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Welcome to the home page of the Board/GNSO EWG Process Working Group (EP-WG).
As the ICANN Board considered how to use the EWG’s Final Report as a foundation for Board-requested GNSO Policy Development Processes (PDPs), this informal group of GNSO Councilors and ICANN Board members was assembled to suggest next steps on the EWG Report and how to best structure the PDP for success. The output of this group - a Process Framework for the PDP - was published in April 2015, adopted by the ICANN Board on 26 May, 2015, and used as input to a new Issue Report, distributed for public comment in July 2015 and finalized on 7 October, 2015. The EP-WG's workplan and associated documents are further detailed below.
October 2014 | ICANN51 | EP-WG formed, reviews objective, agrees upon approach |
Nov-Dec 2014 | Monthly Calls | EP-WG agrees upon overall process diagram and list of PDP inputs, develops initial draft of detailed process diagram for PDP WG |
Jan 2015 | Calls | EP-WG agrees upon detailed PDP WG process and charter guidance |
Feb 2015 | ICANN52 | EP-WG presents its recommendations to the community and may refine them to reflect feedback |
Mar-Apr 2015 | Call | EP-WG finalizes its Process Framework; relay to GNSO & Board |
May-Jul 2015 |
| Staff drafts Preliminary Issue Report, using EP-WG output |
13 July-6 Sep 2015 |
| Public Comment Period initiated on Preliminary Issue Report |
7 Oct 2015 |
| Staff publishes Final Issue Report based on public comments, including summary of comments |
Oct 2015 | ICANN54 | GNSO Council reviews Final Issue Report GNSO Council considers motion to adopt charter and form PDP WG GNSO Council may request development of additional needed PDP WG inputs (if any) as recommended by EP-WG |
19 Nov 2015 | GNSO Council approved a charter and formation of this PDP WG. For more information or to follow the progress of this GNSO PDP WG, visit the RDS Wiki. |
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