Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the LACRALO Monthly call held on Monday, 18 April 2016 at 23:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/OqCKBg
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:Hello
Terri Agnew:As a reminder, please log into Adobe Connect with your first and last name
Maritza Aguero:Hello
Adrian Carballo (Fund. Incluirme):Hola a todos!
Maritza Aguero:Hola Adrian
Maritza Aguero:Hola Renata
Aída Noblia:Hola a todos
Silvia Vivanco:Hola a todos
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all
Maritza Aguero:Hola Aida
Maritza Aguero:HOla Silvia
Aída Noblia:Hola Maritza
raitme citterio:Saludos
raitme citterio:hi janice
raitme citterio:thanks terri
Janice Lange:hi raitme and all!
Maritza Aguero:Hi Janiceeeeeeeeeee
Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela: buenas noches a todos, good night to all
Janice Lange:Hi Madame Secretary :)
Maritza Aguero:hahahaha :)
Janice Lange:Will stay on mute until called upon :)
Maritza Aguero:ok
Cristian Casas:buenas noches
raitme citterio:Hola Adrian
Cristian Casas:Hola Raytme
Christelle Vaval:hola todos
raitme citterio:Hola Cristian
Heidi Ullrich:Hola/Hello!
Cristian Casas:sabes como están las cosas con nuestros amigos de Ecuador?
raitme citterio:si le escuchamos
Maritza Aguero:Hola Humberto
Cristian Casas:Hola Humberto
raitme citterio:hola @maritza
Alberto soto - IIISI:Hola a todos!!
Maritza Aguero:Hola Raitme!
Maritza Aguero:HOla ALberto
Bartlett Morgan:hello all
Maritza Aguero:si
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello All, just finsished another call and now joining this one
raitme citterio:hi @dev
Cristian Casas:Hola Alberto tanto tiempo
raitme citterio:perfecto
Alberto soto - IIISI:si perfecto
Tracy F Hackshaw:Scribing in English!!! Well done!
raitme citterio:hi tracy
Silvia Vivanco:Ok we will start now
Tracy F Hackshaw:Hi @Raitme!
Maritza Aguero:HI Tracy!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:hola a todos
Tracy F Hackshaw:Hi @Maritza!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:si muy bueno :)
Maritza Aguero:HOla Renata!!
Tracy F Hackshaw:Renata!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:yo que estoy en una internet muy mala, es buenismo tener esse scribing
Antonio Medina Gomez:buenas tardes
raitme citterio:saludos a las interpretes
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:hola tracy y maritza
Maritza Aguero::)
Sylvia Herlein Leite - Internauta Brasil:buenas noches!!
Tracy F Hackshaw:Prefer scribing to interpretation. Definitely.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:buenas noches sylvia
Maritza Aguero:Hola Sylvia!
Maritza Aguero:ok
Ricardo Holmquist - ISOC Venezuela:se pierde el sonido?
beatriz:Hola a todos, Hi, everybody
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:@tracy i am travelling so either i get voice or slow internet and as i need to have the IGF page on, staying without internet is not an option
Bartlett Morgan:@Tracy. Agreed. Way easier to follow
Cristian Casas:buenas noches Maritza
Maritza Aguero:Janice wohoooo
Maritza Aguero:Hola Cristian!
Tracy F Hackshaw:Can the AC room switch to "Floor"?
Jason Hynds:woohoo Mama J. Hi everyone
Tracy F Hackshaw:Language of the Floor?
raitme citterio:alguien que cierre el microfono
Tracy F Hackshaw:Why does it default to Spanish?
raitme citterio:por favor
Terri Agnew:Adobe connect is connected to Spanish Channel, for English for French, please join the on telephone. Please let me know if a dial out is needed
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Unfortunately, only one channel can be selected in Adobe Connect . EN speakers can mute the AC audio and use Skype to diall the 18005506865 toll free number and select 1638 ; or request a dialout
Tracy F Hackshaw:I understand @Terri. Just wondering why there isn't a "Floor" Channel for AC?
Tracy F Hackshaw:Makes sense.
Tracy F Hackshaw:Especially now with scribing
Tracy F Hackshaw:Hmmm ... AC flaw. Noting for GAC TTF
Tracy F Hackshaw:It's kind of silly to "default" to a specific language.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Yep, we covered this in the TTF call today - see response of ICANN staff on the https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99626767/At-Large+Technology+Issues page
Tracy F Hackshaw:It should default to the live feed - whatever language is being spoken
Christelle Vaval:exact
Tracy F Hackshaw:OK @Dev. Will look at it.
