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  Andrea Glandon: (4/8/2019 13:13) Welcome to the NARALO Monthly call held on Monday, 08 April 2019 at 19:00 UTC.
  Andrea Glandon: (13:13) Wiki Agenda Page:
  NARALO (FBSC): (13:49) hi 
  NARALO (FBSC): (13:49) testing my mic
  Andrea Glandon: (13:49) Hello!  You can test now
  Andrea Glandon: (13:50) It doesn't look like you have connected your AC mic yet
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (13:52) Hello to all! I will only have listening. Too much noise around me to have audio available.
  Andrea Glandon: (13:53) Thank you, Alfredo
  David Mackey: (13:53) let me check the microphone on my end 
  Joly MacFie: (13:53) I am just recording.
  Andrea Glandon: (13:53) @David, it doesn't look like your AC mic is connected
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (13:54) Thanks! Just tried to do my best too reflect my experience.
  Andrea Glandon: (13:54) Ah, now it is David
  A-Eduardo Díaz: (13:55) Warm!?
  Andrea Glandon: (13:56) Beautiful here in Iowa as well
  Silvia Vivanco: (13:56) Hello all 
  Silvia Vivanco: (13:56) welcome 
  Silvia Vivanco: (13:56) Welcome Maureen
  Maureen Hilyard: (13:56) Hi everyone
  Silvia Vivanco: (13:57) 27 c - still summer in Lima :)
  John Laprise (ALAC): (13:57) It's 70 here in Chicago
  Michael Casadevall: (13:58) Greetings from ARIN 43
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (13:58) Peruvian Restaurant - El Pollo Loco. Good variety on meat and spices.
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (13:59) @Michael, heard you in the morning at the mic.
  allan Skuce: (13:59) Greetings.
  Heidi Ullrich: (13:59) Hello, Everyone! 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (13:59) Here is the  PDP process for  Arin
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:00)
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:00) @Mlichae might been in a session.
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:00) MUTED
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:00) Please  identify yourself  when you speak
  George Kirikos: (14:00) Hi folks.
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:00) Also Links to latest ARIN policy discussions in the ARIN Update on the NARALO Newsletter 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:00) We have an extended call today to 90 minutes
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:01) Thanks  Susannah on the note on the  newsletter
  George Kirikos: (14:01) I can only stay for the first 60 minutes, as I have another item to attend to later.
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:02) Reminder for folks to update your  SOI 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:02)
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:02) I am also just dropping in for an hour.. 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:02) Please use the EDIT Contents link
  Michael Casadevall: (14:02) I'm on the call now, but only here for 30 minutes.
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:02) Hi  Maureen welcome
  Michael Casadevall: (14:02) So if anyone wants an on the ground update on ARIN
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:03) Welcome new ALS! 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:03) Please note the lnk to the  NARALO ALS ELECTION 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:03)
  Greg Shatan: (14:03) Hello all!
  George Kirikos: (14:04) There seems to be a bit of noise in the background?
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:04) Please  mute your  lines if not speaking
  John Laprise (ALAC): (14:04) He is so getting drafted for the CPWG
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:04) Welcome to NARALO David 
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:04) Haha John.
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:04) David lived in Ottawa and moved to Waterloo recently
  George Kirikos: (14:04) Nice to have more Canadians! :-)
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:05) Thanks  David
  Michael Casadevall: (14:05) /me welcomes our nothern bethern
  marita.moll: (14:05) Welcome David!!!
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:05) Welcome @David to the group.
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:06) @David, welcome! 
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (14:06) Hola!!!
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:06) Should we sign you up to the CPWG, David? 
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (14:06) sorry for the delay
  Jonathan Zuck: (14:06) Great story David. Just confirms that Glenn should wear a bell so people know to run when he gets near!
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:06) is the initial wiki page.
  John Laprise (ALAC): (14:06) Hi Greg
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:07) Welcome  Jose
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:07) Welcome Jose Lebron
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:07) Wow  two telco  guys!!
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:07) HI @Jose.  Welcome to NARALO.
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:08) Welcome, Jose! 
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:08) Bienvenido Jose
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:08) Also Jose please reach out to me if you have any issues with the connections to the WIKI 
  Maureen Hilyard: (14:08) Welcome to Jose and David.
