Strengthening WGs & At-Large Improvements Teleconference
Meeting Number: SWAI/0410/1
Date: 08 April 2010
Time: 12:00 - 13:30 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Interpretation Available: No
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Who is on the dial-out list for this call
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Sebastien Bachollet, Carlton Samuels, Dev Annand Teelucksingh, Patrick Vande Walle, Lutz Donnerhacke, Carlos Aguirre, Rudi Vansnick
Apologies: Evan Leibovitch, Seth Reiss
Absent: Adam, Sylvia, Andres, James, Hawa
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Matthias Langenegger, Marilyn Vernon
Summary Minutes: 08
.04.10 Summary Minutes
Action Items: 08 April 2010 Action Items
Documents: GNSO%20Working%20Group%20Guidelines_ver%205%20Feb%202010.pdf
Part I: Revitalization of At-Large WGs
1. New mandates for At-Large WGs (5 min)
a. Enhanced process for policy advisory development
c. Sustainable WGs populated by diversity of regions and ALSes
2. Membership of At-Large WGs (5 min)
(For more information on these WGs, see the main At-Large Working Groups wiki page.)
> i. For WG Chairs, recruitment is a performance indicator
> ii. ALAC may assist in certain cases
3. Operating processes: For WGs generally (5 min)
a. As starting point, see draft “GNSO Working Group Guidelines”
> i. Available on the new At-Large Improvements Workspace.
b. WGs will share common operating processes, including:
c. WG Chairs should devise specifics of these processes together and submit to ALAC (see below).
Part II: WGs’ role in At-Large Improvements Implementation project
1. Mandate: WGs are primary agents of At-Large Improvements Implementation (5 min)
a. This makes recruitment a priority
b. Staff support: New At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Manager
2. TO DO: Allocate all At-Large Improvements recommendations (
1--13) among WGs, Subcommittee, ALAC and/or staff (25 min)
a. See staff’s suggested allocations in the Simplified Implementation Outline
b. WGs can staff assigned recommendations using smaller working teams – single-WG or cross-WG teams
3. Plan for progress by these At-Large Improvements meetings in Brussels: (5 min)
a. Sunday, June 20: Individual At-Large Improvements WGs will meet in parallel
c. At-Large Improvements will also be on agenda of Brussels Secretariats meeting (and monthly RALO meetings)
4. TO DO: Set deadlines for these next steps for At-Large Improvements WGs: (25 min)
a. Revitalization
> i. Begin “inreach”: Confirm WG’s membership
> ii. Begin recruitment of new members (use suggestions above)
> iii. Chairs of all At-Large WGs (not only Improvements WGs) to devise the specifics of shared of operating processes and submit to ALAC (see above)
> i. Set up initial working teams (from own WG or across WGs) – can be added to as new members added
>> 1. Decide if At-Large Improvements Focal Point or administrator useful
> ii. Set up regular meeting dates & times
> iii. For Brussels:
>> 1. Decide At-Large Improvements targets to be completed by Brussels
>> 2. Develop agendas for Brussels
> iv. Create specific Improvement action items (AIs)
>> 1. Each Final Report recommendation is divided into broad tasks, listed in the Simplified Improvements Implementation Outline
>> 2. Next, divide each broad task into manageable AIs with deadlines (that add up to meeting the deadline for each broad task).
> v. Begin using the new At-Large improvements Improvements Workspace