Tracy F Hackshaw:So AC ONLY participants (who can't use the phone) MUST have scribing to participate effectively.
Tracy F Hackshaw:Not very user-friendly
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Its been a big issue, hence the raising of this with ICANN staff by the At-Large Technology Taskforce
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'm thinking in theory somone can be the "mixer" and mix the different Adigo channels appropriately but that would require skill and diligence and introduce a further delay
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:not to mention additional cost for the additional person
Tracy F Hackshaw:It's successfully accomplished with streaming ...has anyone thought of having the main AC Channel being a stream and the Adigo Tele being the dedciated language channels?
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:very good news the bigger number of nextgen
Maritza Aguero::)
raitme citterio:yes @renata
Christelle Vaval:yes, now let's hope that there will be a meeting in the LAC region so we can benefit from it ;)
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:true, christelle
Maritza Aguero:Excellent news mama J!!!
Alan Greenberg:Fantastic!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:yes, great news
raitme citterio:greats news mama J!!!
Beatriz Rodríguez:Yes, it is an excellent news!!!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Good news re: review of eligibility criteria review being made available for public comment
Maritza Aguero:+1 @Dev
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:The world bank criteria was influenced by local politics unfortunately, to know that it is not the center of selection anymore is great
Beatriz Rodríguez:Thanks Mama J!!
Maritza Aguero:si
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:do we know already if icann57 p rico is confirmed?
raitme citterio:Fellows of the Latin America region resposabilidad we multiply the effect of integrating more people within ICANN processes through the activities of the remote hub.
Maritza Aguero:ai
Antonio Medina Gomez:si
Cristian Casas:Si Alberto
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:@raitme true and congrats on that line of work btw
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@tracy - in a live F2F ICANN meeting, that works, but with a remote conference call, there is no channel with the "raw" audio
Nikenley SEVERE:They don't call me back for the french session
raitme citterio:Cuestion: Fellows of the Latin America region resposabilidad we multiply the effect of integrating more people within ICANN processes through the activities of the remote hub.
Terri Agnew:@Nikenley the op is dialing back out to you.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The Outreach and Engagement SC has a spreadsheet is also looking on tracking Fellowship attendees by territory
Nikenley SEVERE:Thnks Terry
Alberto soto - IIISI:Thanks Janice!!
1738:cesar cordero reportandose
Terri Agnew:@1738, for attendance, what is your first and last name
raitme citterio:@janice my cuestion: Fellows of the Latin America region resposabilidad we multiply the effect of the meetings to integrate more people in ICANN processes through the activities of the remote hub.
1738:cesar cordero
raitme citterio:Fellows of the region of Latin America have a responsibility to multiply the effect of the meetings to integrate more people in ICANN processes through the activities of the remote hub.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Understood, thanks Janice
1738:llegué ahora a la reunion y me interesa saber que tenemos que hacer los dominicanos para participar en las becas de ICAN
Silvia Vivanco:puede aclarar Raitme
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:looks more to be a comment
Maritza Aguero:Raitme can you explain?
Silvia Vivanco:se refiere a si tiene responsabilidad el fellow?
raitme citterio:ok
Alan Greenberg:Sounded more like a statement and not a question.
raitme citterio:lo hare por email
raitme citterio:thanks janice :)
Cristian Casas:por favor Raytme también en español gracias
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:i had lowered my hand just to reinforce the comment i did but its ok
Terri Agnew:dialing bakc out to Harold
raitme citterio:si
Maritza Aguero:si
Terri Agnew:Report on MAG IGF: https://www.intgovforum.org/cms/igf16-workshops
Maritza Aguero:Many thanks to Janice for her time and presentation!!!
raitme citterio:thanks @janice
Jason Hynds:Thanks Mama J.
Jania Lopez:thanks mama J
Maritza Aguero:Si tuvieran alguna consulta o duda para Janice, pr favor la pueden realizar por correo.
Cristian Casas:Ok gracias
Antonio Medina Gomez:muchas gracias
Javier Chandía:Gracias Maritza
Maritza Aguero:If you have any question regarding Janice´s presentation you can contact her.
