08:51:31 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome to APRALO CIP-CCG Small Team Call taking place on Monday, 24 June 2024 at 06:00 UTC.
08:51:42 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/7H3eBg
08:59:28 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome to everyone!
09:01:38 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
We have quite a few apologies today
09:04:39 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Yes Cheryl
09:05:28 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
I just see a LOT of references to DNSSEC in our listings ;-)
09:05:40 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
DNSSEC or successor?
09:06:11 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
It is causing more issues that=n it is solving as a real observation
09:07:00 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
So, we withhold all efforts related to DNSSEC?
09:07:16 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
At request only
09:07:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Reacted to "At request only" with
09:08:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Focus on SaferCyber seems a preference
09:08:17 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "Focus on SaferCyber ..." with
09:08:24 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
Falls under [participation in any At-Large Loop Campaigns]
09:10:55 From jasmine to Everyone:
09:13:05 From jasmine to Everyone:
Maybe better not use “geopolitical”, but for sure we know they are part of the discussion elements
09:13:16 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Yes I was saying and mentioning that only
09:13:17 From jasmine to Everyone:
Fragmentation and MSH are better wording to use
09:13:27 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
I agree term geopolitical could be avoided
09:14:22 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
And with respect to multistakeholder term we better can use fragmentation as we are already discussing multistakeholder part in one of the criteria
09:15:00 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
09:15:06 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
Yes, Principle 1 Criteria 1
09:15:21 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Reacted to "Yes, Principle 1 Cri..." with
09:15:31 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Reacted to "And with respect to ..." with
09:16:09 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Yes I would prefer avoiding geopolitics.
09:16:53 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
We have discussed till criteria 3 for principle 1 before
09:17:16 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Okay might be I m mistaken
09:19:11 From jasmine to Everyone:
Agree ++
09:19:24 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Yes we should make lesser targets
09:19:34 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Yes I was confused with 5
09:20:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
We alsoneed to leave some things for a future point in CIP ;-)
09:21:55 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
ICP 3 talks about Alternative naming system which itself is a part of Internet fragmentation…so I was thinking if we can relate it here
09:22:43 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Can I put the link of the paper here in comments so everyone can read or have an idea about it.
09:23:16 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Okay…got it
09:23:35 From jasmine to Everyone:
Replying to "Can I put the link o..."
Why not good to have some reference in parking lot
09:24:47 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Replying to "Can I put the link o..."
09:25:58 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
yes just respondants
09:26:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
targets should be achievable (especially to start with ;-)
09:27:13 From jasmine to Everyone:
I think we can push more ppl to respond then we can aim slightly higher - e.g. dm some people
09:27:21 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "targets should be ac..." with
09:27:32 From jasmine to Everyone:
20 is good
09:28:08 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Agree Cheryl
09:28:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
strive for success *that is actually achievable ;-)
09:29:04 From jasmine to Everyone:
Reacted to "strive for success *..." with
09:29:11 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "strive for success *..." with
09:30:50 From jasmine to Everyone:
Is it saying in what condition we need small team
09:31:14 From jasmine to Everyone:
I agree with simple term
09:33:48 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "I agree with simple ..." with
09:33:48 From jasmine to Everyone:
What would be most outstanding accessibility challenge if any of you spot?
09:34:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Annual to start with
09:34:49 From jasmine to Everyone:
09:35:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
YES to Annual Report
09:35:16 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "YES to Annual Report" with
09:36:22 From jasmine to Everyone:
Any realistic metric?
09:36:27 From jasmine to Everyone:
09:36:30 From jasmine to Everyone:
09:36:48 From jasmine to Everyone:
Maybe just simply keep number of subscriber
09:36:57 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Can we plan to switch to a mailchimp or similar ? check with IT on options etc?
09:39:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
merging for us makes sense AND we note the newness of our RoPs
09:41:09 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Merge 4,5 and 6
09:42:05 From jasmine to Everyone:
4 seem to be pre period, 5 and 6 seem post period
09:42:15 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
09:42:17 From jasmine to Everyone:
Merge is good tho
09:42:19 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
We can merge 4,5,6
09:42:35 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Yes Jas it is a process probably over then next 2-3 years actually ;-)
09:42:47 From jasmine to Everyone:
Reacted to "Yes Jas it is a proc..." with
09:43:03 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Drop 7 altogether
09:43:10 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
09:43:20 From jasmine to Everyone:
09:43:22 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
09:43:44 From jasmine to Everyone:
Timely as element is already in all criteria
09:44:31 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
They are complementary
09:44:34 From jasmine to Everyone:
Small difference … but still different
09:44:54 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
believe me you can get 1 without the other ;-0
09:45:14 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "believe me you can g..." with
09:46:28 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
09:47:20 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
than test those timelines
09:49:28 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
09:50:34 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
09:51:17 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Replying to "Prioritization"
Yup :-)
09:52:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Not sure it belongs here Jas
09:53:33 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "Not sure it belongs ..." with
09:54:08 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
Here we're talking about assessing input
09:54:58 From jasmine to Everyone:
Got it now - let me take it off
09:54:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
SO a review at a meeting
09:54:59 From jasmine to Everyone:
09:55:13 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
How we react to inputs
09:55:36 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Jes engagement performance metric
09:56:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Good progress today Team !
09:56:29 From jasmine to Everyone:
Reacted to "Good progress today ..." with
09:56:32 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Consensus for merging
09:56:53 From jasmine to Everyone:
much clarity while working on together
09:57:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Reacted to "much clarity while w..." with
09:57:19 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
No it is much clear now
09:57:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
AGainsome more may merge or be dropped in P4
09:57:50 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Homework on Principle 4
09:57:52 From jasmine to Everyone:
Ok lets focus on principle 4
09:58:05 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
09:58:21 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Less is certainly more here :-)
09:58:25 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
09:58:32 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "Less is certainly mo..." with
10:01:37 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Thanks everyone ... bye for now.
10:01:40 From Barkha Manral to Everyone:
Thank you