Participation in Meetings
- All members of the RT are expected to attend all meetings,
either by joining a scheduled tele-conference, on-site presence, or remote participation. - Members are encouraged to inform the Chairs, as soon as possible, when participation in a particular meeting is not possible.
Proposed Whois RT Meetings and Voting Agreement
- A quorum minimum of over 50% of RT members is required to establish quorum and conduct a meeting.
- Consensus is the preferred mechanism for making decisions.
- Straw polls are encouraged as a means to achieve consensus.
- Should the RT be unable to reach consensus, the chair may call for a vote.
- A winning vote requires 75% approval or support. All decisions reached by vote must obtain support of at least 75% of the full RT.
- Each RT member has one vote; , including the ICANN CEO (or his alternatedesignee) and GAC Chair (or designee) has one vote; all other supporting ICANN staff .
Support staff, observers, and invited experts will not have voting privileges. - Straw polls are permitted and do not prevent or restrict a final vote.
- RT members may authorize another RT member to vote in proxy.
- Each RT member may designate an alternate to attend meetings either remotely or in person. However, the alternate will not have voting privileges, with the exception of the ICANN CEO alternate.
- Meetings will be recorded and available for RT members who are unable to attend.
- Voting requests will be communicated in writing via email with a minimum of 3 business days notice to respond.
- Vote responses may be submitted via email or by verbal response on conference call meetings.
- All meetings will be recorded and available to the public.
- A minimum of 7 calendar days notice is required to conduct a telephonic meeting; such notice can be waived by unanimous consent.
- A minimum of 45 calendar days notice is required to conduct a face-to-face meeting; such notice can be waived by unanimous consent.
Each RT member will be identified with their vote on those occasions when a vote is taken.
Observers and Experts
The RT can at any time invite observers and/or technical experts to participate in scheduled meetings, or parts thereof.
Observers are expected to remain passive but are invited to contribute with background information or logistic aspects at any time.
Obviously experts are invited to contribute their knowledge, experience or background information, from within their field of expertise. Thus they are expected to actively participate in the discussion of topics for which they have been invited.
Both observers and experts can be invited for a single meeting, for a period of time, or until the invitation expires.
Observers and experts may be requested to (maybe temporarily) leave the meeting at any time, upon request by the active Chair.
Proposals or Requests for Invitations can be submitted by the prospective invitee, as well as by any member of the RT. A decision can either be taken by way of a formal vote or, preferrably, by achieving consensus in a meeting or on the mailing list.
It is the Chairs' responsibility to manage the potential Conflicts of Interests or any other Confidentiality Issue that may arise.