Mario Aleman:Welcome to the NARALO Teleconference Call on Monday, 11 December 2017 at 20:00 UTC
Mario Aleman:Draft agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Hi All
William Michael Cunningham:Testing. Can you hear me.
Glenn McKnight:I don`t hear you william
Glenn McKnight:sounds good
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Glenn McKnight:Its getting colder in my neck of the woods, near Toronto
Glenn McKnight:New pod on the left
Glenn McKnight:i didn`t change it
Mario Aleman:ok
Glenn McKnight:back again
Glenn McKnight:timer on left, nice
William Michael Cunningham:Sorry to hear...
Eduardo Diaz:Lost my telephone connection - calling again
Silvia Vivanco:Our condolonces to his family and the entire NARALO family
Alfredo Calderon:Eduardo lost connection.
Yubelkys Montalvo:Hi to everyone
judith hellerstein:we have A BAD ECHO
Joly MacFie:Typo in ALS list; Grath
judith hellerstein:yes Garth
Glenn McKnight:Also Telecommunities Canada rep is Marita Moll and ISOC Canada is Shelly Robinson
Eduardo Diaz:Lost my connection again
Glenn McKnight:I am on Adigo
Alfredo Calderon:Eduardo is reconnecting.
Alfredo Calderon:We both are having some issues with connectivity.
Glenn McKnight:Mario is any one on the french channel?
judith hellerstein:he said there was no one on the French channel
Gisella Gruber:@ Eduardo - I am looking at your sheet as per last call
judith hellerstein:Leah and Eve are in the same ALS
Glenn McKnight:Silvia , Mario and Ed can we have an action item on the number of people have used the french channel in prvious meetings
Glenn McKnight:If people aren't using it we need to reassess it
Mario Aleman:Yes, thank you, Glenn
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All
judith hellerstein:Welcome Heidi
Heidi Ullrich:@Glen, I agree re FR channel
Joe Catapano:Hi Mario - I should be under "Staff"
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, not Glen!
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Heidi
Glenn McKnight:Yes Glen is a valley in Scotland
Eve Edelson:no objection
Glenn McKnight:Congrats Judith
Glenn McKnight:Please mintue that item
Glenn McKnight:Ed Alan's hand is up
Glenn McKnight:it was up
Leah Symekher:congrats Judith :-)
William Michael Cunningham:I have a question
Glenn McKnight:yes we will
Glenn McKnight:yes
judith hellerstein:Yes and the TTF has already put this call out this morning to our members
Heidi Ullrich:Correct, Eduardo
Glenn McKnight:We strongly suggest the ALS to consider proposals for the FBSC due in January
William Michael Cunningham:OK
Glenn McKnight:Judith is in the que
Heidi Ullrich:Observers/Participants are on the mailing list and are welcome to participate in the FBSC meetings
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):We do use the term Participants.
Glenn McKnight:This is because Ed and Javier are local so travel necessary for ICANN 61 they are living in San Juan
Glenn McKnight:Per Diem and Hotel is being used by them
Glenn McKnight:Hi Tom
Glenn McKnight:@Tom can you please send me the alternative for your ALS
Glenn McKnight:Judith is in the que
judith hellerstein:can javier and Eduardo even use the per diem as per diem is given to people who are not local
judith hellerstein:I put my question in the chat
Glenn McKnight:Judith you dropped your hand?
Tom Lowenhaupt:Hello.
judith hellerstein:yes as I put my question in the chat
Glenn McKnight:Two open for POLICY Folks
judith hellerstein:OK back up
Glenn McKnight:Two - One for ALAC and One for NARALO for the second one
William Michael Cunningham:Define policy. Also, what value does long participation have.
Glenn McKnight:Hi Javier
Mario Aleman:Welcome Javier
Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):Hi!
Glenn McKnight:We are discussing item 002 in the agenda
Glenn McKnight:The travel spots
Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):thx
Glenn McKnight:Heidi wants to respond too
Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):sound is great!
Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):yay
Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):i do need to eat
Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):booo
judith hellerstein:i cannot hear him
William Michael Cunningham:Hang on
judith hellerstein:Also he wanted to know what was policy
Mario Aleman:William, if you would like to speak we could place a dial out to your phone number
Glenn McKnight:We have started a new Policy Group lead by John Laprise, Education is chaired by ALfredo and Outreach is Glenn
judith hellerstein:yes actively involved in Cross Community working groups
judith hellerstein:I do not think the RALO ones count
William Michael Cunningham:OK. My the way, I did want to add a quick FCC NN item to the agenda.
Alfredo Calderon:In our Education WG we have wiki page at
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Alfredo
Glenn McKnight:He added an item
Glenn McKnight:Net Neutrality discussion etc
Glenn McKnight:Alan is another item or the current item
Alfredo Calderon:The call for participants ended last thursday. As soon as I have a stable Internet connection (I'm at Eduardo's beach apartment) using his WiFi) I will sent out an invitation for our first meeting before year ends.
judith hellerstein:ok
Glenn McKnight:Action to Staff on email to Unaffilaited members on being active
Glenn McKnight:So we need a replacement for John Levine
Yubelkys Montalvo:great!
