DATE:Thursday, 22 September 2022TIME:: 16:30-17:30 MYTROOM:Conference Hall 1ICANN75 Session Link |
1) Introduction
3) Wrap-Up
- Introductions and setting the scene
- Updates on action items: e.g.
- a) EPDP Phase 2/ SSAD Recommendations HRIA,
- b) Draft ICANN Learn course on HR and DNS,
- New Co-Chair recruitment and ideas for member recruitment drive
- Discussion on WS2 Implementation (ICANN, SOs and ACs- follow ups on conversations with GAC and others)
- Current ongoing PDPs and possible intervention from CCWP-HR (in line with Charter)
- Future HRIAs (for ICANN Org, PDPs or SOs/ ACs) and possible methodologies,
- (Further work on the draft Strategy)