Yesim Nazlar: (2/18/2019 19:05) Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership Call taking place on Monday, 18 February 2019 at 16:30 UTC.
Yesim Nazlar: (19:05) Agenda:
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (19:26) Hi All
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (19:27) HI ALL!!!!!
Sarah Kiden: (19:28) Hi all
Satish Babu: (19:28) Hi all
Ali AlMeshal: (19:29) hello all
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (19:29) Hi All
Ali AlMeshal: (19:30) clear Satish
Harold Arcos: (19:31) Hi everyone from sunny Caracas, Venezuela
Fatimata: (19:31) Hello everyone
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (19:32) Sorry to ask, I am welcome to be on this Call?
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (19:33) Am I welcome to be on this Call?
Satish Babu: (19:34) Daniel, you're welcome to join us...!
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (19:34) Thank you Satish
Evin Erdoğdu: (19:35) Hello all, welcome.
Lianna Galstyan: (19:37) Hi everyone. Now joined in AC also.
Heidi Ullrich: (19:37) Action Items:
Maureen Hilyard: (19:38) Hi everyone..
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (19:41) call me please
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (19:41) +5492235215819
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (19:41) Im dropped
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (19:41) Puedes seguir vos hatrold?
Yesim Nazlar: (19:42) yes, sure Sergio - dialing back
Filina Natalia: (19:42) hello, everyone!
Heidi Ullrich: (19:43) @Eduardo, could this be something that is prepare by ATLAS III/NASIG?
Silvia Vivanco: (19:43) Hello all
Silvia Vivanco: (19:43) apologies for the delay
Heidi Ullrich: (19:43) it would be useful, I would think
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (19:47) I fell again
Silvia Vivanco: (19:47) AFRALOS:
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (19:47) I lasted 1 minute jajaja
Fatimata: (19:47) Yes @ Heidi and also for capacity building topics
Satish Babu: (19:47) Yesim, pls help Sergio...
Heidi Ullrich: (19:48) ICANN's Mission:
Sarah Kiden: (19:48) Lost audio
Sarah Kiden: (19:48) aack :-)
Sarah Kiden: (19:48) Back *
Maureen Hilyard: (19:53) Each RALO is autonomous and should be able to manage their CROP allocations as they think it is appropriate for them - as long as they follow the CROP process
Ali AlMeshal: (19:54) +1 Maureen
Sarah Kiden: (19:54) Agreed
A-Eduardo Diaz: (19:54) @Maureen: agree
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (19:56) agreed
Fatimata: (19:56) +1
Harold Arcos: (19:56) Our webinar today within our monthly meeting will be on EPDP
Satish Babu: (19:57) Sounds good, Harold...
Maureen Hilyard: (20:00) APNIC offers funds for the APrIGF fellowships as well as offers fellowships for APNIC and APRICOT events.
Maureen Hilyard: (20:02) Sorry this is in response to a query from Lianna about RIR involvement in the regions..
Lianna Galstyan: (20:02) Thanks Maureen for your response
Yesim Nazlar: (20:03) Daniel is back on AC
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:03) me me
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:03) after daniel
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:04) Question for Maureen, We had a breakfast meeting with staff and the RALO leaders back a few ICANN meetings ago . It was informal and and a productive meeting
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:04) I will be in Kobe for ISOC BOT meeting a few days before the event
Maureen Hilyard: (20:04) Happy to meet with the team in an informal setting, Glenn
Heidi Ullrich: (20:05) @Glenn, good idea
Sarah Kiden: (20:06) :-)
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:06) Breakfast is on me.( Actually its included :)
Lianna Galstyan: (20:06) :))
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:06) I lke lobster for breakfast
Silvia Vivanco: (20:06) :)
Satish Babu: (20:07) :-)
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:07) Or better - Kobe beef
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:07) LOBSTER ....
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:07) wait, i take it back....
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (20:07) I like Breakfast on Glenn since Hotel will be providing free breakfast
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:08) I saw the recent NORTH AMERICAN GSE slideshow and our NA and PR Readouts were showcased
Silvia Vivanco: (20:08) Sergio los interpretes no te escuchan
Silvia Vivanco: (20:08) deseas hablar
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (20:08) no
Silvia Vivanco: (20:08) ok
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (20:08) dije que fue sin querer
Silvia Vivanco: (20:08) Sergio does not wish to speak
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (20:08) pero creo que no me pudieron escuchatr
Silvia Vivanco: (20:08) no problem
Silvia Vivanco: (20:10) noted
Maureen Hilyard: (20:10) Dont forget that if you have any questions that the ALAC should raise with Goran or the Board, please pass them on to me
Satish Babu: (20:11) Thanks Maureen...
Maureen Hilyard: (20:13) That sounds really good Heidi. Im looking forward to getting our RALOS working more collaboratively with all of the sections that Sally had responsiblity for because they are really relevant to what we do!!
