Seth Greene: WT D CHAT: 06 JANUARY 2011
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone, and happy New Year.
Seth Greene: Hello, Charles. Thank you so much for joining at your time.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/109576218/At-Large-Work-Team-D%20Presentation-Thursday-9-December-2010.pdf is the presentation from the WT D intended for Cartagena
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Time zone comparison : http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?month=1&day=6&year=2011&p1=33&p2=588&p3=240&p4=137
Seth Greene: Dave, are you on the line?
Dave Kissoondoyal: Hello all
Dave Kissoondoyal: still on the Rec6 conference call
Dave Kissoondoyal: i will join this call shortly
Dave Kissoondoyal: the rec6 call has now ended..
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: Apologies for joining late - was on Rec6 call. Here to listen only. :-)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Hello Olivier
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109588524/APRALO+-+Proposed+policy+advice+process
Seth Greene: I have much static on the line over Charles.
CLO: SO Sorry I was late Rec 6 CWG just finished SO glad Charles was here to present THANKS CHarles :-)
CLO: Could do a simple poll to yes No Maybe even in a doodle NOT teleconf based regular is the monthly
CLO: I'm muted as it seemed to be my line that brought in the sytatic Sorry => Interestingly my line was OK on last call BUT I had trouble hearing this time I hear you all fine ^sigh^ cab't have it both ways...
CLO: Regularly Monthly calls
CLO: poll in between as required
CLO: phew
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/109576218/At-Large-Work-Team-D%20Presentation-Thursday-9-December-2010.pdf
CLO: Charles I would Like Dev to join an APRALO call to present this to all of our ALSes
CLO: might be time for this to go out as a presentation outreach to ALL RALOs
CLO: as it did not happen as planned in Cartagena
CLO: See mute ing does not shut me up ;-)
CLO: It got opend in Synch YES I did that
Heidi Ullrich: Latest PAD Flowchart:
Heidi Ullrich: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/109587981/New%20ALACAt-Large%20PAD%20Flowchart_ver%204.pdf
CLO: were in Synch
Charles Mok: Cheryl: ok, can arrange Dev to join APRALO call, agree.
Heidi Ullrich: That is an AI to pass on to Hong.
CLO: OK you can action that then Charles with Dev directly
CLO: Hing works woith her 2 VC's on Agenda planning
Heidi Ullrich: yes, correct. So AI to Hong and her two VCs
CLO: I think it is complementary
Dave Kissoondoyal: I have no futher comments Dev
CLO: the idea is for at least 1 rep from each ralo TO BE INVOlved
Heidi Ullrich: Would this be a new WG? How would the Secretariat be imvolved?
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks for the clarification!
Heidi Ullrich: Would this be a monthly call?
c: back
c: c is charles :p
Dave Kissoondoyal: +1 to CLO
Heidi Ullrich: The liasion would report to the ALAC at their monthly meeting, correct?
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: ICANN 101
CLO: Yes _1 to Heidi and we need to also address the work that we have to do on Consumer 'metrics' out of the Cartagena Board resolution(s)
Heidi Ullrich: I assume that is a + and not a -
CLO: so how far later in the Day do we need to shift for MORE apINVOLVEMENT:?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?month=1&day=6&year=2011&p1=33&p2=588&p3=240&p4=137
Dave Kissoondoyal: what is your proposed time Dev
Heidi Ullrich: Board resolution on consumer metrics: http://icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-10dec10-en.htm#6
Heidi Ullrich: thanks for the reminder, Cheryl!
CLO: Need to ask Hing & Charles I guess
c: 3am at least I know I will not have a schedule conflict, haha!
CLO: keep typing i not o
Dave Kissoondoyal: yes, we can do it through doodle poll
CLO: Yes some before work as well as during work day
c: 9am our time is ok, too, usually
CLO: look to 2200 + UTC
Dave Kissoondoyal: 01:00 hrs UTC is 05:00 AM for me.. 02:00 hrs or 03:00 hrs UTC will best suit me
CLO: as options as well
CLO: we had a good time for all for the Summit calls what was that ? it needs to be included
CLO: Gisella needs to check there is NO CLASH
CLO: with other stuff happening
CLO: Yes I feel like it's ground hog day *sigh*
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: you too?
Olivier Crépin-Leblond: :-)
Heidi Ullrich: AI for G to look into Summit calls
CLO: Thanks all till next time in 2 weeks
Dave Kissoondoyal: ok thanks a lot
Dave Kissoondoyal: have a great day/night and evening
Seth Greene: Thanks, everyone. Talk to you online.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thanks all!