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Invalid Top Level Domain Queries at the Root Level of the Domain Name System

Service Expectations of Root Servers (R1)

Invalid Top Level Domain Queries at the Root Level of the Domain Name System
Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase



Service Expectations of Root Servers (R1)SAC045RSSAC001



ICANN should educate users so that, eventually, private networks and individual hosts do not attempt to resolve local names via the root system of the public DNSThe RSSAC recommends each root server operator publish the level of service they offer as a root server operator to the Internet Community by responding to each of the expectations detailed herein.


Board Updatefaltstrom19oct16The ICANN Board New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) resolutions on name collision adopted on 7-Oct-2013 and 30-Jul-2014 addressed the issues related to invalid top-level domain queries at the root level of the DNS: http://wwwen/groups/board/documents/resolutions-new-gtld-07oct13-en.htm; resources/boardmaterial/resolutions-new-gtld0730-en.As part of the 30 July 2014 Board Resolution, a Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework was also published, which can be found herewwwicannen/system/files/files/name-collisionframework-30jul14-en.pdf. It should be noted however that invalid TLD query data has not yet been studied and such a study would be required for future "subsequent procedures" for new gTLDs.ICANN has also developed materials to help IT Professionals understand and address the root cause of name collisionresources/pages/name-collision2013-12-06-en#resources. Materials include a guide for IT departments to identify and manage the name collision risks in their networks among other measures towards that endname-collisionmitigation-01aug14
DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosedPhase ChangeThis item has been processed as much as is relevant and is considered complete; no work is outstanding from the perspective of Board Advice (note that related implementation work may have been integrated into ICANN’s ongoing operations or other initiatives).Status provided in 19 October 2016 letter from ICANN Board Chair to SSAC ChairAdvice Item is now Closed


Phase 5Phase UpdateICAN Board notified RSSAC of Advice closure Link:


Phase 5Phase ChangeNow in Phase 5: Close


Phase 2Board UpdateICANN has implemented this advice. ICANN, as operator of L-Root, has implemented the advice and has made available a statement asserting its compliance at Announcement regarding 001 and 002: RFC2870bis: RFC7720: This Advice will now be closed.


Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2: Understand


Phase 1Phase UpdateICANN acknowledged receipt of Advice in a letter from the Board Link:


Phase 1Phase UpdateRSSAC published RSSAC001: Service Expectations of Root Servers (R-1) Link: