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PROPOSED AGENDA 1.Welcome & SOIs 2. Discussion of the final CLEAN Draft Guidance Recommendation Initial Report Section 3 (the section of the Report with the Guidance Recommendations for Tasks 3-6 and deliberations), particularly the text highlighted in yellow and within that section the suggested new text in brackets based on the brief discussion at ICANN77 and the issue of applications versus applicants raised by Lawrence. – See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nwR9cyzVaPvDgksexPXeqvSTJe4R5tEEsyi3YaGgIe0/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com] – the link is set for comment mode. 3. Guidance Recommendation Report Format 4. Timing of Public Comment/Work Plan 5. AOB BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nwR9cyzVaPvDgksexPXeqvSTJe4R5tEEsyi3YaGgIe0/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com] – the link is set for comment mode. |
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Apologies: none |
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Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat) GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar |
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2. Discussion of the final CLEAN Draft Guidance Recommendation Initial Report Section 3 (the section of the Report with the Guidance Recommendations for Tasks 3-6 and deliberations), particularly the text highlighted in yellow and within that section the suggested new text in brackets based on the brief discussion at ICANN77 and the issue of applications versus applicants raised by Lawrence. – See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nwR9cyzVaPvDgksexPXeqvSTJe4R5tEEsyi3YaGgIe0/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]– the link is set for comment mode. Methodology, Task 5 Re: “commercial entities” Comment from Gabriella: “Would it be possible to add "any entity", in line with the last GAC Communique (section V.3)"ensuring increased engagement with a diverse array of people and organizations in underrepresented or underserved markets and regions". https://gac.icann.org/contentMigrated/icann77-washington-d-c-communique” Discussion:
Life-Cycle Elements:
Deliberations: Second paragraph -- Suggested text from Mike: “There was further discussion regarding the potential targeting of for- profit enterprises, which one Working Group member argued should be included in this list of targeted groups, however this did not gain any support - while noting that for-profit enterprises would not be excluded from the program but rather would not be specifically targeted for communications, and outreach and awareness.”
Third paragraph: Comment from Gabriella: “Just for clarification: how can we reconcile this paragraph with the Implementation Guidance 17.9: awareness and education: "diversity and distribution of the applicant pool: geographic diversity, languages, scripts"”
Guidance Recommendation 2: Quantitative: A majority of Applicant Support Program applicants that access pro bono services indicate moderate to high satisfaction with those pro bono services and information. Comment from Gabriella re: “majority” – “just for clarification: majority means more than 60%?”
Comment from Gabriella re: “moderate to high satisfaction” – “just for clarification: how to measure satisfaction? would it be possible "indicate that they count with sufficient information provided to make a choice regarding the service"
Guidance Recommendation 4: Comment from Gabriella re: “timely”: “just for clarification: what does "timely" means: since the ASP should be open 18 months before the standard window of application, should the material be available 20 months before the round opens ?”
5. Contracting /Delegation Guidance Recommendation 5: Of all successfully delegated gTLD applicants [applications], the goal is that a certain percentage of them should be from supported applicants. Indicators of Success: No fewer than 10, or 0.5 percent (.005), of all successfully delegated gTLD applicants [applications] were from supported applicants. Re: Issue raised by Lawrence at ICANN77 concerning whether to reference “successfully delegated gTLD applicants” or “successfully delegated gTLD applications”. See ext above with suggested change in brackets. Comment from Mike: “[I have been thinking about this issue a lot. We have not suggested it anywhere, but it may be worth noting somewhere that we have assumed that support is likely to [or maybe should] be limited to a single string per supported applicant or a single string in a limited number of scripts [which could result in support for more than one application per supported applicant]. However there may again be portfolio applicants who apply for tens of strings. This may skew the metrics significantly depending on the average number of strings applied for by non-supported applicants. As such, I think the simplest is to work on the number of strings applied for and not the number of applicants.]” Discussion:
Task 6: See above concerning the WG’s agreement on including the assumption in Guidance Recommendation 7 that one application equals one string for supported applicants. The WG agreed to include “predictable” in Guidance Recommendation 9.
3. Guidance Recommendation Report Format Staff previewed the Guidance Recommendation Report format and noted that it had the action item (see above) to provide to the WG to review the complete Report, including boilerplate elements and the revised Section 3 by Wednesday, 12 July for discussion at the meeting on Monday, 17 July. 4. Timing of Public Comment/Work Plan
5. AOB |