Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the NARALO call on Monday 14th April 2014 at 1900 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:Joined remotely without sound
Glenn McKnight:At the ARIN meetings in Chicago which includes four ICANN staff
Glenn McKnight:Pictures of event
Glenn McKnight:
Allan Skuce:Greetings.
Gordon Chillcott 1:Greetings.
Glenn McKnight:Hi Gordon and Allan
Glenn McKnight:I thought Gordon you were tied up today
Glenn McKnight:I missed the tech meeting today since I am at ARIN
Gordon Chillcott 1:I am tied up. And, apparently, gagged. I have to leave here early today - another meeting, Face-2-face, this time, so I need to leave a little after 3:30.
Gordon Chillcott 1:Taking advantage of the opportunity to try connection from some Linux distros.
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Peter Knight:Good afternoon or whatever!
Glenn McKnight:I can listen but no voice connnection
Glenn McKnight:It's grand pappy
Glenn McKnight:correct
Glenn McKnight:No i am in a meeting in Chicago
Glenn McKnight:yes
Peter Knight:Can Adobe Connect speak (other than chat)?
Garth Bruen:On Call Now, hello all
Glenn McKnight:It's an interesting meeting. Lots of policy stuff
Peter Knight:Audio fine on reception here,
Glenn McKnight:I can hear very well
Glenn McKnight:Hi Terri
Glenn McKnight:No Ariel today?
Silvia Vivanco:Hello Terri
Silvia Vivanco:AIs noted Garth
Silvia Vivanco:and staff is already working on this
Terri Agnew:Hi Glenn
Glenn McKnight:Garth I put some draft Elections up on the WIKI already
Gisella Gruber-White:Avri Doria joined the call
Silvia Vivanco:On new ALSes applications Staff to send an update on new NARALO applications
Glenn McKnight:Quetion for Heidi on the one minute video for promoting ATLAS
Glenn McKnight:@Heidi status of promo video?
Peter Knight:Any discussion of IANA function and its transfer from NTIA?
Heidi Ullrich:All, Gisella reminded me that next week is the NetMundial meeting in Brazil that several people from NARALO will attend
Heidi Ullrich:However, these people are well-trained in the wiki
Peter Knight:nobody here seems interested in NETmundial Yes I will be theree
Peter Knight:I will be at NETmundial as official participant
Terri Agnew:Ogi Mitev has joined
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I am going too
Avri Doria:Peter what is an official participant?
Eduardo Diaz:@staff: there is a wiki page of the people going to the NetMundial - CAn you put the link here?
Terri Agnew:Judith Hellerstein has joined
judith Hellerstein:sorry I was late
Peter Knight:I submitted an application and it was accepted.
Glenn McKnight:I was accepted too but no travel subsidy
Ogi Mitev:sorry I was late
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Eduardo - we will get the link to you
Glenn McKnight:I can go but I would have to pay my own way
Ogi Mitev:How do we get on a working group?
Avri Doria:did not know they were letting in people thay had not accepted. but i guess one could try to crash it.
Peter Knight:No travel subsidy either. Payingf my own way.
Eduardo Diaz:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:Also Evan set out requests for names as moderators and for reporters
Eduardo Diaz:I am lost. Where is this located
Silvia Vivanco:See WGs:
judith Hellerstein:Glenn is this what you and I signed up to ?
Ogi Mitev:Garth, thank you for helping me get on a working group!
Silvia Vivanco:9 WGs if you click on WG it will open the WG wiki
Glenn McKnight:@Judith you and I are part of the FAYRE OF OPPORTUNITIES and you and I are in the Summit as moderators and reporters
Peter Knight:Anyone going may be interested in my new book, available in Kindle and on Google books: The Internet in Brazil: Origins, Strategy, Development and Governance. Cheap at $3.99 first chapter, TOC etc visible free.
Eduardo Diaz:@silvia: I am not sure which table is GArth referring too. Is there a link to this table?
Peter Knight:$3.99 Kindle, EPUB, pdf formats
Glenn McKnight:in the agenda
Glenn McKnight:Also small ideas
judith Hellerstein:@glenn, and @garth we should find out from the FCC about their contact for indian affiars. They have a rep for this as they have been working with them
Peter Knight:Hard cover and paperbacks available too from those two plus Barnes and Noble, AuthorHouse.
judith Hellerstein:where is the link that he is talking about
Glenn McKnight:One sec
Heidi Ullrich:@Garth, is this digital divide for NARALO or global?
