ISOC Taiwan Chapter |
Chung Laung Liu | |
ISOC Taiwan Chapter | ||
ISOC.TW最早在1996年於資策會成立,做為台灣非政府對外交流之網路團體。2002年5月 ISOC 台灣分會由資策會推廣處正式移轉至 TWNIC ,並召開 ISOC 台灣分會會員大會,順利選出選出 11 名理事暨 3 名監事(非正式法人化之組織)。並確立 ISOC 台灣分會係以推展網路公民關心網路議題為目的,在 TWNIC 協助下運作,並作為 ISOC 全球總會之對應窗口。2008年ISOC 台灣分會正式以"台灣國際網路學會"在劉炯朗院士帶領下正式立案,並持續為台灣國際資訊合作發展貢獻心力。 | ||
2010 ISOC Taiwan Taipei Chapter International Conference漫步在「雲端」Entrance to the cloud Walking in the "cloud" Entrance to the cloud | ||
時間 Time | 議程 Agenda | 主講人 Speaker |
13:00-13:30 13:00-13:30 | 報到 Register |
13:30-14:00 13:30-14:00 | 來賓致詞 Guest Message | 國立台灣科技大學校長-陳希舜 President, National Taiwan University - Chen Xishun ISOC台灣國際網路學會理事長-劉炯朗 ISOC Internet Society, chairman of the Taiwan International - Laung Liu |
14:00-15:00 14:00-15:00 | 貴婦奈奈與您漫步在「雲端」-網路部落格寫作經驗分享 Lady Nana and you walk in the "cloud" - the experience of writing Internet blogs to share | 知名部落客-貴婦奈奈 Well-known blogger - Lady Nana |
15:00-15:30 15:00-15:30 | ISOC台灣國際網路學會會務說明 ISOC Internet Society conference that the Taiwan International | ISOC台灣國際網路學會秘書長-黃忠偉 Secretary-General of the International Internet Society ISOC Taiwan - to capture the phenomenon |
15:30-16:00 15:30-16:00 | Tea Break Tea Break |
16:00-17:00 16:00-17:00 | 雲端網路最新技術分享 The latest technology to share the network cloud | 國立台灣科技大學電機工程系-陳俊良教授 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University - Professor Chen Junliang |
17:00 17:00 | 閉幕 Close | TW early in 1996 set up at the Information Industry. In May 2002 ISOC Taiwan Chapter implemented the formal transfer to the TWNIC, and held ISOC Taiwan Chapter General, with the successful election of 11 members elected and three supervisors (informal body of the Organization). ISOC Taiwan Chapter was established with the aim to take forward the network for the purpose of citizens concerned about Internet issues, assistance in the operation of TWNIC and as ISOC Global Association of the corresponding window. ISOC Taiwan Chapter in 2008 officially was named as "Taiwan's international Internet Society," at the Academy, led by Chung Laung Liu formally opened, and continued cooperation in the development of Taiwan's contribution to international information efforts. |