Members: Anne Aikman-Scalese, Warren Kumari, Suzanne Woolf, Matthew Thomas, Jaap Akkerhuis, James Galvin, Rod Rasmussen, Jeff Schmidt, Tom Barrett, Rubens Kuhl, Betty Fausta, Justine Chew, Kathy Schnitt, Barry Leiba, Hadia Eliminiawi, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
Apologies: Jennifer Bryce, Warren Kumari
Observers:Heather Flanagan
Staff/Contractors: Jonathan Phillips, Casey Deccio, Matt Larson
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Workshop 3 – 4 October discussion: Topic proposals / questions / concerns?
- Technical details of Phase 2 of PCA. Some outstanding questions from last week:
- What does the TRT do with the data that comes out of phase 1
- What is necessary to achieve notification?
- What data to collect about how the name is being used, to inform the mitigation/remediation plans?
- Technical details of ACA and timeline
- Adjourn
Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/CSEsLIYpIy2cCK4umKN6I7f2boKX3_OIjPyr1BEFCTKyF5RecriwrGwUxBEEwzJ1.gThHr0_XKeSvRikn**FI3GlGXN7iiehV1zcNJ4hh5kV3kYzL0Nh3uSPaDhPeW-CpYBgR63Og7s8b7WEJ7J.9EG8bKT3vLn8b3G8
Meeting Notes: PDF**