Friday 22 October 2021
- sebastien.bachollet Filina Nataliato put together the Annual Report
- Send out the first announcement with draft agenda at least 21 days prior to the GA
- Next EGAP call to be joint with the LT call on 23 November
Tuesday 28 September 2021
- Gisella Gruberto set up a call with Sébastien, Natalia and Olivier re EURALO ALSes (in progress, week 25 October)
- Confirm TIME of GA on Tuesday 14 December.
- GA Agenda to include results of the EURALO Board Elections
- Agenda to include an overview of GSE with a presentation from European GSE Staff
- sebastien.bachollet: once agenda set, to invite ICANN Executives to the GA
- Gisella Gruberto send European GSE, GA calendar invitation
- sebastien.bacholletto reach out to Yrjö and lutz to follow up with EURALO's work on ROPs
- Gisella Gruberto send out a Doodle for call mid October