Trip Proposal Section |
1) Number of Travelers: (Note: Each traveler uses one trip of the five (5) allocated to each organization/structure). | Number data |
minValue | 1 |
maxValue | 5 |
name | TRIPS |
width | 100px |
name | TRIPS |
format | ### |
2) Traveler Contact Information and Itinerary: Table data |
initialRows | 1 |
| Traveler | Email | From City | From Country | Depart Date | Return Date |
Text data |
name | TRAVELER1 |
type | line |
content | text |
| | Text data |
name | FROM1 |
type | line |
content | text |
| Text data |
name | FROM2 |
type | line |
content | text |
| Date data |
name | DEPART |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
| Date data |
name | RETURN |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
3) Special Travel Circumstances, Arrangements, Explanations, or Notations: (Please identify each traveler, as applicable) | Text data |
name | SPECIAL |
width | 650px |
name | SPECIAL |
content | text |
4) Event/Conference Name, Title, or Descriptor: | |
5) Event/Conference Dates: | Start: | Date data |
name | START |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
| End: | |
6) Event/Conference Website Link: | |
7) Primary Event/Conference Location: | Street Address: | |
City: | Text data |
name | CITY |
type | line |
content | text |
| Country: | Text data |
name | COUNTRY |
type | line |
content | text |
8) ICANN Geographic Region: | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | C |
value | Australasia/Pacific Islands |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Latin America and Caribbean |
List option |
sortValue | F |
value | Middle East |
List option |
sortValue | G |
value | North America |
List option |
sortValue | H |
value | Russia/CIS/Eastern Europe |
9) Activity Sponsors: (Note: all event sponsors must be identified in order to comply with ICANN travel guidelines).
| |
10) Purpose and Goals: | |
11) Proposed Outcomes: | |
12) Additional Information (optional): | |
Panel |
titleColor | navy |
titleBGColor | lightyellow |
title | Community Confirmation Section |
Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure. Acknowledgements | Confirmed? | Name | Date | Notes |
The participants identified in this application are familiar with the Program Operations associated with this Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP)-FY15 and agree to abide by its terms and conditions. | | Text data |
name | ACKNAME-1 |
type | line |
content | text |
| Date data |
name | ACKDATE-1 |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
| Text data |
width | 300px |
name | ACKNOTES-1 |
width | 300px |
content | text |
| The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Proposal. | | Text data |
name | ACKNAME-2 |
type | line |
content | text |
| Date data |
name | ACKDATE-2 |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
| Text data |
width | 300px |
name | ACKNOTES-2 |
width | 300px |
content | text |
| The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that the Purpose/Goals of this Trip Proposal are consistent with operational plans and/or strategies. | | Text data |
name | ACKNAME-3 |
type | line |
content | text |
| Date data |
name | ACKDATE-3 |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
| Text data |
width | 300px |
name | ACKNOTES-3 |
width | 300px |
content | text |
| | | =============== | ========== | ============================== |
Panel |
bgColor | lightyellow |
titleColor | maroon |
titleBGColor | lightcyan |
title | Program Administration: STAFF USE ONLY |
Table data |
initialRows | 1 |
| Program Requirement | Date Satisfied/Confirmed | Initials | Notes | List data |
| List option |
sortValue | A |
value | Speakers Bureau |
List option |
sortValue | B |
value | Communications Department |
List option |
sortValue | C |
value | Meetings Team |
List option |
sortValue | D |
value | Constituency Travel Notified |
List option |
sortValue | E |
value | Travel Booked |
List option |
sortValue | F |
value | Program Criteria Satisfied |
| Date data |
name | SATISFIED |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
| | Text data |
width | 300px |
name | NOTES |
content | text |
Trip Proposal Approved and Transferred to Official Forms: | Date data |
name | P-POSTED |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
| Trip Assessment Approved and Transferred to Official Forms: | Date data |
name | A-POSTED |
format | dd-MMM-yyyy |
CROPP Application Template v8 (May 2014)