Agenda item | Who | Time (min) | Notes/details |
Introduction | Chair, Showcase WG |
| Welcome, agenda to be covered, |
CEO welcome, | Rod Beckstrom, |
| Welcome, general remarks, |
Keynote address |
Thank you to | Chair, APRALO |
| Thank you and gift to keynote |
ALAC Chair | Dr. Olivier Crépin-Leblond, |
| General remarks on At-Large commmunity |
At-Large-selected | Sébastien Bachollet, |
| Remarks on role of At-Large-selected |
NomCom | Adam Peake, |
| Call for volunteers to apply for |
APRALO chair | Chair, APRALO |
| APRALO Chair message & |
Presentations | ALS reps: |
| Each reps introudces own ALS |
| (List of ALS representatives |
Introduction Thank you of ALSes | Chair, APRALO |
| Thank you to ALSes present & |
Wrap-Up | Chair, Showcase WG |
| Thank you to all for attending |
| 60 (?) |