Draft Letter to GNSO SG & Cs - 18 Nov
MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-igo-ingo-crp-access-20141119-en.mp3
Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-igo-ingo-crp-access-19nov14-en.pdf
George Kirikos - Individual
Jim Bikoff – IPC
Petter Rindforth – IPC
Val Sherman – IPC
Phil Corwin – BC
Mason Cole – RySG
Gary Campbell – GAC
David Healsley - IPC
Kristine Dorrain- Individual
Paul Tattersfield – Individual
David Maher – RySG
Paul Keating – NCUC
Imran Ahmed Shah – NCUC
Kathy Kleiman - NCUC
Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP
Lori Schulman – NPOC
ICANN staff:
Mary Wong
Berry Cobb
Amy Bivins
Terri Agnew
Nathalie Peregrine
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Wednesday, 19 November 2014:
Nathalie Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protection PDP WG Meeting on the 19th November 2014
George Kirikos:Hi everyone.
Paul Tattersfield:Hi George, everyone
Gary Campbell:Hi everyone
George Kirikos:Hi Paul & Gary. How are you today?
Gary Campbell:I am great George
George Kirikos:Glad to hear it, Gary.
Paul Tattersfield:Good George, thanks you? Is it cold yet in Canada?
George Kirikos:It's freeezzzzinnnnggggg. Brrrrr. We have had snow here for the last couple of days.
George Kirikos:Not as bad as Buffalo, NY, though.
Val Sherman:David Heasley is also on the line
Paul Keating:Today's weather in Barcelona is mostely dark but scattered britghtness is expected in about 12 hours :-)
George Kirikos:I think Gary has us all beat -- in Jamaica! :-)
Gary Campbell:lol @ George
Nathalie Peregrine:@ Val, David has been noted for attendance.
Kristine Dorrain-NAF:Pre-apologies: I'm going to need to leave the call in 1/2 hour.
Imran Ahmed Shah:Hi Everyone!
George Kirikos:Welcome, Imran.
Imran Ahmed Shah:But I think the GAC representative is to be assigned by the GAC itself.
Mason Cole:Correct, Mary
Imran Ahmed Shah:Okay, Thanks Marry
Gary Campbell:IMran is correct
Mary Wong:@Gary, please feel free to let Mason and us know if you have advice on how we can best proceed.
Gary Campbell:@Mary and will do
Gary Campbell:You need to write Thomas Schneider the GAC Chair and ask for GAC representation
George Kirikos:On a formatting note, the questions should perhaps be set apart separately (and maybe be numbered), instead of just being in bold within the text of a letter.
Mason Cole:all, i need to sign off the call. i will follow up with any action items beyond the communication to the GAC
George Kirikos:e..g. Q1 "What is....", Q2. "What would be the basis, etc.
George Kirikos:Usually the immunity is to defend a suit. But, the UDRP/URS is an "initiating" action, where the IGO is bringing the dispute. That's really an express waiver, when used as a "sword".
Mary Wong:@George, yes, my understanding is that this is a point the IGOs are concerned about on this issue.
George Kirikos:But, since the IGOs face the same issues when enforcing their Article 6ter marks offline, the question then becomes "what's different in the online world?"
Imran Ahmed Shah:+ 1 George.
Imran Ahmed Shah:I also agree that specific questions should be asked. And I suggest that we ask them to elaborate their requirements and concern specifically:do they like to reserve:a. the full name string and similarity strings of the domain name related to IGOb. the abbreviations of the full name string and similarity string of the domain name related to IGO
Mary Wong:@Imran, I'm afraid that the issue of reserving namse is outside the scope of this WG. That was dealt with by the previous IGO WG.
Imran Ahmed Shah:a. the full name string and similarity strings of the domain name related to IGO
Imran Ahmed Shah:b. the abbreviations of the full name string and similarity string of the domain name related to IGO
Imran Ahmed Shah:c. or anything in the string they could claim as a similar string
George Kirikos:Maybe January 6?
Val Sherman:+ Kathy
George Kirikos:So we have the input before the January 7th call?
George Kirikos:(if we have one on Jan 7)
George Kirikos:Although, perhaps that won't work, looking at the calendar (Jan 1 = Thursday)
Paul Keating:9th is fine
Imran Ahmed Shah:I also agree for 9
George Kirikos:9th is ok.
Philip Corwin:ok on January 9
Kathy Kleiman:9th gives everyone a week to finalize...
Kathy Kleiman:that's good!
Kathy Kleiman:great, reminders are good
Paul Keating:@Peter, how extensive is this problem? How many IGOs have complained?
Kathy Kleiman:@Paul - I have the same question
Paul Keating:so we may be solving a problem that is NOT a preoblem?
George Kirikos:Paul: No, we're asked to investigate *whether* there should be something done.
George Kirikos:i.e. No solution, if we decide there's no real problem.
Imran Ahmed Shah:@Mary I could not understand your reply to my points, my points were related to PDP process for UDRP for the IGOs.
Kristine Dorrain-NAF:Thanks everyone, I need to run. Talk to you later.
Paul Keating:@tyhank you. I am sorry but I have to go to a meeting.
Mary Wong:@Imran, sorry if I mistook your meaning. I think that is one of the questions our WG is posing to the IGO small group in that case.
Imran Ahmed Shah:in order to understand their concern perticularly, we have to dig further
Kathy Kleiman:Agree with Phil
Mary Wong:Thanks for the guidance!
George Kirikos:With the time difference, 9 am in Singapore on Friday appears to be around 8 pm Eastern time on Thursday, for those planning to participate remotely.
Imran Ahmed Shah:@Marry should our WG members will be supported for F2F meeting?
Val Sherman:Thanks, George!
Imran Ahmed Shah:@Mary what about the Travel Support?
Kathy Kleiman:David Cake and Kathy Kleiman will be participating for NCSG
George Kirikos:Will any of those in the IGO subgroup be at the Singapore F2F?
George Kirikos:(since some of them go to the ICANN meetings; if their hotel stay can be extended by a day, it might be valuable)
Mary Wong:@Imran, I believe that travel support is allocated via your Stakeholder Group or Constituency.
Val Sherman:That sounds like a good idea, Mary
George Kirikos:We'll want to make sure that our public session doesn't conflict with other sessions that IGOs might be planning to attend.
Mary Wong:@George, yep, that's always the challenge :(
Imran Ahmed Shah:@Mary Thanks
George Kirikos:Bye everyone. Have a great day!
Kathy Kleiman:Tx you, Petter, and All!
Philip Corwin:Bye--and have a good Thanksgiving if you are in the USA
Imran Ahmed Shah:Thanks
Paul Tattersfield:thanks bye everyonr
Val Sherman:Thanks all!