Primary Team Members in Attendance:
- Chris Chaplow (Commercial and Business Users Constituency)
- Steve Holsten, Vice-Chair, (gTLD Registries Constituency)
ICANN Staff in attendance:
- Julie Hedlund - Policy Consultant
- Robert Hoggarth - Senior Policy Director
- Ken Bour - Policy Consultant
- Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat
1. Call to order / roll call
2. Review agenda
3. Review web team call with ICANN
5. Review OSC CSG Draft Charter/Task Checklist
- Need to decide whether the OSC Draft Charter is broad enough to cover all of the Work Team's tasks and details.
- Questions/additions re: the Checklist:
> o Low visibility of the GNSO (identified by LSE) - should it be added?
> o Ensure that the web site is search-engine friendly (is covered within Business Requirements).
> o Should there be a GNSO logo under the ICANN logo?
> o Should the team consider working on improving the quality of communications within the GNSO, e.g. introducing norms that might enhance the sharing of meaning vs. just information? Ideas could include etiquette or "netiquette" that, in some team members' minds, are frequently ignored within the ICANN culture.
- We performed a quick exercise to identify how the checklist maps to the Business Requirements document. In the table below, see the last column labeled "In?." A "Y" indicates that the element is within the Business Requirements scope; an "N" suggests that it is not explicitly accommodated.
ICANN Board Recommendations | In? | |
Problem: The GNSO's visibility on the Internet is very low due to serious deficiencies in the design of ICANN's web sites. (LSE Report, p. 50) | Y | |
Collaboration Tools:scheduling, discussions, templates, knowledge base, blogs / wikis, information sharing | Y |
Portal Services:create social networks, find teams / people, communication alerts / reminders | Y |
Search Capabilities:indexing, keywords, relevance, data types, enterprise extensions | Y |
Content Management:authoring, versioning, workflows, check in/out, doc security, multi-language support | Y |
Business Processes:web forms, online surveys, dashboards | Y |
Shared Services:common themes / interface, editing, navigation | Y |
Problem: Poor organization and inconsistent document management making progress and decisions difficult to track (LSE Report, p. 53) | Y | |
Prepare a revised process for gathering and addressing public comment on policy issues | N |
Take into account developments in technology that facilitate community interaction | N |
Prepare a translation plan for documents associated with policy development | N |
Recommend ways to monitor and improve effectiveness | N |
Problem: There are very few formalized and institutional channels through which the GNSO Council may communicate with the Board and other senior representatives across ICANN organizations.(LSE, p. 62) | N | |
Recommend ways to enhance contact between the GNSO Council and constituencies, the members of the Board elected from the GNSO, and among the Chairs of the GNSO, other Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees. | N |
Recommend ways to increase communications within the GNSO, among individuals participating in its constituencies, working groups and other processes. | N |
Consider a "GNSO Discussion List" where participants from constituencies, working groups and other GNSO processes have posting rights and contents can be publicly accessed. | N |
6. Suggested next steps:
- Look at the Business Requirements document and see if there is anything to add. NOTE: Ken is willing to walk the team through the document at its convenience.
- Make an outline of what the Work Team is seeking to achieve, that is, how will we know if we were successful?
- Staff will coordinate with ICANN I/T regarding the project management and charter activities. We recommend that the CCT continue its work, without interruption, while your Staff liaisons engage the ICANN infrastructure. We will keep the team apprised of progress...
- Engage experts in certain areas who could volunteer to assist. For example, someone who is intimately familiar with both Drupal and Sharepoint could help us sanitize the requirements so that they are technology/platform neutral.
7. Action Items:
1. Team members suggest any other recommendations that should be added to the checklist.
2. Complete/confirm the checklist
3. Develop a Work Plan (must be submitted to OSC)
4. Assign tasks
Primary Team Members in Attendance:
- Serdar Acir (Registrar contact for Turkish Registry)
- Mason Cole, Chair, (Registrar Constituency)
- Chris Chaplow (Commercial and Business Users Constituency) with William Eaton, Assistant
- Steve Holsten, Vice-Chair, (gTLD Registries Constituency)
- Helen Laverty (DotAlliance)
ICANN Staff in attendance:
- Julie Hedlund - Policy Consultant
- Robert Hoggarth - Senior Policy Director
- Roman Pelikh - Director of IT
- Ken Bour - Policy Consultant
- David Conrad - Vice President of Research and IANA Strategy
- Marc Salvatierra - Web Content Developer
- Ritsa Panagis - Senior Business Systems Analyst
- Kieren McCarthy - General Manager of Public Participation
- Joyce Thomas - Technical Project Manager
- Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat
1. Call to order / roll call
2. Review agenda
3. Results of leadership poll - Approved: Mason Cole, Chair; Steven Holsten, Vice-Chair
4. Discussion with ICANN Web Team
ICANN's Overall IT Strategy
- Growth pains, more resources in infrastructure technology, driving changes to the ICANN web architecture.
