Review of Actions Items
6. Toronto Events Planning
We are having some great movement. We have managed to enlist a lot of ALS, we have a good level of participation. Catering, entertainment, flow of GA. Entertainment: Not cheap. We will have a meeting on Wednesday 15th to discuss more.
AI: Darlene to send a list of ALS to send it to Glenn.
Travel planning and GA
We have an excellent 2 hrs. slot. There were no more inputs for the GA. We will be partnering with the fellows.
I'll be sending out an email and that will be coming in the next two weeks.
Travel planning: All ALS, we have 12 ALS. 16 of our ALS, it is great representation.
Evan: Thorny issue: Compliance, ICANN cannot sustain public trust with existing TLDS.
Thick WHOIs: Dealing with long time endorsement. Open a forum on questions on the Open Agenda Items on the AC connect.
6. Review of Toronto Events planning:
Promotional events: Lapel pins for RALOs 5 year anniversary, banner will be also displayed on Monday evening and will be used in the area where all sponsors are.
5. New gTLD Programs
Speaker: Annalisa Roger
The new gTLD Program is accepting public comments. Until Sept 26th, giving the public more time to comment on applications.
The view of the eco-system. If you would like to check the blog, we are the only North American applicant that has applied for the dot green. We are really excited about the potential for .green.
Evan: Patagonia application.
Support for a couple of .music
There was one unfortunate comment from the Saudi govt on .gay
Eduardo: I noticed that there is more than one company voting.
Analissa: There are 4 companies for .green. We are the only North American applicant that comes from the green movement and we have a focus on the green community. We believe that our application has a strong backing. Green means sustainability.
The word "restriction" commonly used in the TLD world and in the green movement there is no restriction, nor leader that prevents people from participating.
Glenn: I had a chance to look at the .green application and would like to emphasize that Analissa comes with passion and she works with organizations, and she has an understanding of the green community and I strongly advise people to apply.
OCL, One forthcoming battle is the use of generic words for private gTLds, there are various applications that will not use it to open it to the world, but for their own private use.
Some say that it’s allowing people to acquire a right.
Evan: Added that this has a potential to be a very significant issue, I posted a link where we received a complaint re.book. They suggested that generic workds like dot . Books should have greater scrutiny. This argument would have been good 3 years ago, but now it’s way too late.
One particular applicant is Amazon and it has indicated that has no intention of selling second/third/so on level domains. People are up and arms about the ability to trade second level domains. They say it is an issue of public interest. There are concerns raised about Amazon taking TLDs and locking them away. I have responded to that and my point is that people are looking at it too narrowly. This is an innovative way to deal with second level domain.
There are complains in some circles about not reselling second level domain and ICANN has no business on what owners do with second level domains.
Darlene: Is the Green commitment voluntary or will it be enforced?
We use enforcement because people use the internet, bloggers, u tube, etc.; the enforcement will come through market share, companies will have to realize that they will lose market share if they do not go green.
Corporations already join the green movement. We will never go green as a planet; we have to buy those products that do not comply. Companies will realize that people buy more green products, companies will go to it.
7. Elections Update
By Agust 15th on Wednesday the ALAC review the Ralo recomemndarions and on the 25th the ALAC is who select these people.
For those who do not go to ICANN meeting the best bet is to read the comments posted and get to know the candidates, it gives the candidates the opportunity to say this is what I stand for.
8. Update NARALO survey
Glenn: I am creating a slide show and need to know suitable time for a power point presentation.
I would suggest that during one of the Secretariat meetings, it is Secretariats of the Regional leads, staff will slot it.
AI: Staff will allocate 15 min maximum for the presentation of the slide show on the NARALO Survey during the RALO Secretariat’s meeting.
10. The At-Large RRR WG Compliance. Garth: We have an issue with compliance and we have found failures including the staff, and head of compliance has been too busy to talk to me for 4 months. Garth posted a link to the case studies, Compliance has not answered the questions on the cases.
11. AOB
Glenn: Asked about the status of the banner.
AI: Staff is looking at quality/costs right now. We will follow up today.