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a.Work plan status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h38SgFeOdwumE7fUjLu4mB0CcXnwoncUpICqp_qINnk/edit#gid=0 [docs.google.com] b.Reminder – status designations:
2.Continue review of Recommendation #2 – Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct(see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuQVN4zbz4zBYlZM4Mtfac7lj2j2dlna/edit# [docs.google.com] and background – Empowered Community & Guidelines for GNSO Council (see https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FK4jb068gTi-2WtMXjkj9RElnp7_CwMuwjrcc9PwpOk/edit#slide=id.gd620c21462_2_778 [docs.google.com]) a.Consider recommendations 2.1.2, 2.2.1 – 2.2.4 b.Confirm status designation 3.Confirm next steps & next meeting (Wednesday 8 June at 12.00 UTC) BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS |
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GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar |
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Notes/ Action Items Action items: 1. Recommendation 2.1.2: Staff notes that the Committee members agree with the staff’s assessment of the status as “Implementation Planned”, and staff suggested Options 1 and 2, and will alert the Council accordingly. Notes: 1. Welcome a. Work plan status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h38SgFeOdwumE7fUjLu4mB0CcXnwoncUpICqp_qINnk/edit#gid=0 [docs.google.com] b. Reminder – status designations: 2. Continue review of Recommendation #2 – Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct a. Consider recommendations 2.1.2, 2.2.1 – 2.2.4 WS2 Recommendation 2.1.2: 2.1.2 Must: The NomCom Director Removal Guideline and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline are not in conflict with the requirements from WS2 Recommendation 2.1.2. Staff notes that: Staff Assessment of 2.1.2 “Implementation Planned” Rationale: The NomCom Director Removal Guideline and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline are not in conflict with WS2 Rec 2.1.2. However, guidelines should draw specific and explicit attention to the additional mandatory requirements as outlined in WS2 Rec 2.1.2. - Staff believes it is necessary to draw attention to the mandatory requirements as outlines in WS2 Rec 2.1.2. Staff Suggestion for Completing Implementation of 2.1.2 - CCOICI may wish to ask the GNSO Council to consider the following approaches, including but not limited to: - Committee could do one or both of the options or could decide on other options. WS2 Recommendation 2.2.1: 2.2 Recommendations for guidelines with respect to procedures for consideration of board removal notices by SO/ACs to include: Staff Assessment of 2.2.1 “Complete" - Section 4.2.4 and Section 4.2.5 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline satisfy the “investigation” requirement. Section 4.2.4 requires that the GNSO Council holds a dialogue between the Director subject to the petition, the Chair of the Board (or Vice Chair of the Board if the Chair is the affected Director), the Petitioner, and the GNSO Representative on the EC Administration. Section 4.2.5 states that GNSO Stakeholder Groups (SGs) and Constituencies (Cs) be asked to provide feedback, opinion, or comments on the merits of the petition, which will be reviewed by the GNSO Council. The dialogue and the GNSO community feedback should help the GNSO Council investigate the situation and decide whether to support such a petition. - Section 4.2.11 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline and Section 4.2.8 of the SO/AC Director Removal Guideline satisfy the “reasonable time frames” requirement for investigation. The time tables in those sections set out the suggested deadlines for the GNSO Council to hold the dialogue (per Section 4.2.4) and to receive GNSO community feedback (per Section 4.2.5). The time tables were developed by following the timeline in the ICANN Bylaws with respect to the Director Removal Petition Period and taking into account other necessary administrative steps for processing the petition. - The GNSO Council also provides similar guidance with respect to a NomCom Director Removal petition initiated by another Decisional Participant. Section 4.3.3 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline states that during a three (3) day period directly following the receipt of the Petition Notice, GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies may provide their feedback, opinions or comments, which may help the GNSO Council decide whether it wishes to support such a petition. - The Committee agrees with the staff’s assessment of Recommendation 2.2.1 as “Complete”. Staff will notify the Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 2.2.2: 2.2.2 Period of review by the entire membership of the SO/AC provided the SO/AC organizational structure customarily provides review for individual members; otherwise, period of review by those empowered to represent the SO/AC in decisions of this nature Staff Assessment of 2.2.2 “Complete" - As mentioned above, Section 4.2.5 and Section 4.3.3 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline, as well as Section 4.2.5 of the SO/AC Director Removal Guideline include the expectation and the suggested time period for the wider GNSO community to review the petition and provide feedback on its merits. The GNSO community feedback is intended to help the GNSO Council make an informed decision on whether to support such a petition. - The Committee agrees with the staff’s assessment of Recommendation 2.2.2 as “Complete”. Staff will notify the Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 2.2.3: 2.2.3 Consistent and transparent voting method for accepting or rejecting a petition; such voting maybe be by the entire membership or those empowered to represent the SO/AC in decisions of this nature. Staff Assessment of 2.2.3 “Complete" - Section 4.2.6 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline outline the method for the GNSO Council to decide whether to support or reject such a petition, as well as specifies the threshold needed to reach a decision in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws. - The Committee agrees with the staff’s assessment of Recommendation 2.2.3 as “Complete”. Staff will notify the Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 2.2.4: 2.2.4 Documentation of the community process and how decisions are reached. Staff Assessment of 2.2.4 “Complete" - Section 4.2.7 of the NomCom Director Removal Guideline and SO/AC Director Removal Guideline outline the method for informing the community, the other Decisional Participants, and the EC Administration the GNSO Council decision on the petition. The guidelines specify the required information to be included in the Petition Notice, such as the GNSO Council decision and the rationale for the decision. - The Committee agrees with the staff’s assessment of Recommendation 2.2.4 as “Complete”. Staff will notify the Council accordingly. b. Confirm status designation ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 2.1.2: Staff notes that the Committee members agree with the staff’s assessment of the status as “Implementation Planned”, and staff suggested Options 1 and 2, and will alert the Council accordingly. ACTION ITEM: Recommendations 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, and 2.2.4: Staff notes that the Committee agrees with the staff’s assessment of the status as “Complete” and staff will notify the Council accordingly. 3. Confirm next steps & next meeting (Wednesday 8 June at 12.00 UTC) - Schedule unless there are travel conflicts. ACTION ITEM: GNSO Secretariat staff to send the invite for the meeting on 08 June at 12.00 UTC. |