (5 mins) Staff

For reference: ALAC/At-Large Improvements Implementation Workspace

Seth: The meetings of all four Improvements WTs have focused on their task lists comprising each recommendation, as they’ve been identifying “quick wins” to close, as well as to report on in Cartagena. Regarding that reporting, Cheryl made a suggestion in WT A that the co-chairs of each WT take the Cartagena slide template and fill it out for their own WT, with my assistance. So far, the WT co-chairs have agreed to that – actually, they’ve rather liked the suggestion. So I’ll be working with them on that.

Cheryl: Let me say, from the point of view of being on all four of these WTs, that the meetings have been very productive, very useful. And the regional leadership has done an excellent job of running these meetings.

Cheryl: Seth, in addition, do you have any ideas for the short session on Sunday dedicated to the Improvements?

Seth: Yes, first, of course, there will be some reporting on the progress made. We’ll use the same overall summary slide then that the WT co-chairs will use in the ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-Up. And I thought perhaps of using some of the time for an exercise or attempt to increase general participation.
Cheryl: Yes, excellent idea. And keep in mind that there will be new blood in the ALAC as of Cartagena. In addition, are there other venues that you’re planning on using as well for that goal.

Seth: Certainly. I’ve begun encouraging the co-chairs themselves to contact certain members. And Heidi and I are discussing having another call for members.

11. Any Other Business - (5-10 mins) Cheryl

No other business was introduced.

The meeting was adjourned.