Nikenley SEVERE:i lost my phone coonection
raitme citterio:thanks @renata
Janice Lange: Thank you Maritza for inviting me and to all for the time and comments - will drop off now
Terri Agnew:@Nikenley, having op dial back ou ttoyou
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:thanks everyone
Terri Agnew:Still trying to reach Harold
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes
Maritza Aguero:Si
Niran Beharry:yess
Alberto soto - IIISI 2:Yes
Cesar Cordero:alto y claro
raitme citterio:yes
Maritza Aguero:Thanks mama J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beatriz Rodríguez:Thanks Renata
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:i would just clarify that cesar cordero was invited by me as a south school of internet governance 2016 member and interested in knowing more about lacralo
Nikenley SEVERE:ok
Silvia Vivanco:Dear Renata thank you for inviting Cesar
Maritza Aguero:Welcome cesar!!!
Maritza Aguero:much appreciated!
Silvia Vivanco:please Cesar contact Maritza or myself with questions re LACRALO
Cesar Cordero:saludos desde Republica Dominicana
Maritza Aguero:Saludos Cesar! Excelente que puedas participar!
Cesar Cordero:gracias a ustedes por permitirme participar en tan agradable reunion
Maritza Aguero:Cuando gustes
Maritza Aguero:y puedes preguntar cuando gustes tamabien
raitme citterio:saludos cesar
Cesar Cordero:saludando raitme
Nikenley SEVERE:call me please
Laura Margolis:hola a todos! desde Uruguay
Terri Agnew:Please remember to mute when not speaking
Maritza Aguero:Saludos Laura!!!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:hola laura, participante de ssig y ccnso interesada en lacralo
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:de uy
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:bienvenida
Maritza Aguero:Bienvenida Laura!!!
Maritza Aguero:Graacias por tu participación!
Maritza Aguero:Saludos Raul!!
Alan Greenberg:Someone needs to mute!
Laura Margolis:muchas gracias a todos!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:hola raul de colombia y ssig 2016, bienvenido
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:(raul rodriguez de colombia :)
Christelle Vaval:[c]
Jason Hynds:Woohoo Christelle! Thanks
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:greats christelle thanks
Maritza Aguero:Many thanks Christelle!
Alberto soto - IIISI 2:Gracias Christelle!!
Nikenley SEVERE:Congrats Christelle
Beatriz Rodríguez:Thanks Christelle
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Christelle for the update
raitme citterio:thanks Christelle
Raul Rodriguez Caceres - rarodrig@gmail.com:Gracias Renata! Gracis Christelle
Christelle Vaval:Thank you all :)
raitme citterio:no se escucha
Harold Arcos:Estoy por AC
Javier Chandía:Se escucha cortado
Terri Agnew:we are dialing back out to Harold to see if we can get a better connection
raitme citterio:si ahora si
Antonio Medina Gomez:si
Beatriz Rodríguez:ahora mejor
Cesar Cordero:mucho mejor
Raul Rodriguez Caceres - rarodrig@gmail.com:Saludos Maritza!
Maritza Aguero:Saludos Raul!!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:a followup question to janice, i will leave it registered here but will also maybe try later via email. About indigenous ppl who happen to live in a developed country - like the us - but are not recognized as having lower gdp thank other regions - are they now eligible for funding in the fellowship - a message i received by ssig 2016 participant judith hellerstein
Maritza Aguero:HI Renta Do you want me to forward your question to janice??
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:i am guessing it would be good yes tks maritza
Maritza Aguero:okay
Maritza Aguero:you´re welcome!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro::)
Maritza Aguero:Hi Fabricio!!
Fabricio Pessôa:Hi Maritza!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:Olá Fabricio
Fabricio Pessôa:Sorry for being late, i had to take my son to the hospital and just came back. he's fine though, just some virus bothering the little on :/
Maritza Aguero:sorry to hear that Fabricio!
Maritza Aguero:Espero se recupere pronto!
Fabricio Pessôa:gracias Matitza... no ha de ser nada, es solo un virus... pero gracias :)
Maritza Aguero:Excelente!
Maritza Aguero:Esta disponible Alberto
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:ele vai ficar bonzinho, fabricio
Fabricio Pessôa:Valeu Renata :)
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:maritza vamos a tener la presentacion de alberto despues si?