Alfredo Calderon:Net Neutrality is actually a 'hot topic' for us in NARALO and its impact with end-users and policy issues. Mark gave a good presentation in a call with ISOC chapters.
judith hellerstein:Glenn is doing a great job
Silvia Vivanco:@ Glenn could you please clarify the AI for staff on unaffiliated members?
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):I have a hard stop just before the hour, so if you want me to speak on anything, it will have be before then.
Alfredo Calderon:Thus, thursday December 14, after the official vote by FCC that would be a great first short webinar and/or video snippet of the impact in the region.
judith hellerstein:@mario-- Shelly just emailled her apology
Glenn McKnight:Hi Leah
Glenn McKnight:He has been a trooper
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Leah
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:All the ALS members i sent out emails, most have responded to date
Glenn McKnight:Yes waiting for NY reps
Glenn McKnight:Avri left
Glenn McKnight:Yes, we other examples of this too
Glenn McKnight:ISOC Colorado is in the same situation
Glenn McKnight:It varies
Glenn McKnight:Ie. GTLUG have formal votes
judith hellerstein:What did we decide about ISOC colorado
William Michael Cunningham:Comment on this.
judith hellerstein:Can you unsynch the agenda
judith hellerstein:I am also can be the next one
judith hellerstein:I am interested in still continuing
William Michael Cunningham:I am interested.
Silvia Vivanco:members on the link above
Glenn McKnight:Two Crop reps. One from FBSC and one from Outreach. Iam the Outreach rep
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):Note that the ALAC and Regions will be dicussing whether we still need a CROP-RT, and if so, exactly what the group will be doing.
Leah Symekher:I think it is important for expereienced people to invite new people in positions and train them- follow up to Judith's comment
judith hellerstein:I think after a year on FBSC and other issues we can train you
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):The CROP-RT does not reach out. It simply reviews applications that come in.
William Michael Cunningham:That is not what I want to do
Leah Symekher:FYI ..I am not interested in the role :-)
William Michael Cunningham:OK
judith hellerstein:Thanks alan so we are sticking with the old team. that is helpful
judith hellerstein:That is not CROP
judith hellerstein:NO that is not CROP
judith hellerstein:That is outreach
Glenn McKnight:Heidi has question or comment
William Michael Cunningham:Again, not outreach. Strategy.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):The Outreach & Engagement SC is where decision on outreach is done and where the strategy is decided (that is on an At-Large wide basis, not just each RALO).
Silvia Vivanco:Aditional Budget Requests:
Glenn McKnight:We are looking at the NASIG funded for Pre ICANN 61
judith hellerstein:Also Captioning
Glenn McKnight:We have 40 fellowships available
Heidi Ullrich:FY19 Additional Budget Request Workspace:
Joly MacFie:Sorry. I have to step away. Would just like to note under AOB that ISOC-NY is celebrating 20 years and all are invited to our party on Dec 20.
Glenn McKnight:Congrats ISOC NYC ...
Glenn McKnight:Joly please send photos and summary for the newsletter.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):Heidi, can you tell us the size of the overall budget for all AC/SOs
judith hellerstein:Has it been renamed Additional Budget from Special Budget
Heidi Ullrich:@Alan, I have not heard specific numbers this year.
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):Last year?
Heidi Ullrich:Normally the budget is approx. $500k
Glenn McKnight:Judith will be looking for TTF submissions
Glenn McKnight:Our plans is to have schools for IG each year
Glenn McKnight:Rotating from Canada, US and PR
William Michael Cunningham:What was the approved budget for the Internet school and the Indigenous efforts?
Glenn McKnight:Note only 6 mintues to the top of the hour
Tom Lowenhaupt:GSE?
Heidi Ullrich:@William, often the project is approved rather than a particular sum of funds.
Heidi Ullrich:GSE - Global Stakeholder Engagement
William Michael Cunningham:...and let me state for the record that I object to the comment on shoddy proposals. This is the same control mechnism I have questioned.
Glenn McKnight:we working on the NASIG for next year and 2019 will be ICANN Montreal in fall of 2019
Alan Greenberg (ALAC):I have to go now. Bye.
Heidi Ullrich:@William/All., staff and the NARALO FBSC reps will be happy to assist in any request.
William Michael Cunningham:then perhaps you can tell me how much money these programs ahve used to date.
Alfredo Calderon:@Alan, thanks for your contributions.
Yubelkys Montalvo:no probem
Yubelkys Montalvo:ok
William Michael Cunningham:bye
Yubelkys Montalvo:thank you
Eve Edelson:Same to you! bye all
judith hellerstein:@william look at the special budget on the website
Alfredo Calderon:Bye to all!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all !
Claudia Ruiz:Bye all!
Yubelkys Montalvo:bye
Leah Symekher:happy holidays !!
Silvia Vivanco:Happy Holidays