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Participants: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dave Kissoondoyal, Charles Mok, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond

Apologies: Rudi Vansnick, Hong Xue

Absent: Beau Brendler, Chris Grundemann, Antonio Medina Gomez, Carlos Vera

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene

WT D AGENDA:  06 JAN 2011


1.  Roll call – 5 min.

Heidi:  Rudi’s consulting job should be ending around now. 

Dev:  It could be time to contact Rudi and see if we can re-enlist him in the WT.  Seth, would you do that?

>>  AI:  Seth to ask Rudi if he can resume his WT D participation.

2.  Review of AIs from 26 Nov 2010 meeting -- Dev, 5 min

     a)  Seth to contact Margie and Marika to find out if there is an additional report that can be used to as evidence of the completion of task 13.4 (ensure the GNSO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process).

  • Status:  Done.
  • Margie and Marika did not have any suggestions of other documents, WG minutes, etc. that could be used as evidence of the completion of or work on task 13.4.  


3.  Proposed APRALO policy advice process – Charles, 10 min.

Charles:  In APRALO, we’re trying to set up a policy advice system that is more organized, with set amounts of time for circulating materials and comments, for objections, etc.  This could include a WT of some sort that would analyze the implications of various policy comments, as well.

Dev:  How often do you envision this group meeting that would analyze the implications of policy advice?

Charles:  I imagine much of that work would happen through e-mail and, when and if necessary, an occasional special call. 

Dev:  So, the timetable of your proposed PAD includes 10 days for identifying key issues that need comments, 5 days for drafting a comment, and 5 days for circulating a comment. 

Dev:  Have you looked at the New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart (Dec 2010)_ver 6 we’ve been developing in this WT for synergies with your PAD?  I think we should do that, and then we can add to the ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart the points at which RALO input comes in.

Cheryl (from Chat):  I would like Dev to present the ALAC/At-Large PAD to APRALO on its next call.  We should let Hong know.

>>  AI:  Seth to arrange with Matthias for Dev to present the New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart to APRALO.

4.  Proposed cross-regional working group to identify issues on which RALOs should submit public comments – Cheryl, 10 min.

Cheryl:  This proposal is for a new formalized, standing work group with one representative from each RALO to work cross-regionally to help the regions decide what they need to put in comments on and what they don’t – that is, even if the ALAC decides not to put in a comment itself.  Of course, it’d be useful in the monthly ALAC calls, as well.  This would be an ALAC advisory group and would need its own workspace, call time, etc.

Heidi:  Would the Secretariat be involved?

Cheryl:  Only to the extent that that the RALO leadership would make sure this new WG is populated, but not to necessarily join it themselves.  This is a chance for the ALSes to get involved in the policy comments; the members could come directly from the ALSes.

Cheryl:  Let’s try a pilot.  Let’s ask APRALO to put forward a minimum of one person and one alternate (not necessarily from APRALO leadership).  Perhaps the APRALO liaison to the ALAC is appropriate. 

Olivier:  I strongly support this proposal.  It would be a clearly beneficial “inreach” effort getting people involved from the ALSes.

Dave:  I also strongly agree.

Dev:  So it would be a monthly call, with a liaison reporting to the ALAC on the ALAC monthly call.

5.  Plans to continue work outlining consolidated consumer document(s) – Dev, 5 min.

Dev:  Obviously, we haven’t done much in terms of outlining a consolidated consumer document or documents.  There is some synergy with WT B’s work on Recommendation 4 (ALS education and engagement).

Dev:  I think what we need to do is go back to the various Fellowship Meetings, Beginners’ Meetings, and other introductions for first-time people attending ICANN Meetings.  These sessions go on at every ICANN Meeting, I believe.  I think we should look at the videos of these sessions and other materials to create new consumer documents.

Heidi:  Scott Pinzon had an interesting conversation in Cartagena with Olivier and Evan regarding an At-Large communications platform, including new documents that would actually be produced by Communications.  One major aspect we’ve discussed is an interactive educational video (podcast) for all beginning end-users, sort of an “ICANN 101.”  This could be useful for consumers.

Heidi:  Also, I and Beau could take a look at the materials for the consolidated consumer document(s) and see what we come up with to send to consumer groups.

Cheryl and Olivier agreed with suggestion of Heidi’s.

Dev:  Okay, let’s work on the consolidated consumer document(s) by our next meeting.

>>  AI:  Beau and Heidi to work on the WT D outline of consolidated consumer document(s).

Heidi:  Also, we should note that two action items came out of the Consumer Meeting in Cartagena:

Once we have our consolidated document, we could send it around to this mailing list for comments.

Cheryl:  In addition, we need to work on the Consumer metrics mentioned in the Cartagena Board resolution.

6.  Possible rescheduling of WT D call time – Dev, 5 min.

Dev:  From Asia, we’ve now had Charles and Hong join our WT, for whom the current regular time of our calls is not convenient.

Cheryl:  What other times are proposed?

Dev:  Let’s consider Fridays 1:00 UTC, which would be Friday 12 noon in Sydney, Thursday 5 pm in  Los Angeles, and Thursday 8 pm in New York.

Cheryl:  I suggest we do through a Doodle.  And we include some times before work hours and others during work hours.

Charles:  For me, 8 am my time (Friday 0:00 UTC) is better than during work hours.

Heidi:  The times that are not bad for all regions are 20:00 UTC and 21:00 UTC.

Cheryl:  And add 22:00 UTC to the Doodle.  In addition, add the times of the Summit calls; they were convenient for all.  Gisella can look up when they were.

>>  AI:  Seth to arrange for a Doodle for a new WT D call time.  Include Thursday 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00; Friday 00:00, 01:00 UTC; and the times of the past Summit calls.

Olivier:  We in WT C are actually about to go through a similar Doodle process.  Seth, please use the information gleaned in both WT C and D’s Doodles to help the other one.

7.  Any other business -- Dev, 5 min.

WT D meeting during San Francisco Meeting

Heidi:  Does WT D want to hold a meeting in San Francisco? 

Dev:  Yes.

Heidi:  Okay, WT C will likely be scheduled to meet on Wed, March 16th.

8.  Confirmation of next meeting – Dev, 2 min.

  • If no change, next meeting would be Thu, 20 Jan 2011, at 19:00 UTC.

Dev:  Our next meeting will depend on the Doodle poll (see above).

The meeting was adjourned.