Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call on Monday, 12 December 2016 at 20:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Testing aucio etc
Glenn McKnight:on a computer for Adobe and will phone in on ADIGO
Glenn McKnight:Avoid the sound of my typin g
Glenn McKnight:Hi Alfredo
Alfredo Calderon:Hello Glenn
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Hey all!
Alfredo Calderon:Hola Javier
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all!
Louis Houle:I already sent an email Glenn
Alan Greenberg:not on bridge yet
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Adobe
Alan Greenberg:will be in a moment
judith hellerstein:Hi all
Garth Graham:Dont have your email yet.
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):no crash
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Adobe works fine with me. I like it.
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Joe Catapano
Glenn McKnight:Welcome all.
Glenn McKnight:PLease raise your hand if you have a comment or question
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Chris Mondini!
judith hellerstein:if you are on the bridge than please interupt us
Louis Houle:I'm on the French channel
judith hellerstein:Hi louis did you dial in to the french channel
Louis Houle:Yes
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Thanks!!!!
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, Javier will be supported for the GA
Heidi Ullrich:I'm not on the call yet, but only in AC
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Hi Chris!!!
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Hola Eduardo!
Alfredo Calderon:Hola Ed!
Louis Houle:Salut Eduardo
Joly MacFie:I captured a lot of the raw transcripts at IGF2016 -
judith hellerstein:Great!! I am told that there will be a revised transcripts coming out
Heidi Ullrich:@All, GSE and Gov't Engagement lead on the IGF. However, we can all certainly collaborate with them to ensure At-Large promotional material are available at the ICANN booth.
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):I thinkAlfredo means China...
Heidi Ullrich:We did give brochures to AFRALO and APRALO to distribute at the IGF.
Joly MacFie:yes, the wait is always agonizing.
Heidi Ullrich:We can work more in advance for Geneva 2017.
judith hellerstein:@alfredo great work. Yes please keep me in the loop
Eduardo Diaz:i am here with aUDIO PROBLEMS GET ALAN OR GLENN
Alan Greenberg:Sorry, can't speak at moment.
Glenn McKnight:Alan can you add your comments
judith hellerstein:HI Yesim and Silvia it seems Dana Perry is having trouble getting on. Can some one call him?
Heidi Ullrich:Hi Judith, we are working on it
Glenn McKnight:Leah will be next
Glenn McKnight:I am assuming that Ed it's a old hand
Glenn McKnight:Javier you are after Leah
Eve Edelson:If Leah is not here, can I respond to somethigg?
judith hellerstein:Yes Eve you are after Javier
Eve Edelson:ok no audio, I will have to type
Glenn McKnight:@eve her hand is up
Heidi Ullrich:Judith, we need a number for Dana.
judith hellerstein:The only number I have is 19016652995, ext 230
Alfredo Calderon:@Leah check the attendance list at the IGF site.
Joly MacFie:Of course we don't mention the IGF's domain expeiring halfway through the week :)
Silvia Vivanco:NARALO GA wiki page:
William Cunningham:I am interested in attending if it is not too late. 5.0 NARALO General Assembly 2017.
Gordon Chillcott:Working on it.
Garth Graham:TC' rep will be Marita Mall.
Silvia Vivanco:Deadline to confirm your attendance to the GA is January 6th
judith hellerstein:Hi William. it is up to Alan to decide who from the unafiliated gets to go as they only have one slot
Joly MacFie:I have to discuss with Avri.
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Jan. 6th, Epiphany, Three Kings Day!
William Cunningham:Send me the ARIN fellowship information.
Heidi Ullrich:@William, please see:
Silvia Vivanco:Survey on the topics for the Agenda for the NARALO GA is posted :
William Cunningham:Got it.
Alfredo Calderon:Chris was my mentor
Alfredo Calderon:ISOC Puerto Rico is planning an ARIN on the Road in 1st half of 2017.
Silvia Vivanco:And the Committe will have regular conference calls starting in January
Silvia Vivanco:Yes, staff will coordinate Remote participation
judith hellerstein:great
Howard Deane:confirmation to assist
Glenn McKnight:thanks Howard. How about you and tom speaking about the new City TLD's
Seth Reiss:I will help Judith with the agenda.
judith hellerstein:Yes John More is working on the next draft
Howard Deane:Yes, certainly willing to speak re new city gLTDs
Howard Deane:*gTLDs
Evan Leibovitch:Question: Given the existence of the At-Large review and the potential -- should the Review's recommendation be accepted -- that these procedures
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, could you please confirm if you would like presenters from ICANN for the GA?
Evan Leibovitch:should we consiider putting the rules activity on hold?
judith hellerstein:no
Evan Leibovitch:Why?
Glenn McKnight:@heidi its up to Judith and the working committee
Evan Leibovitch:You do realize that the At-Large Review is recommending abolishing ALSs.
judith hellerstein:We are working to make things simple and we need things right now. we are already far down this road and really need these new procedures
Evan Leibovitch:"really need"? please explain.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Eduardo for putting this newsletter together!
Heidi Ullrich:@Evan, two points re that: 1) Items stated that ALSes are not eliminated in their initial report (admitedly it is not clear); 2) the draft is VERY early at this point and will be reviewed by the Review WP and go throuh Public Comments.
Silvia Vivanco:Stay tuned to see the DRAFT NARALO brochure and mailcard which will be circulated
William Cunningham:Read the brochure. Looks good, but the langage is very much in need of an edit.
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):I vote for Many Voices, One Internet
Evan Leibovitch:I am still for NOTA
Yesim Nazlar:The voice of North American end-users in ICANN
judith hellerstein:I also like that one
Gordon Chillcott:Many Voices One Internet
William Cunningham:MVOI.
