Andrea Glandon: (12/10/2018 12:42) Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call held on Monday, 10 Deccember 2018 at 20:00 UTC.
Andrea Glandon: (12:42) Wiki Agenda Page:
Andrea Glandon: (13:37) Any members who will be speaking during the call, please call into the audio bridge so we can make sure there is a clear connection. Thank you!
Andrea Glandon: (13:48) Welcome, George!
George Kirikos: (13:49) Hi Andrea.
Andrea Glandon: (13:49) Welcome Eduardo!
Andrea Glandon: (13:52) Welcome John & Wes!
wes boudville: (13:53) hi andrea
John Laprise: (13:54) also on Twitter :)
John Laprise: (13:54) Hi Andrea
Michael Casadevall: (13:58) Evening all
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (13:59) @Michael, Hi!
Heidi Ullrich: (13:59) Welcome, All!
Michael Casadevall: (13:59) I'm on another call, so I probably won't be able to parcipate until half way in. :(
Andrea Glandon: (14:00) Thank you, Michael!
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:00) Hi ALL
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:00) sure
Javier J Rua Jovet: (14:01) Hi!
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:01) morning all~
A-Eduardo Diaz: (14:01) Hello everyone
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:01) Hi all
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:01) Welcome Leon
Javier J Rua Jovet: (14:02) Agenda is ok
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:03) Links to the Auction Proceeds page
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:03) judith
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:03) I have a summary on the auction funds from Hadia from this morning
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:04) Call for Logistics and Programme
Heidi Ullrich: (14:04) Auction Proceeds Workspace:
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:04) thanks Heidi
George Kirikos: (14:04) Many new gTLD registry operators seem to want to use 15% of the money for a global awareness campaign.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:04) 326 days until ATLAS III!
Heidi Ullrich: (14:05) Alan is in Brussels for a review meeting
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:05)
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:05) The slide 34 onward discusses the Auction funds
Javier J Rua Jovet: (14:05) gotta go sorry , unitended
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:05) NY, OTTAWA, SFC and San Juan
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:06) Read Out / Lectura ICANN63
Judith Hellerstein: (14:06) Auction Proceeds--
Andrea Glandon: (14:07) Maureen Hilyard sends her apologies.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:07) Workspace for RALO Discretionary Funding workspace:
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:08) Thanks Heidi
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:08) @George That's what gTLD registry operators have marketing budgets for...
Heidi Ullrich: (14:08) NARALO has almost $2400.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:08) Correct Heidi
Heidi Ullrich: (14:08) @Eduardo, this year travel is included
Judith Hellerstein: (14:08) next year the discretionary budget can be used for travel
Heidi Ullrich: (14:08) This FY18 regional travel is included
George Kirikos: (14:09) @John: I'd tend to agree. But, there seems to be a letter-writing campaign, if you read the public comments.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:09) IGF Berlin for next year possible
Heidi Ullrich: (14:10) Sorry I dropped after my intervention. Back on .
Andrea Glandon: (14:10) At-Large FY20 Budget Development Workspace
George Kirikos: (14:11) (the public comments for auction proceeds)
Heidi Ullrich: (14:11) @All, Leon's flight is about to take off, so he will need to drop shortly.
Judith Hellerstein: (14:11) @heidi any news on captioning
Andrea Glandon: (14:12) You're welcome :)
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:12) 1. NASIG is the North American School of IG first one was in the ICANN PR back in March
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:12) 2. Indigenous Felllowship
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:12) 3. Policy Comment Workshop
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:13) @heidi did you wwant a vote now on these three suggestions
Heidi Ullrich: (14:14) @Glenn, that is up to Eduardo. I'm not sure people have read the details.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:14) We can do this in the first week of January. Most of the work is done and it will be sent around
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:15) Marita Moll
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:15) I will circle round on Outreach
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:16) Doesn't ICANN already have this material?
George Kirikos: (14:16) Verisign has a nice page at:
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:17) I am sure there was a project on this a while back with ICANN comms trying to put things into clear language
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:17) thanks George
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:17) I will help Marita on the proposal
Heidi Ullrich: (14:17) @Marita, I'm drafting this ABR, so I could include this request.