Heidi Ullrich:could this be a cross-regional activity?
Peter Knight:LTE, various other wireless terrestrial and where not available, satellite anywhere.
Glenn McKnight:The table is in the email
Glenn McKnight:
Ogi Mitev:how do I sign up for the ATLAS II Sub-Working Group: Sponsorship ?
Ogi Mitev:thanks
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies for the beeping. Adigo is working on locating the source
Heidi Ullrich:@Ogi, consider it done!
Ogi Mitev:thank you!!!
Glenn McKnight:@heidi what is the status on the one minute video?
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, Jim's team is doing the final draft editing. I've seen the various clips - including Olivier's singing!
Heidi Ullrich:The raw is great
Glenn McKnight:due date?
Heidi Ullrich:very peppy
Glenn McKnight:IETF in July
Glenn McKnight:in Toronto
Heidi Ullrich:ASAP - I would think we'll see it later this week?
Silvia Vivanco: Los Angeles 12-16 October 2014
Heidi Ullrich:@Garth, is the GA agenda noted the one we should go with?
Sarah Alkire:I'd like to sign up for a working group, but need advice. Who should I contact regarding this?
Heidi Ullrich:It is great for its simplicity
Glenn McKnight:NARALO is the leaders in RALO's on the outreach to the disabled communities. At ARIN today I spoke to Vint Cerf on the Accessiblity Working Group
Evan Leibovitch:sorry, stepping away
Garth Graham:Re Atlas I'm waiting for ICANN travel to send me a travel request form [?] before booking anything. I am I on the corect path with that assumption?
Heidi Ullrich:@Garth Graham, you are the approved rep for your ALS?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@glen that is great news!
Garth Graham:Yes, I am
Heidi Ullrich:I believe Constituency Travel is planning on sending the Welcome Letters this week
Silvia Vivanco:See Ken's page:
judith Hellerstein:why. it was reallly very easy
Peter Knight:@Eduardo - I don't know of a list of NETmundial attendees, but I would very much like to see it.
Glenn McKnight:It should be an online form
Peter Knight:@Heidi -- can you get us such a list of NETmundial participants?
Heidi Ullrich:Re the online form, Staff are focusing on the development of it this trimester
Heidi Ullrich:It should be completed before London
Heidi Ullrich:apologies for the delay on it. We had some staff changes, which meant staff had to train the new staff.
Sarah Alkire:@Heidi, I think my question was lost in the mix: I'd like to sign up for a working group, but need advice. Who should I contact regarding this?
Glenn McKnight:We only have one space left in CROPP
Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah, I was just getting to your question ;)
Heidi Ullrich:Please see the ATLAS II WGs at:
Sarah Alkire:I apologize for my impatience :)!
Heidi Ullrich:LOL
Peter Knight:@Heidi, does ICANN have a list of at least ICANN people who will be at NETmundial next week?
Joly MacFie:MArk Urban from ISOC DSNC Chapter presented to ISOC North America Chapters last Friday
Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah, did you mean all At-Large WGs or At-Large Summit WGs?
Sarah Alkire:That's part of my question- I am new :). The WG for London.
Heidi Ullrich:@Peter, yes there is a workspace for those who are going. However, as it has private info on it, it is restricted. Gisella is working with Olivier and relevant support staff on creating an open page
Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah, - that would be At-Large (ATLAS II) WG:
Ogi Mitev:I will type
Heidi Ullrich:so, please review all the various WGs and let staff know which one(s) you would like to particepate on
Terri Agnew:Ogi your mic is not active
judith Hellerstein:Click on the un mute icon on top.
Ogi Mitev:great idea, virtual wars
Sarah Alkire:I have reviewed the working groups. I guess I'd like advice on what I'd be most effective for, considering that I am new...
Ogi Mitev:DDoS is huge today
Peter Knight:@Heidi That would be very helpful ! but time is short. We need it soon, at least by the end of the week!
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Peter.
Gisella Gruber-White:Ogi is on AC only and his mic should work
Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah, what are your interests?
judith Hellerstein:There is a green microphone on top and you need to click this and un mute it
Heidi Ullrich:Would you like to work on the ATLAS II schedule, the Fayre (showcase), Communications (newsletter, etc), PR - development of PR messages and promotional items), etc
Sarah Alkire:Privacy, reaching out to low-income or rural populations, user issues, etc.
