Since CROPP is a continuation from FY14, we are not planning to organize any formal community introductory or orientation sessions; however, if any group would like us to conduct an overview of the program, including the Wiki implementation, please let us know and we will be pleased to accommodate such requests.
Tutorial Part I (8:13)
(Outdated - no longer available)
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Orientation to CROPP Wiki space including contents, navigation, and layout (linked via YouTube).
To preserve your place within the Wiki, you may wish to right-click and open in a new window or tab within your browser.
Tutorial Part II (12:58)
(Outdated - no longer available)
Image Modified
Explanation of the Community Workspaces area and completion of the Trip Proposal and Trip Assessment templates.
To preserve your place within the Wiki, you may wish to right-click and open in a new window or tab within your browser.