Marita Moll: (14:18) Okay, thanks Judith
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:19) Perhaps a series of info graphics and one page documens
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:20) almost certain this exists Glenn: we may want to take it and tailor it to an Atlarge audience
Marita Moll: (14:20) As suggested by Evan Leibovich on the list: Creation and distribution of plain language public education on the DNS and how it affects public use of the internet (written independently of ICANN itself)
George Kirikos: (14:20) If you do a search for "How DNS works", there are quite a few resources already (see the "images" tab of Google, too).
Heidi Ullrich: (14:20) @All, as posted on the ICANN homepage today, the Multistakeholder Policy Advice Infographic is now available at:
Heidi Ullrich: (14:20) Please use this for your outreach and engagement activities!
Judith Hellerstein: (14:21) Also Joe catapano had excellent slides at Marita's readout
Michael Casadevall: (14:21) I'm back on the line. I'm sorry about that.
Andrea Glandon: (14:23) Leah, I have made you a presenter so you can move your slides
Heidi Ullrich: (14:24) Thanks, Leon!
Michael Casadevall: (14:24) I'll look to apply for the ARIN trip, as well as applying for a fellowship; I think it's a good place for me to work with my networking/ICANN work. Anything I can do to help At-Large there?
Judith Hellerstein: (14:25) If you get either the fellowship or the crop trip, we will get you our mail card that you can hand out
Michael Casadevall: (14:25) (networking in this case as in computer networking, not social networking :))
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:26) @Michael, chat with Glenn or Eduardo to claritity on the steps to apply for CROP.
Judith Hellerstein: (14:26) There is a google doc that you need to fill out
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:26) my email is
Judith Hellerstein: (14:27) if there is more than one person applying glenn will organize a review team
Michael Casadevall: (14:27) @Glenn: I'll drop you an email after the call.
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:27) @Michael, as @Judith mentions for CROP @Glenn will be able to share the Google Form to aply for CROP..
David Morar: (14:27) apologies for the delay and for having to leave early, just wanted to stop by and wish everybody happy holidays and a great new year. this month you all have a treat, the Chair of NAGS, Anna Loup will be presenting on our behalf, and she is a way better ambassador for our projects! thank you all very much!
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:28) Michael, there is also an ARIN Fellowship:
A-Eduardo Diaz: (14:28) @David: thanks.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:28) NTC 19 appplication link
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:28)
Michael Casadevall: (14:28) @Susannah: I'm applying for that as well.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:28) Due Dec 20th
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:28) :)
Judith Hellerstein: (14:29) @michael. You might want to decide which you want since NARALO does not want the same person attending 2 events
Michael Casadevall: (14:29) Judith: I was responding for the ARIN one.
Michael Casadevall: (14:30) That's the only one I intended to apply for at this time.
Judith Hellerstein: (14:30) oh I saw you also mentioned NTEN as well
George Kirikos: (14:30) ("Apply" tab, presumably,which has an inactive link)
Michael Casadevall: (14:30) Comment got crossed :)
Leah Symekher, SFBay ISOC & ICANN NOMCOM: (14:30)
Andrea Glandon: (14:31) Chris is not online
Judith Hellerstein: (14:31) @marita is also present
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:32) I had a quick question on the Stakeholder engagement. What has happened with the North American Space?
Judith Hellerstein: (14:32) great question, I would also like to know
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:33) Glenn, what do you mean by 'what happened?'
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:33) ...what's going on with it?
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:36) +1 Heidi
Heidi Ullrich: (14:36) ALAC - Portal -
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:36) @susannah. The LAC has a space to engage the wider ICANN community and NA had one meeting I was wondering if Chris is continuing this idea
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:37) AH OK!
A-Eduardo Diaz: (14:37) @Glenn: I will bring this point to dicuss during our next call
Judith Hellerstein: (14:37) I do not see it on thsi page, is there another page
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:39) It is at -
George Kirikos: (14:39) I can see it on a desktop browser. Those on mobile devices might have a different experience, though.
Judith Hellerstein: (14:39) I had to go to a different browser to see it
George Kirikos: (14:40) (I'm using Chrome to see it). Good point, Juidth.
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:40) Yes, on a mobile device it is not visible.