- Trying to meet community requirements as quickly and efficiently as possible.
- First looked at GNSO web site in October 2008
> o Started looking into what was needed and then requirements collection.
> o Decided on an agile methodology to make it useable as soon as possible.
> o Question - when you started looking at what needed to be done to the web site, were you doing that in parallel to the Board recommendation?
> o Answers:
>> - Yes, the Board Recommendations preceded our work on requirements.
>> - We are hoping that the Work Team can use the requirements as a starting point.
> o Work Team should review the requirements document:
>> - Requirements should focus on the business need and not the mechanism(s) to meet them.
>> - Rewrite requirements that suggest or refer to a specific design solution (e.g. SharePoint, Drupal).
>> - Note: ICANN staff will be open to various technology solutions but would prefer a system that supports Drupal (e.g. content management)
Key Platform/Architecture Decisions/Corporate Requirements
- Drupal is the content management software of choice - our multi-site/multilingual website development is complex.
- In the website design, some people prefer to have content pushed to them and this is easier to do via Drupal.
- Drupal is not a document management system.
- The new GNSO test development web site is database driven, which will make it much easier to expand.
- If the ICANN sites use different platforms it makes it difficult for the ACs and SOs to communicate.
- Content sharing is a huge amount of the work - audio files, agendas, etc.
- ICANN Meeting sites are now part of the shared Drupal environment. Example (using Drupal): At-Large Summit site - Supports users in three languages.
- Recommendations concerning GNSO website improvements:
> o Think about content in terms of ICANN overall - for the benefit of users.
> o Example: ICANN.org takes a news portal approach to give a top-level view without having to delve deeply into the site.
- The GNSO website should explain the significance of what is being posted.
> o Consider: there are a lot of shared issues (new gTLDs, IDNs)
> o One idea might be to focus on the timelines concerning progress on these PDPs.
- Recommendations concerning translated materials:
> o Until recently there hasn't been a consistent approach, so ICANN staff have identified the approaches that worked best.
> o When document translation can't keep up, we end up with gaps; need to determine how to get translations done as quickly as possible.
- ICANN staff have a project management methodology that we follow:
> o Define the scope of the project - what it will include and should we look at other solutions (other than Drupal).
> o Include objectives/goals and scope.
> o Joyce and Ken have the action item to develop the Work Team's charter. Rob Hoggarth will work with David and Denise to identify a project sponsor.
- There are probably 4-6 systems available that could handle document management, collaboration, and content management. It makes sense to use one system for the whole collection of sites; however, Drupal is not a document management system.
- Question - What actions could we take to solve the document management problems and address collaboration needs?
- Answer - ICANN staff initiated a project regarding document management but purely for internal use. With regard to collaboration we don't have a project initiated. Concerning the GNSO website there is an opportunity to look at how the work team thinks collaboration should be done.
- Drupal can handle basic content sharing - finalized documents/postings for the sites. With respect to collaboration - Drupal does have some workflows, but anyone who wants to do real-time work spaces/document version control - Drupal doesn't do this but SocialText does.
- Part of the GNSO improvements task is to identify requirements and determine how we can best meet those requirements. ICANN staff will share the results of our internal efforts; but, almost certainly, it will not be applicable to a wider ICANN audience (due to multiple platforms, software tools, operating systems, etc.).
- This work team could start its work on a set of business requirements that are not technology driven but business process oriented - using previous requirements as a starting place.
- The GNSO web site improvement process should take the latest and greatest from other ICANN web sites (list of Drupal sites will be posted to the WIKI).
- The website improvement should focus on the value of the communications and get them out there in a variety of ways.
- There is the process and content of communications and the work team will probably address both. It is important that we evaluate tools that will help us to accomplish our goals.
- Because the GNSO website is taken as a shorthand for all of the tools GNSO uses to get their work done this makes the task of improving it more complicated.
- This is larger than just changing the look and feel of the GNSO web site. The work team should look at the broadest set of problems and try to construct requirements that address all of them.
- Content Management is one of the items under web site requirements. Perhaps it can be prioritized ahead of others since it can be implemented more rapidly than other elements.
- This discussion highlights the need to get clarity on the scope and what can be accomplished in the next six months. How do we take this from general ideas to actions?
Meeting adjourned 2000 UTC.
- Agree to charter - Action: agreed
- Select chair / vice chair—Actionchair---Action: Mason nominated as Chair, Steve as Vice-Chair; poll to be sent to full Work Team.
- Learn more about ICANN and GNSO website requirements - Action: ICANN web site staff invited to March 18 meeting.
- Straw man draft of outline of recommendations (using LSE specifics, board recommendations, other input from team) - Action: Mason to review draft checklist and send it to the team to review prior to discussion at the next meeting.
- meeting
- .
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