  David Mackey: (14:08) Thank you Maureen :-)
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:09) Please post the  election to the center panel 
  Andrea Glandon: (14:09) 2019 NARALO Election Page:
  Andrea Glandon: (14:09) One moment, Glenn
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:09) Secretariat, ALAC and NOMCOM available 
  Michael Casadevall: (14:10) I need to drop off connect, will still be on voice for another 10-15 minutes
  Andrea Glandon: (14:10) You should be able to scroll
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:11) yes Glenn all RALOs are having elections at the same time
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:11) Alan has raised his hand....
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:11) Hi all
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:11) Is someone on the toilet without muting their mic!!!!!
  Chris Mondini: (14:11) SOI = Statement of Interest
  A-Eduardo Díaz: (14:12) @Evan: Welcome
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:13) On the toilet? Not me, at least this time 🙂
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:13) Thanks  CHRIS on the ayronomn alerrt!
  Chris Mondini: (14:14) Nom Com = Nominating Committee
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:14) Thanks  Alan for answering your question
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:14) @ Ed  has his hand up
  jose.lebron 2: (14:15) hello everyone. Getting used to the conference format.
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:15) Thank you for that very useful explanation Alan
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:15) Can Staff mute whoever is not talking? The background noise/typing is problematic. Thank you! 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:15) @Ed  John's hand is up
  George Kirikos: (14:16) +1 Susannah! 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:16) Muted.  a bit of static but getting better
  Andrea Glandon: (14:17) AC sounds good, Maureen
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:17) Item 6  ATLAS lll   to be held during the  ICANN Montreal event in November  2019
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:18) Thanks Glenn for muting.
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:18)
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:18) ATLAS = At Large Summit III
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:18) @susannah i forget to mute sometimes while i am typing ... not the toilet....
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:19) This is our  third  ATLAS event.  Mexico City and London were the other ones 
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:25) ATLAS III is to build 'Leadership Skills to enhance and improve on volunteers capacity to become leaders'.
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (14:26) nice
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:28) ISOCPR will have an ICANN64 Read-out in Spanish on April 23. 
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:28) Report of the IGF Canada and Judith's CROP Trip in the Upcoming March NARALO Newsletter 
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:28) And Alfredo's / Michael's report will be coming up in the April NARALO Newsletter 
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:28) Only on listening mode. Too much noise around. Submitted report.
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:29) Impressive, Glenn! Very organized! 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:29) Balance is correct  Heidi?
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:30) Please reach out if  you need help in your submission
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:30)
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:30) Thanks  Silvia .  preference for non travel  expenses
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:30) We welcome new projects for funding! 
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:30) see the wiki page, for details on the funds and requirements
  Marita Moll: (14:31) I am hoping to do another readout in Ottawa in May/June.
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:31) Thanks  Marita Moll   please complete your form.
  John Laprise (ALAC): (14:31) +1
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:31) ABR  additioinal funds increase
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:31) There is a larger objective, to expose ALSs and ICANN to each other, so that the rest of ICANN can see the diversity of At-Large, and more ALSs can see first hand how the ICANN sausage is made. 
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:32) current available funds : $1,046 available till the end of June 2019 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:32) Got it Heidi 
  Silvia Vivanco: (14:33) FY20 SO/AC Additional Budget Request Decisions  - Pending Due Date 3 May 2019
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:35) Yes, spoke to them on the way to engage in both Fellowshipsd Programs. Lots of under-served, under-represented groups at NET  Inclusion Conference.
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:35) We are moving very well on the timings for the call today
  Andrea Glandon: (14:35) Checking the line
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:35) Please mute
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:35) Muted
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:35) better. it sounded like a bathroom again
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:36) welocme  Joe to the call
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:36) CPWG = Consolidated Policy Working Group within At-Large.
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:38) FYI   Internet Governance Hub  
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:38)
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:39) SSAC = Security and Stability Advisory Committee ;
  George Kirikos: (14:41) Server-side code, I think you meant.
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:41) Universal Acceptance = UA ;
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:42) Why universal acceptance is important for websites -
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:45) FYI 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:45)
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:45) Posts by Marita, John Laprise and Jon Zuck to draft blog
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:45) If time permits  i can introduce the blog idea
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:46)
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:46) Universal acceptance has two components
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:47) 1 better support for multi script (foreign language) domains
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:47)
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:47) ICANN KOBE Pictures
  John Laprise (ALAC): (14:48) SoMe WG will be pushing out content on UA
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:48) 2 begging the world to support this dumb TLD expansion which have added more noise than signal to the internet
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:49) EPDP = Expedite Policy Development Process
  John Laprise (ALAC): (14:49) Agreed Evan...I've been saying that to everyone...whther they listen or not :)
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:49) The first effort is worthwhile, the second is ICANN supporting the sales efforts of newtlds
  George Kirikos: (14:49) Also .org and .asia
  George Kirikos: (14:51) Thanks Jonathan.