George Kirikos: (14:40) *Judith, even
Judith Hellerstein: (14:41) I can see it on safari but not on firefox
Judith Hellerstein: (14:41) So it needs to be tested on all browsers and on all mobile devices. We cannot roll otu such an important feature when it is not working on all borwsers
Michael Casadevall: (14:42) There's good automated test tools for that
Judith Hellerstein: (14:42) We can take this us at the TTF and have the IT people talk about the problems
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:42) See GIGANET and AoIR as Internet focused academic societies
Michael Casadevall: (14:42) I don't see it on Chrome on Linux
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:42) ICA and NCA are general communication professional societies but have sections interested in the Internet writ broad
Judith Hellerstein: (14:43) Great!!
Judith Hellerstein: (14:43) yes publicize it as well and the ALSes in DC can help out with the outreach as well
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:43) Thanks Anna we need to followup on these ideas
Judith Hellerstein: (14:44) @anna, would love to follow up on this with you
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:44) DEFCON is good mix especially to get SSAC or RSSAC involved collaboratively
Michael Casadevall: (14:44)
Heidi Ullrich: (14:44) @All, on the next call of the Outreach and Engagement Subcommittee, there will be a presentation/discussion with a member of ICANN's communication department on how to develop a communications strategy for outreach and engagement. That call will be on Dec. 20th.
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:45) @Anna, your idea fits in the possibility of designing an Intro Course of ALAC. A repository of resources as mentioned could be one of the modules.
Andrea Glandon: (14:45) Chris Mondini sends his apologies
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:46) I like to circle with micheal, David and Anna on a session at NASIG 2 next year
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (14:46) A Focus panel
Michael Casadevall: (14:47) @Glenn: Well, I'm going to (literially) smoke test my DNS workshop in January. I wrote a root server emulator which I plan to use for this project.
Michael Casadevall: (14:47) So people can basically go through, get BIND setup, and test their DNSSEC validates
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:48) feel free to reach out to me directly
Michael Casadevall: (14:48) @John: do you want to chat post meeting?
Judith Hellerstein: (14:48) @anna there is also a community networking session as well
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:49) can but better to schedule separate time...i'm at the office.
Michael Casadevall: (14:49) Let me send an email
Michael Casadevall: (14:49) John: I can't find your email, what's the best wayt o reach you
Heidi Ullrich: (14:51) @Anna, that sounds like a great research project for a grad student!
Michael Casadevall: (14:51) - if anyone wants to get incontact. My root server emulator might be very useful.
Anna Loup: (14:51) Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions/ concerns
Michael Casadevall: (14:51) As you can use it to host a fake TLD and get DNSSEC to validate with it.
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:52)
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:52) and
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:52) Michael, are you also familar with the DNSSEC work going on within the IETF?
Michael Casadevall: (14:53) I'm on DNSOPs, but mostly observer on the list.
Michael Casadevall: (14:53) I was planning to announce my projects there
George Kirikos: (14:53) Happy Holidays, folks! Bye.
Marita Moll: (14:53) Happy holidays everyone
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (14:53) Happy hols all! May the end of your year be wonderful.
Loris Taylor: (14:53) Thank you, great meeting. Happy Holidays and have a wonderful New Year!
Leah Symekher, SFBay ISOC & ICANN NOMCOM: (14:54) Happy Holidays All!! Congrats Susannah!!
Greg Shatan: (14:54) Happy Holidays, everyone!
Leah Symekher, SFBay ISOC & ICANN NOMCOM: (14:55) for DNSSEC ..ISC the 'BIND'Company has alot of information and training on this.
John Laprise (ALAC): (14:55) Happy Holidays!
Heidi Ullrich: (14:56) Welcome, All!
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:56) Welcome Pierre-Jean
Heidi Ullrich: (14:56) Great potential research-based webinars!
Pierre-Jean Darres: (14:56) Sorry my mic seems not working
Leah Symekher, SFBay ISOC & ICANN NOMCOM: (14:56) Its been a great year 2018 !!
Heidi Ullrich: (14:56) Happy holidays!
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (14:56) Happy Holidays to all!
Judith Hellerstein: (14:56) welcome Pierre Jean
Heidi Ullrich: (14:57) Keep in mind 4 January deadline for the ABRS!
Gordon Chillcott - Greater Toronto Area Linux Users Group: (14:57) Thanks and bye for now.
Anna Loup: (14:57) take care all!
Michael Casadevall: (14:57) Evening all