Background and Purpose
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was founded in 1998 to coordinate at a global level Internet naming and numbering resources. Through its Global Partnerships team, ICANN has been working closely with stakeholders in regions around the world to strengthen participation in its processes. This effort by Global Partnerships team has resulted in increasing participation in ICANN constituencies, including from the Oceania region. Over the past six years, several ccTLD managers and governments from Oceania have joined the ccNSO and GAC respectively; few At-Large structures have been approved and other individuals have participated in various constituencies and working groups. The ICANN fellowship program enabled a number of representations from various Pacific island countries and territories.
ICANN staffs (GSE, IANA, Security, L-root) have been engaging the Oceania community members at a number of regional forums addressing government regulators, ICT industry players including network operator groups, academia, civil society and regional IGOs. A number of ad-hoc meetings have also been conducted with attendees from Australia, NZ and the Pacific. At the recent ICANN 47a 47 meeting between , some Oceania participants present discussed and agreed that the region should also work on its own regional stakeholder engagement strategy to benefit the region.