Sarah Alkire:I think communications would be helpful....
Peter Knight:@Heidi, can you let me know by e-mail when the open list for NETmundial is available?
Glenn McKnight:@Sarah you should connect with Stefanie Perrin
Sarah Alkire:(For even me)
Sarah Alkire:Okay, great, thank you!
Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah, I have another suggestion
Sarah Alkire:Sure!
Glenn McKnight:@ garth, don't forget Evan's email last week asking for Moderators and Reporters
judith Hellerstein:Yes and a clarification of how this working doc is structured
Glenn McKnight:can't speak see text
Glenn McKnight:Your welcome
Gordon Chillcott 1:Apologies - I need to exit
judith Hellerstein:Hoped I addressed your point
Glenn McKnight:@ judith here is the link
Glenn McKnight:It is a table requesting volunteers
Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah - there is a call out for members of the organizing groups for the ATLAS II thematic groups:
Heidi Ullrich:The deadline was yesterday, but I'm sure Wolf and Evan would accept members today still
Glenn McKnight:Judith can you mention my link
Heidi Ullrich:You'll see that several of the themes are in-line with your interests
Sarah Alkire:@Heidi, thank you!
Allan Skuce:CROPP - one space left in current time frame. Finalizing reports on Wiki.
Sarah Alkire:Yes, I see that. Perfect!
Heidi Ullrich:also, the deadline for moderators/rapporteurs is 21 April
Joly MacFie:I always nebntion govlab as agood prospect
Joly MacFie:mention
judith Hellerstein:Yes Glenn and I filed two budget request for outreach so if crop is extended then these will be tunred into cropp applications
Glenn McKnight:Also all the candidates
Silvia Vivanco:@ All See update from Nathalie:
Silvia Vivanco:Please find below an update on NARALO ALS Applications: - Currently undergoing vote: ISOC Disability and Special Needs- In the queue for a vote having undergone Due Diligence and received Regional Advice: Native Public Media, VIBUG and Open Media- Due Diligence being processed: Manitoba E-Association Kind regards Nathalie
Glenn McKnight:Great
Silvia Vivanco:an email has been sent to you Garth
Silvia Vivanco:from Nathalie
Glenn McKnight:nice music
Terri Agnew:We are working to find that line
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@garth the current Board member as selected by at large remains as Sébastien Bachollet until the ICANN annual general meeting in October 2014.
Garth Bruen:I will resend the regional advice on the decertification
Glenn McKnight:Neat idea We need a briefing note on this
Joly MacFie:ISOC-NY & PIR ran an event on DDoS a while back
Ogi Mitev:yes, they did a great job
Joly MacFie:
Evan Leibovitch:can you hear me im trying to speak
Evan Leibovitch:then i HAVE to type... bah
Joly MacFie:I'd like to repeat_ MArk Urban from ISOC DSNC Chapter presented to ISOC North America Chapters last Friday
Evan Leibovitch:I am simply concerned about feature cfreep. NARALO may want to have gtreater links with ISOIC chapters, and there is
Glenn McKnight:A video is available of the summary of the action items from Grunella of the Accessiblity Working group
Evan Leibovitch:an effort to create a NA regional IGF next year
Joly MacFie:Urban was the disbilty consultant for
Terri Agnew:Evan try speaking again
Evan Leibovitch:feature creep
judith Hellerstein:I have to leave. Happy passover and easter to everyone
judith Hellerstein:Yes it is pushed by ISOC NA
Joly MacFie:creature feep
Evan Leibovitch:therte is a good desire to have BIG IDEAs
Evan Leibovitch:but ICANN has a narrow remit
Glenn McKnight:what a creepy idea
Terri Agnew:Alan Greenberg has joined
Glenn McKnight:Hey Alan we are leaving
Glenn McKnight:Bye all
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Garth and all
Glenn McKnight:What about us pagan?
Evan Leibovitch:give up ICANN for lent
Ogi Mitev::)
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you everyone!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks everyone!
Peter Knight:Ciao!
Allan Skuce:Bye
Avri Doria:pagans can celebrate everyone's holidays.
Allan Skuce:yeah
Evan Leibovitch: