Terri Agnew:Welcome to the NARALO Outreach discussion call on Monday, 22 September 2014 at 1600 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AhWSBg
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:One sec
Glenn McKnight:calling in
Terri Agnew:Ok
Louis Houle:Hi everyone.
Silvia Vivanco:Hello Louis welcome
Silvia Vivanco:Hello Olivier
Silvia Vivanco:could you use the mic on the AC room?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I cannot as the connection's not very good. This is Heathrow Airport.....
Silvia Vivanco:ahhh
Silvia Vivanco:Olivier you could type in your update on budget
Silvia Vivanco:if we cannot get a hold of you
Terri Agnew:Olivier is on audio
Glenn McKnight:We have $2,600 in total
Glenn McKnight:No funds from Google
Glenn McKnight:No word from Verisign or Microsoft
Silvia Vivanco:correct
Glenn McKnight:PRI update said would be fine but is waiting for answer
Silvia Vivanco:100, serving four different types of canapes, wine, beer and soft drinks will cost approximately $5,646.48. This amount covers taxes plus one hour of serving of four canapes, beer and wine, including two bartenders
Silvia Vivanco:@ Loris, yes local LA dancers?
Glenn McKnight:Loris connnected with Hoop Dancers would cost is still outstanding
Glenn McKnight:She is looking at alternatives as well. Asking the tribes in California costs from the Tribes in California
Terri Agnew:Welcome Murray McKercher
Murray McKercher:sorry I am late but taking th audio with me as I am enroute to another meeting
Silvia Vivanco:Is the speaker confirmed?
Silvia Vivanco:Key note speaker
Glenn McKnight:Yes, getting to it next
Silvia Vivanco:ok
Terri Agnew:As a reminder, please mute when not speaking. We are looking into echo
Silvia Vivanco:@ Loris, THANK YOU
Silvia Vivanco:and please we will note your organization as sponsor then
Silvia Vivanco:Theme decided" Our Internet, Our Stories, Our Network"
Silvia Vivanco:@ Loris please send us the dancers requirements
Louis Houle:Yes
Loris Taylor:Yes
Silvia Vivanco:we are okay if you all are ok
Silvia Vivanco:Gisella will send us the details of the cash bar
Louis Houle:OK
Silvia Vivanco:next week same time- next call
Loris Taylor:Bye