Maritza Aguero:Si
Maritza Aguero:estan colgadas en la wiki
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:son puntos muy importantes y esta rapido para leer
Maritza Aguero:si
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:gracias
Maritza Aguero:Igual enviaremos un correo recordatorio.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:pregunta es elegible para CROPP el IGF brasileno que ocurre en 11 a 13 de julio? http://forumdainternet.cgi.br/ Miren que tambien CGI.br esta a dar funding
Jason Hynds:@Alberto Soto: Who is we?
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:pero puede ser que solo para Brasil
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@REnata, yes, since the event is a regional event
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:in english - Brazilian IGF funding application are open - but mostly for brazilians - could be cropp too
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:tks dev
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:i cant apply :( i will be in mag 13-15 july
Jason Hynds:@Alberto Soto: If there was a VISA restriction problem, why wasn't another candidate used as failover?
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:but i wish someone from lacralo is there
Harold Arcos:@Maritza gracias. Con las diapositivas resulta más fluido hacer y leer la presentación.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Renata, an issue though would be what would be the outcomes of such a propsoal
raitme citterio:saludos mi pregunta el igf de este año califica ?
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:el igf de este ano va a ser 5-9 diciembre mexico
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:asi califica?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I have a comment
Jason Hynds:Thanks Alberto / Maritza
Terri Agnew:MOU-LACNIC: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/zgqLBg
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:@dev an outcome of participating in igf16 could be presenting a workshop on latin america internet governance debates for instance right?
raitme citterio:gracias maritza
Maritza Aguero:A ustedes!!
Heidi Ullrich:The CROPP Review Team Workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99611428/At-Large+Community+Regional+Outreach+Program+Review+Team+CROP+RT
raitme citterio:thanks @heidi
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:It would be great if these events mentioned are included on the LAC Outreach Calendar http://bitly.com/LAC-Outreach-Calendar
Alan Greenberg:I have to leave now. Good meeting.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:there is another event together with the IGF brazilian, the International Forum of Free Software it also receives workshop proposals until 22nd apr. i am lowering my hand now
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:http://softwarelivre.org/fisl17
Maritza Aguero:Thank you alan!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Also, re: technology issues - please submit to the At-Large Technology Taskforce - we will include on the https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99626767/At-Large+Technology+Issues page
Terri Agnew:@Aida, your mic is not active
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:one of the key work items is the LACRALO mailing list issues and we are working with Staff to test the new tool
Terri Agnew:2016 LACRALO Regional Selections: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/2UbvBQ
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:the LACRALO mailing list issues page is https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LACRALO/pages/109744694/discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues
raitme citterio:thanks @dev
Sylvia Herlein Leite - Internauta Brasil:muy buena iniciativa
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:tks dev will keep an eye
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:yes very important
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:i cant identify more than one category
Maritza Aguero:Very useful survey!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:i would like low bw and 2nd lang
Christelle Vaval:in Q2 if we fall in 2 categories
Christelle Vaval:we should be able to have more than 1 choice
Harold Arcos:@Christelle +1
Silvia Vivanco:This survey will be sent by email to all members after this call
Sylvia Herlein Leite - Internauta Brasil:+1
Maritza Aguero:Q 4 allows more than 2 options
Heidi Ullrich:Gracias/Thanks!
Sylvia Herlein Leite - Internauta Brasil:graciasssssss
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all for answering this survey and for your great participation
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:gracias
Heidi Ullrich:Interestng presentations!
Raul Rodriguez Caceres - rarodrig@gmail.com:Thank you all!
Christelle Vaval:indeed
Beatriz Rodríguez:gracias
Fabricio Pessôa:gracias a todos.
Christelle Vaval:bye all
Beatriz Rodríguez:gracias por todo, saludos a todos
Silvia Vivanco:Gracias a todos!
Niran Beharry:bye all
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!
Cesar Cordero:gracias por todo
Harold Arcos:gracias a todos,,,
Javier Chandía:GRacias a todos saludos desde Chile
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all
Fabricio Pessôa:saludos desde Brasil :)
Harold Arcos:gracias a intérpretes,,
Cesar Cordero:esperamos que estemos presentes en otra reunion
raitme citterio:Gracias a todos
Gilberto Lara:Gracias a todos!
raitme citterio:thanks
Raul Solares:saludos a todos. Que tengan una feliz y productiva semana
Cesar Cordero:Republica dominicana se despide
Maritza Aguero:Gracias a tod@s!
Cesar Cordero:bendiciones
rudi daniel:fab
Niran Beharry:bye all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:thanks everyone. take care all