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:13) we are offering NASIG Fellowships to NetGen and Fellows in ICANN montreal. similar what we did in San Juan. We have plans for NASIG DC in 2020 and NASIG Seattle in 2021 and NASIG San Juan in 2022
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (20:15) I fell off the call again
Yesim Nazlar: (20:19) Dialing back to you Sergio
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (20:20) thanks dear yesim!
Yesim Nazlar: (20:20) you're welcome
Lianna Galstyan: (20:23) and the selection criteria should be prepared in line with that
Maureen Hilyard: (20:26) Certainly don't have anything more to add to what Olivier has said - about ATLASIII preparations. Brilliant update
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (20:26) It was great
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:27) We are the early stage on the programme for the plenary and breakout sessoins, focus on leaderships
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:27) we are looking for ideas on topics , Vanda is the chair and i am the co chair on this for Atlas 3
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:28) What is a workshop style meeting looks like?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:28) @Eduardo -- I had the same question :-)
Silvia Vivanco: (20:29) the face to face will be Tuesday 12 @ 13:30-15-:00 local time (90 mins)
Maureen Hilyard: (20:31) Hi there all.. the workshop style is only if appropriate - not all meetings will have group activities
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:34) Who is going to facilitate the workshop. Not everyone has the ability to do so.
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:35) @ ed this is clearly a skill
Maureen Hilyard: (20:35) The people who run the workship will facilitate it..
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:36) The IGF Canada planned for end of Feb is mainly the breakout sessions, i doesn't work
Maureen Hilyard: (20:36) They don't hold a workshop style unless it fits the programme of work they are proposing
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:36) A couple of big mouths can dominate it
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:36) need a strong faciilators
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:36) Yes, i was thinking of you
Sarah Kiden: (20:36) :-) :-)
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:37) Demonstrated. :-)
Maureen Hilyard: (20:38) I understand that it would be very difficult to find a facilitator to manage a RALO Chairs meeting
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (20:38) Thank you very much for raising this
Sarah Kiden: (20:38) Excellent idea, Olivier!
Maureen Hilyard: (20:39) I meant a RALO Chairs Workshop
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:40) I think we all have to think about other ideas and submitt them later.
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:40) And then select
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:40) Great idea by Oliver though
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:40) We are making a list of ideas, will be on the next call
Maureen Hilyard: (20:40) I think Olivier should seek advice from Jonathan.. I like his idea
Filina Natalia: (20:40) Great idea, Olivier! With goal to implement this kind of WS to other meeting. Useful, needed
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:41) This was my "monday idea of the week". No furthe ideas for the rest of the week from me. :-)
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:41) Workshops are good if someone f/u on its outcomes
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:41) Don't ask me any questions Satish. I have no idea.
Maureen Hilyard: (20:42) GAs are still a matter under discussion with the powers that be!!
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:42) @Glenn +!
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:42) We would be up for next year for NARALO GA
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:43) powers to be = finance
Silvia Vivanco: (20:43) RALO GAs page:
Maureen Hilyard: (20:43) @Eduardo.. probably!!
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:43) those are fighting words
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:43) Vice le Québec libre. :-)
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:44) Vive not VICE
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:44) LOL
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:44) Just want to know for future planning
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:44) one more comment Satish
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:44) yes we did it with ARIN in New Orleans
Maureen Hilyard: (20:45) Heidi is raising some important options.. things to be considered
Maureen Hilyard: (20:45) Glenn you seem to be having GAs annually!!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:45) the cycle already exists:
Heidi Ullrich: (20:46) @Glenn, yes RALOs could hold them at the regional IGFs, too.
Lianna Galstyan: (20:47) Regional IGFs are also good idea
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:47) i can
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:47) so much for big month
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:47) mouth
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:48) Is it Brexit teh problem with Olivier?
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:48) yes
Heidi Ullrich: (20:48) @Eduardo - LOL
A-Eduardo Diaz: (20:48) Telecom is Brexiting
Lianna Galstyan: (20:48) :)
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:49) ICANN Seattle will have a NASIG meeting
Heidi Ullrich: (20:49) @Olvier, if rALOs are holding them at regional meetings, we do not need to go by the ICANN schedule.
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:49) IGF USA next year will be NASIG DC
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:49) 2022 will return to San Juan
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:50) I think the regional meetings are more productive, my opinion
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (20:50) Yup March 2022
Heidi Ullrich: (20:51) RALO Discretionary Funding:
Ali AlMeshal: (20:52) ATLASIII program in 8 minutes
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:55) bye all
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (20:55) going to next call
Sarah Kiden: (20:55) Thank you everyone!
Lianna Galstyan: (20:55) Thanks everyone.
Ali AlMeshal: (20:55) thanks all
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (20:55) Thanks
Satish Babu: (20:55) Thanks and bye!
sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (20:55) tnahs everyone, Bye!
Joanna Kulesza: (20:55) That goes for me as well I'm afraid. Thanks for the fruitful discussion all!
Evin Erdoğdu: (20:55) Thank you all!
Daniel K. Nanghaka: (20:55) Bye
Harold Arcos: (20:55) thank you all,,,thanks to Marina and David
Filina Natalia: (20:55) thanks!!!
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