APRALO Beijing Events OC
Tuesday 22 January 2013 at 0400 UTC
The meeting confirmed that this event would be an APRALO event, open to all (rather than part of a larger ICANN reception). It will be held on Monday evening 1900 – 2100
Maureen/Edmon to confirm:
- DotAsia funding for the event (as an APRALO event)
- Invitation to CEO/Board members
- Agenda (brief welcome by CEO/presentations by an MC of the event (OLC/Edmon)
- Maureen to contact ALSs (list to be supplied by Pavan) on how they will participate in the showcase
Staff to
- Confirm logistics – room size, interpreters etc
- Confirm contingency budget not available for this event
Committee to confirm additional sponsorship needs (apart from showcase/reception event).
Capacity Building
Maureen will be working with Janice. As part of a letter to ALSs, Maureen to ask ALSs what their training needs are that can be addressed in capacity building sessions.
General Assembly
Holly reported on previous General Assemblies. The agenda usually include discussion on regional outreach/inreach/ and briefings/discussion on relevant policy issues . Holly to put suggested agenda in workspace.
Multi-stakeholder meeting
To be held Monday 1400-1600
Rinalia has put a list of 10 possible topics on the webpage, together with criteria for ranking them. The committee agreed that there should be a maximum to three topics for this session. Committee members to rate the topics on the webpage and suggest speakers for the topics: see https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/APRALO/pages/115181783/APRALO+Beijing+Events+Workspace.
Local Chinese event
Hong reported that there will be a meeting of local Chinese internet groups/organisations, hopefully scheduled for lunchtime on Monday. (It is being sponsored by the Chinese government and CCNIC) This event may include the Youth Forum previously discussed. Hong to report to this Committee on progress of this event.
Action Items
1. First AI: Confirm that the Philippines (as new chapter) have been invited and responded.
points 2b - update on local hotels required. G reported we are in the process of working on this with meeting staff.
2. AI: Write to Pavan about the VISA and ask everyone if they have received the letters.
3. Showcase Reception
Concern about having a combined ICANN - wide and APRALO reception
7-9 PM timeslot confirmed by staff.
Holly asked if they are comfortable with the "Separate Reception" - from ICANN event. - All participants agreed.
Edmon: Exploring the idea of inviting the entire the wide ICANN community. Increase the budget.
Biggest item would be the conflict with other events.
Holly clarified that this would not be an ICANN official events
There are implications if it is an APRALO as supposed to the ICANN official events.
CLO: From the very beginning we have invited the wider ICANN community
Keep in mind that wider event implies more recognition
-Not official ICANN reception- but perhaps we can invite the wider community
-If we have an speaker o two
-Questions needed to be answered:
Holly asked Maureen and Edmon: Are interpreters needed? Yes
Sponsorship and Promotion
1. What Budget from ICANN are we getting and I am not too sure about.
AI: To see if the what else if anything we need sponsorship for and what we are able to get. Get the cost.
We need to determine if we need more money.
Is there an ICANN budget and what we need the ICANN for.
AI: Contingency fund? AI: Ask Heidi about this fund.
Capacity: Maureen was supposed to get in touch with Janice.
Janice would be back to her on what were the possibilities.
ALS: We need to identify what the needs are for capacity building
AI: Pavan to get in touch with ALS. Capacity building.
Holly asked are we planning to get people at 7 am every day ?
Holly and CLO = No to capacity building.
Hong: Meeting sponsored by Chinese Government and chinese. We would like to make it on Monday, 11-12:30., main room. APRALO would be one of the co-hosts of the events.
Holly asked Hong to send details about the event.
General Aseembly: Holly looked at the topics and it looks like this is simple, something such as outreach.
Holly asked all to spend time on Multistake-holder meeting.
Rinalia asked all to look at the topics and identify what would be the best topics to addresss.
AI: All to look at the topics and make decisions on what topics (3) and suggested speakers (people among the pool of attendees)
Rinalia suggested max 3 topics and suggested speakers.
Next call : Finalize the topics and the speakers.
Youth Forum: ICANN staff would like to know how this forum relates to ICANN's meeting. Hong mentioned that this would be different from her proposed Chinese speaking event.
Heidi clarified contigency fund of 2,000 can be used for sponsorship - no. It is for travel, logistics, etc.
Gisella to circulate a doodle for next meeting in 2 weeks.
Thank you