Alfredo Calderon:I agree with Eduardo, it would be redundant
Tom Lowenhaupt:Sorry for arriving late. "Many voices One Internet" here too.
Howard Deane:Many voices, one Internet
Eve Edelson:I second Joly
Louis Houle:The voice of NA, is more specific
John Laprise:Recused as a motto contributor :)
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Hey ! Im Hispanic!
judith hellerstein:Yes but all the RALOs has generic slogans
Louis Houle:@ Alan: +1
Howard Deane:is it possible to polish up the longer one.
judith hellerstein:@howard what would you recommend
Loris Taylor:End users in terms of optics seems to narrow.
Loris Taylor:too
Howard Deane:I am not that quick with witty slogans.
Louis Houle:Many voices...It could be anyone, any voice on the planet
William Cunningham:It could be anyone...yes.
John Laprise:OK stepping back in: MU:OI is not about what we think but what we represent to people in NA
Evan Leibovitch:@Heidi: The At-Large Review is absolutely clear about the proposed replacement of At-Large Structures (organizatiuons) with At-Large Memners (individuals) -- Table 11, Page 64
John Laprise:We're the ones speaing to NA
Alan Greenberg:@Evan, yes, but the team members say it was not what they meant. Clear as mud.
William Cunningham:Let's not add another option at this point.
Peter Knight:Why not The voice of North American Internet users
Eduardo Diaz:That one was not in the list.
Peter Knight:I don't know what an end-user is
Loris Taylor:I like Peter Knight's compromising alternative.
Eduardo Diaz:Let's get this finalized
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Lets get it done.
Louis Houle:Yes Loris, I agree with Peter's idea.
Tom Lowenhaupt:finished.
Alfredo Calderon:Let's get it done.
William Cunningham:Make a decision now. Good.
Eduardo Diaz:Done with that
judith hellerstein:@william is this an old hand or a new one.
Tom Lowenhaupt:Sorry, my mic seems to be silent.
Joly MacFie:Did you count Garth Bruen's vote via email.
Joly MacFie:I would have liked to see that vote go back to the whole list.
Seth Reiss:Try Randy at if you have not already.
Eduardo Diaz:I have a hard stop in 10 minutes. due to another meeting
Glenn McKnight:I tried it
Silvia Vivanco:with documentation on the communication with those inactive ALSes
Glenn McKnight:Joly we will send the vote back out to the entire list
Seth Reiss:Slogan: I think if someone originates something that appeals to a broader segmant of group, we can always "amend" the slogan :)
Silvia Vivanco:NARALO rules:16.When an ALS representative does not participate in 3 consecutive NARALO elections or does not contribute a comment on ICANN policy through collaboration on the At-Large discussion lists in 12 consecutive months, it automatically loses its voting rights and active status within the NARALO. The ALS should be notified of the status change and may regain its voting rights and active status if within the next 12 months it participates in online discussions, otherwise the Chair will submit to ALAC a request for de-certification of that ALS.In the case of an apparently dormant or non-existent ALS, the Chair may also recommend that the ALS be decertified, providing evidence of such rationale.
Alan Greenberg:We have existing rules. Let's just use them. If they don't wake up in a year after going inactive, they are out.
Louis Houle:I have another meeting in 5 minutes
Glenn McKnight:Ok Louis make sure you email me on attendance
Alan Greenberg:As do i in 7.
Louis Houle:OK
Eduardo Diaz:@Louis - We are in the same meeting
John More:The existing rules can be used. The new draft is intended to be clearer.
Tom Lowenhaupt:on teleconference phone now
Glenn McKnight:@all I will send out to the entire list the survey for a final voite
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):cut off
Joly MacFie:And William active in steering IGF-USA
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome William Cunningham! thank you for your introduction
Glenn McKnight:Tom can you speak
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Hello William, Great to meet you.
John More:Premature to talk.
judith hellerstein:OK
Louis Houle:I have to leave. Bye everyone!
Glenn McKnight:Thanks John
Glenn McKnight:Bye Louis
Eduardo Diaz:Need to go. Thnaks Glenn and the rest.
Glenn McKnight:We will followup on the slogan survey
Eve Edelson:Hello William & welcome
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):bye Ed
Alfredo Calderon:Hasta luego, Eduardo
Evan Leibovitch:I have stated for years..... if there is ever an attempt to create a dot-toronto I will be front and centre in the oppisition.
judith hellerstein:John has his hand up
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Why is that Evan?
Alan Greenberg:Sorry have to leave...
Evan Leibovitch:How long do you have. The list of reasons against is compelling
William Cunningham:Thanks. Bye.
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Do you think it promotes fragmentation?
John More:I would just thank Judith for giving me a briefing.
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Evan, is it an opinion on .toronto only or on city TLds in general?
Evan Leibovitch:It's not fragmentation. It's pointlessness. It does not offer the citizen benefits Tom claims; indeed his own experiences with .nyc offer compelling evidence against.
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Ok
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Thanx!
Loris Taylor:Thank you
Evan Leibovitch:Experiences with existing cityTLDs indicate that they were implemented based on emotional rather than sound financial basis (ie, a matter of civic pride)
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Ciao!
Gordon Chillcott:Bye for now.
Sebastien:Bye thanks
Monique:See you soon !
Alfredo Calderon:Bye all!
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Thanls Evan 4 info
Glenn McKnight:Don't forget to email me your confirmation of attending the GA
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!
Evan Leibovitch:Happy to go offline to explain further
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):cool
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):lets skype on it