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:51) Without a treaty to bind its actions, ICANN must depend on goodwill of countries and IDPs
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:51) @Jonathan, Great job! 
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (14:51) excellent 
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:51) Excellent summary thank you 
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:51) Ed   Evan's  had is up
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:52) dropped...
  Glenn McKnight NARALO (FBSC): (14:53) Yes
  George Kirikos: (14:53) Sound is good.
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:53) yes can hear
  Adrian Schmidt: (14:53) perfect
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:53) Welcome, Chris!
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (14:53) te
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (14:53) yes 
  Marita Moll: (14:53) Thanks Jonathon. It's a lot to summarize -- just a taste of activities going on but hopefully, some on the call will be wanting to know more by attending tomorrow's CPWG call.
  Heidi Ullrich: (14:53) +1 Chris!
  A-Eduardo Díaz 2: (14:57) April 23: ICANN 64 Readout in Spanish @ 22 UTC - Remote participation via zoom:
  George Kirikos: (14:58) Gotta jet, as I have another call starting in a few minutes. Have a nice day.
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:58) Lectura de ICANN64 en Español - participación remota via ZOOM - ttps://
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:58) ZOOM -
  NARALO (FBSC): (15:00) We are oganizing with Roul Plommer ,  EFF who created a  GDPR course funded by  Gov of Finland and ISOC  to conduct a course on Saturday Nov 2 in Montreal.  The details forthcoming . This is beyond NASIG and an open session, no charge. we might  Livestream the event 
  Heidi Ullrich: (15:02) At-Large ICANN64 Reports Page:
  NARALO (FBSC): (15:02) Perhaps we can have Chris speak at this session
  Heidi Ullrich: (15:05) At-Large ICANN64 Reports Page:
  NARALO (FBSC): (15:08) Lots of dough!
  Marita Moll: (15:10) Thanks Heidi for posting a link to the reports page where many of us offered our thoughts on the meeting. Lots of different events summarized there.
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO (FBSC): (15:10) We have been going through this process for  the new  ISOC Foundation for their new funds of $43 Million with five mandates. Some of it applicable to our group. The new ISOC Foundation board is created and a new ED for the foundation is being hired
  Maureen Hilyard: (15:12) Apologies, have to leave now.. Very informative meeting. Thank you
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO (FBSC): (15:12) Joly has been an expert on remote particpation
  A-Eduardo Díaz 2: (15:13) @MAureen: Thnaks for participating in our call.
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO (FBSC): (15:13) I have been following the  ARIN meeting remotely today so its doable
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO (FBSC): (15:13) Also you can follow the  ATLARGE Tweets too
  Silvia Vivanco: (15:13) Thank you Chris!
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO (FBSC): (15:13) Great presentation 
  Chris Mondini: (15:14) i disconnected my phone by mistake one second
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (15:14) thanks!!!
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (15:14) Very informative Chris
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (15:14) @Chris, Fabulous job summarizing what happened in ICANN64.  We will follow this line of discussion in 'Readout in Spanish'.
  Adrian Schmidt: (15:14) Thank you very much!
  Heidi Ullrich: (15:14) Thanks, Chris! 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO (FBSC): (15:14)
  Chris Mondini: (15:15) i'm back
  John Laprise (ALAC): (15:15) and integrate with SpMe
  Chris Mondini: (15:15) sorry i meant to mute
  Andrea Glandon: (15:15) @Yubelkys, your AC mic is not connected
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO (FBSC): (15:16) Thanks everyone for the great attendance today 
  Adrian Schmidt: (15:16) Thank you all hope to see you soon!
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO (FBSC): (15:16) Bye everyone, 
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (15:16) just to mention our events with students in PR
  Silvia Vivanco: (15:16) Thank you all! 
  Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (15:16) thanks all
  Adrian Schmidt: (15:16) Have a great week ahead
  Gordon Chillcott - GTALUG: (15:16) Thanks and bye for now.
  John Laprise (ALAC): (15:16) thanks all!
  Yubelkys Montalvo: (15:16) thanks to all
  Chris Mondini: (15:16) thanks
  Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (15:16) Thank you, all! Bye.
  allan Skuce: (15:17) Thnks. bye