Leadership Members: Alan Greenberg, Susan Kawaguchi
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Jackie Treiber
- Welcome, roll-call
- Draft Report Updates
- WHOIS1 Recs #5-9: Data Accuracy: Lili
- WHOIS1 Rec #10: Privacy/Proxy Services: Lili
- Final Report Open Action Items
- A.O.B.
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: EN
Decisions Reached: N/A
Action Items:
- Action item: Alan/Jackie to review section Rec #5-9: Data Accuracy
- Action item: ICANN org to keep a track of review team members who did not confirm approval on recommendations
- Action item: Lili to address Alan's comment, and ask whether Alan/Jackie should address it
- Action item: Alan to contact Erika on Consumer Trust section
- Action item: Reminder to be sent out to the review team on open action items.